org.specs2.execute.ResultExecution.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package org.specs2
package execute
import control.Exceptions._
import control.Property
import reflect.ClassName._
import text.NotNullStrings._
import java.util.regex.Pattern
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
* This trait executes a Result and returns an appropriate value when a specs2 exception is thrown
trait ResultExecution { outer =>
/** this implicit allows the execution of a Result with an `execute` method */
implicit def resultIsExecutable(r: =>Result): ExecutableResult = new ExecutableResult(r)
class ExecutableResult(r: =>Result) {
def execute = outer.execute(r)
/** execute a Result and return a Result even if there are specs2 exceptions */
def execute(result: =>Result) =
try {
} catch {
case FailureException(f) => f
case SkipException(f) => f
case PendingException(f) => f
case ErrorException(f) => f
case DecoratedResultException(f) => f
case e: AssertionError if fromJUnit(e) => Failure(e.getMessage.notNull, "", e.getStackTrace.toList, details = FromNotImplementedError)
case e: AssertionError => Error(e)
case e: java.lang.Error if simpleClassName(e) == "NotImplementedError" => Failure(e.getMessage.notNull, "", e.getStackTrace.toList, details = FromJUnitAssertionError)
case t: Exception => Error(t)
/** execute a Result and rethrow any exception or throws an exception if it is not a success */
def effectively(result: =>Result): Result =
try {
result match {
case e: Error => throw new ErrorException(e)
case f: Failure => throw new FailureException(f)
case p: Pending => throw new PendingException(p)
case s: Skipped => throw new SkipException(s)
case r @ DecoratedResult(_, e: Error ) => throw new DecoratedResultException(r)
case r @ DecoratedResult(_, e: Failure) => throw new DecoratedResultException(r)
case r @ DecoratedResult(_, e: Pending) => throw new DecoratedResultException(r)
case r @ DecoratedResult(_, e: Skipped) => throw new DecoratedResultException(r)
case other => other
} catch {
case e: FailureException => throw e
case e: SkipException => throw e
case e: PendingException => throw e
case e: ErrorException => throw e
case e: DecoratedResultException => throw e
case e: AssertionError if fromJUnit(e) => throw FailureException(Failure(e.getMessage.notNull, "", e.getStackTrace.toList, details = FromNotImplementedError))
case e: AssertionError => throw ErrorException(Error(e))
case e: java.lang.Error if simpleClassName(e) == "NotImplementedError" => throw FailureException(Failure(e.getMessage.notNull, "", e.getStackTrace.toList, details = FromJUnitAssertionError))
case t: Exception => throw ErrorException(Error(t))
* execute a piece of code and return a result:
* - if the code already returns a result, just keep it
* - if the code throws an Exception return an Error
* - if the code returns a value of type T, convert it to a result
def execute[T, R : AsResult](code: =>T)(convert: T => R): Result = executeEither(code)(convert) match {
case Left(r) => AsResult(r)
case Right(r) => AsResult(r)
* execute a piece of code and return a result, either as a Left(failure) or a Right(value)
def executeEither[T, R](code: =>T)(implicit convert: T => R): Either[Result, R] = {
val executed = trye(code)(identity)
executed match {
case Left(FailureException(f)) => Left(f)
case Left(SkipException(f)) => Left(f)
case Left(PendingException(f)) => Left(f)
case Left(ErrorException(f)) => Left(f)
case Left(DecoratedResultException(f)) => Left(f)
case Left(e) => Left(Error(e))
case Right(m: ResultLike) if !m.toResult.isSuccess => Left(m.toResult)
case Right(r: Result) if !r.isSuccess => Left(r)
case Right(other) => Right(convert(other))
* execute a result and return either as a Left(result) if something was thrown or a Right(result)
def executeThrowable(res: =>Result): Either[Result, Result] =
trye(res) { (e: Throwable) => e match {
case FailureException(f) => f
case SkipException(f) => f
case PendingException(f) => f
case ErrorException(f) => f
case other => Error(other)
* execute a Property returning the value if it exists and a Success result otherwise
def executeProperty[T](prop: Property[T], default: Result = Success("no value")) = executeEither(prop.optionalValue) match {
case Right(Some(v)) => Right(v)
case Right(None) => Left(default)
case Left(r) => Left(r)
/** determine if an AssertionError has been thrown from JUnit or not */
private def fromJUnit(e: AssertionError) = e.getStackTrace.exists((st: StackTraceElement) => JUNIT_ASSERT.matcher(st.getClassName).matches)
private lazy val JUNIT_ASSERT = Pattern.compile(".*junit.*Assert.*")
object ResultExecution extends ResultExecution