org.specs2.control.Throwablex.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package org.specs2
package control
import java.io. _
import text.NotNullStrings._
import text.Regexes._
* This trait adds some utility methods to `Throwable` objects.
trait Throwablex {
* Implicit method to add additional methods to Throwable objects
implicit def extend[T <: Throwable](t: T) = new ExtendedThrowable(t)
* See the ExtendedExceptions object description
class ExtendedThrowable[T <: Throwable](t: T) {
private val topTrace = TraceLocation(if (t.getStackTrace.isEmpty) stackTraceElement("specs2") else t.getStackTrace()(0))
/** @return the file name and the line number where the Throwable was created */
def location = topTrace.location
/** @return the class name and the line number where the Throwable was created */
def classLocation = topTrace.classLocation
/** @return the class name, file Name and the line number where the Throwable was created */
def fullLocation= topTrace.fullLocation
/** @return the ith stacktrace element */
def apply(i: Int) = t.getStackTrace()(i)
/** @return the first stacktrace element as an option */
def headOption = t.getStackTrace.toList.headOption
* Select all traces of this exception matching a given pattern
def filter(pattern: String) = {
* Select all traces of this exception according to filtering function
* WARNING: this mutates the exception to be able to retain its type!
def filter(f: Seq[StackTraceElement] => Seq[StackTraceElement]): T = {
/** match a stacktrace element with a pattern */
private def patternMatches(p: String) = (_:StackTraceElement).toString matchesSafely (".*"+p+".*")
* Select all traces of this exception not matching a given pattern
def filterNot(pattern: String) = {
/** @return true if the pattern exists in one of the traces */
def exists(pattern: String) = {
/** @return the list of chained exceptions */
def chainedExceptions: List[Throwable] = {
if (t.getCause == null) List()
else t.getCause :: t.getCause.chainedExceptions
/** @return the list of all stacktrace elements */
def getFullStackTrace: List[java.lang.StackTraceElement] = (t :: chainedExceptions).flatMap(_.getStackTrace)
* @return the full stack trace as a string
def getFullStackTraceAsString: String = {
val stringWriter = new java.io.StringWriter
val pr = new PrintWriter(stringWriter)
try { t.printStackTrace(pr) } finally { pr.close }
/** print all the stacktrace for t, including the traces from its causes */
def printFullStackTrace() = t.getFullStackTrace.foreach(println(_))
/** set a new stacktrace */
private def setStackTrace(st: Seq[StackTraceElement]) = {
/** @return the exception message and its cause if any */
def messageAndCause = t.getMessage.notNull + (if (t.getCause != null) ". Cause: "+t.getCause.getMessage.notNull else "")
/** utility method to create a default stacktrace element */
def stackTraceElement(m: String, className: String = "internals", fileName: String = "file", lineNumber: Int = 1) =
new StackTraceElement(m, className, fileName, lineNumber)
/** @return an exception with the given message and stacktrace */
def exception(m: String, st: Seq[StackTraceElement], cause: Throwable = null): Exception = {
val exception = new Exception(m, cause)
/** @return an exception with the given stacktrace */
def exception(st: Seq[StackTraceElement]): Exception = exception("", st)
case class TraceLocation(path: String, fileName: String, className: String, methodName: String, lineNumber: Int) {
lazy val location: String = fileName + ":" + lineNumber
/** the class name and the line number where the Throwable was created */
lazy val classLocation: String = className + ":" + lineNumber
/** the class name, file Name and the line number where the Throwable was created */
lazy val fullLocation: String = className + " (" + location + ")"
def stackTraceElement = new StackTraceElement(className, methodName, fileName, lineNumber)
object TraceLocation {
def apply(t: StackTraceElement): TraceLocation = {
// path corresponding to the class name. This is an approximation corresponding to the
// simple case of a top-level class in a file having the same name
lazy val path = className.split("\\.").dropRight(1).mkString("", "/", "/"+fileName)
lazy val fileName = t.getFileName
lazy val className = t.getClassName.split('$')(0)
lazy val lineNumber = t.getLineNumber
TraceLocation(path, fileName, className, t.getMethodName, lineNumber)
object Throwablex extends Throwablex