org.specs2.io.DirectoryPath.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package org.specs2
package io
import java.io._
import java.net.URI
import java.util.UUID
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
* Representation of a directory path which can be relative or absolute
* It is a list of FileNames and we can append other DirectoryPaths or FilePaths to it
* If the list is empty, this means we are at the root
case class DirectoryPath(dirs: Vector[FileName], absolute: Boolean) {
/** @return either the parent directory or the root if we already are at the root */
def dir: DirectoryPath = parent.getOrElse(this)
/** @return the last file name of the list or . if the list is empty */
def name: FileName = dirs.lastOption.getOrElse(FileName.unsafe("."))
/** @return the dir path for the first name in the list */
def root: DirectoryPath = copy(dirs = dirs.take(1))
/** @return the parent directory for this directory, none if we are at the root */
def parent: Option[DirectoryPath] =
dirs match {
case h +: tail => Some(copy(dirs = dirs.dropRight(1)))
case _ => None
/** @return the path for this file as a / separated string */
def path: String = (if (absolute) "/" else "") + dirs.map(_.name).toList.mkString("/")
/** @return the path for this file as a / separated string, with a final / */
def dirPath: String = if (isRoot) path else path+"/"
/** @return a File for this path */
def toFile: File = new File(path)
* append another directory path
* DirectoryPath.Root plays the role an empty element for this operation
def /(other: DirectoryPath): DirectoryPath =
(this, other) match {
case (_, DirectoryPath.EMPTY) => this
case (DirectoryPath.EMPTY, _) => other
case _ => copy(dirs = dirs ++ other.dirs)
* append a FilePath to this directory
* @return another FilePath
def /(other: FilePath): FilePath =
FilePath(DirectoryPath(dirs ++ other.dir.dirs, absolute), other.name)
* append a new name to this directory
* @return a DirectoryPath
def /(name: FileName): DirectoryPath = copy(dirs = dirs :+ name)
* append a new name to this directory but
* @return a FilePath
def |(name: FileName): FilePath = FilePath(this, name)
* @return the portion of a dir path that is relative to another
def relativeTo(other: DirectoryPath): DirectoryPath =
if (dirs.take(other.dirs.size) == other.dirs)
copy(dirs = dirs.drop(other.dirs.size), absolute = false)
/** @return the DirectoryPath starting from the root */
def fromRoot: DirectoryPath = relativeTo(root)
/** @return interpret this DirectoryPath as a FilePath, which might be /. if this DirectoryPath is Root */
def toFilePath: FilePath = FilePath(dir, name)
def isRoot = dirs.isEmpty
/** @return an absolute directory path */
def asAbsolute = setAbsolute(true)
/** @return a relative directory path */
def asRelative = setAbsolute(false)
/** @return modify the absolute status of this dir path */
def setAbsolute(isAbsolute: Boolean) = copy(absolute = isAbsolute)
/** @return true if this directory path is relative */
def isRelative = !isAbsolute
/** @return true if this directory path is absolute */
def isAbsolute = absolute
object DirectoryPath {
def apply(n: FileName): DirectoryPath = DirectoryPath(Vector(n), absolute = false)
def apply(uuid: UUID): DirectoryPath = apply(FileName(uuid))
def unsafe(s: String): DirectoryPath = {
val withoutScheme = removeScheme(s)
val isAbsolute = withoutScheme.startsWith("/")
DirectoryPath(withoutScheme.split("/").filter(_.nonEmpty).map(FileName.unsafe).toVector, isAbsolute)
def unsafe(f: File): DirectoryPath = unsafe(f.getPath)
def unsafe(uri: URI): DirectoryPath = unsafe(uri.toString)
private def removeScheme(s: String): String = Seq("file:").foldLeft(s) { (res, cur) => res.replace(cur, "") }
val Root = DirectoryPath(dirs = Vector(), absolute = true)
val EMPTY = DirectoryPath(dirs = Vector(), absolute = false)
* Representation of a file path, absolute or relative
* It has a parent directory and a name
case class FilePath(dir: DirectoryPath, name: FileName) {
/** @return the root directory containing this file */
def root: DirectoryPath = dir.root
/** @return the path for this file as a / separated string */
def path: String = if (dir.isRoot) name.name else dir.path+"/"+name.name
/** @return a File for this path */
def toFile: File = new File(path)
/** @return the portion of a file path that is relative to another */
def relativeTo(other: DirectoryPath): FilePath =
copy(dir = dir.relativeTo(other))
/** @return a file path with the same name but in another directory path */
def rebaseTo(other: DirectoryPath): FilePath =
copy(dir = other)
/** @return return the portion of the file path that starts from the rootname */
def fromRoot: FilePath = relativeTo(root)
/** @return interpret this FilePath as a DirectoryPath */
def toDirectoryPath: DirectoryPath = dir / name
/** @return true if the file path is absolute */
def isAbsolute = dir.isAbsolute
/** @return an absolute file path */
def asAbsolute = setAbsolute(absolute = true)
/** @return a relative file path */
def asRelative = setAbsolute(absolute = false)
/** @return modify the absolute status of this file path */
def setAbsolute(absolute: Boolean) = copy(dir.setAbsolute(absolute))
/** @return true if this file path is relative */
def isRelative = !isAbsolute
object FilePath {
def apply(n: FileName): FilePath = FilePath(DirectoryPath.Root, n)
def apply(uuid: UUID): FilePath = apply(FileName(uuid))
def unsafe(s: String): FilePath = DirectoryPath.unsafe(s).toFilePath
def unsafe(f: File): FilePath = DirectoryPath.unsafe(f).toFilePath
def unsafe(uri: URI): FilePath = DirectoryPath.unsafe(uri).toFilePath
* The component of a path name according to the unix definition
* http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/basedefs/V1_chap03.html#tag_03_267
case class FileName private(name: String) {
def /(other: DirectoryPath) : DirectoryPath = DirectoryPath(this +: other.dirs, absolute = false)
def /(other: FilePath): FilePath = FilePath(DirectoryPath(this +: other.dir.dirs, absolute = false), other.name)
def /(other: FileName): DirectoryPath = DirectoryPath(Vector(this), absolute = false) / other
def |(other: FileName): FilePath = DirectoryPath(Vector(this), absolute = false) | other
object FileName {
def unsafe(s: String) = new FileName(s)
def apply(uuid: UUID) = new FileName(uuid.toString)