org.specs2.control.eff.WriterEffect.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.specs2.control.eff
import scala.collection.mutable._
import scalaz._
import scalaz.syntax.semigroup._
import Eff._
import Interpret._
* Effect for logging values alongside computations
* Compared to traditional Writer monad which accumulates values by default
* this effect can be interpreted in different ways:
* - log values to the console or to a file as soon as they are produced
* - accumulate values in a list
* Several writer effects can be used in the same stack if they are tagged.
trait WriterEffect extends
WriterCreation with
object WriterEffect extends WriterEffect
trait WriterCreation {
/** write a given value */
def tell[R, O](o: O)(implicit member: Member[({type l[X]=Writer[O, X]})#l, R]): Eff[R, Unit] =
send[({type l[X]=Writer[O, X]})#l, R, Unit](Writer(o, ()))
/** write a given value */
def tellTagged[R, T, O](o: O)(implicit member: Member[({type l[X] = Writer[O, X] @@ T})#l, R]): Eff[R, Unit] =
send[({type l[X] = Writer[O, X] @@ T})#l, R, Unit](Tag(Writer(o, ())))
object WriterCreation extends WriterCreation
trait WriterInterpretation {
* run a writer effect and return the list of written values
* This uses a ListBuffer internally to append values
def runWriter[R <: Effects, U <: Effects, O, A, B](w: Eff[R, A])(implicit m: Member.Aux[({type l[X]=Writer[O, X]})#l, R, U]): Eff[U, (A, List[O])] =
* More general fold of runWriter where we can use a fold to accumulate values in a mutable buffer
def runWriterFold[R <: Effects, U <: Effects, O, A, B](w: Eff[R, A])(fold: Fold[O, B])(implicit m: Member.Aux[({type l[X]=Writer[O, X]})#l, R, U]): Eff[U, (A, B)] = {
val recurse: StateRecurse[({type l[X]=Writer[O, X]})#l, A, (A, B)] = new StateRecurse[({type l[X]=Writer[O, X]})#l, A, (A, B)] {
type S = fold.S
val init = fold.init
def apply[X](x: Writer[O, X], s: S) = (x.run._2, fold.fold(x.run._1, s))
def finalize(a: A, s: S) = (a, fold.finalize(s))
interpretState1[R, U, ({type l[X]=Writer[O, X]})#l, A, (A, B)]((a: A) => (a, fold.finalize(fold.init)))(recurse)(w)
* run a tagged writer effect
def runWriterTagged[R <: Effects, U <: Effects, T, O, A](w: Eff[R, A])(implicit m: Member.Aux[({type l[X] = Writer[O, X] @@ T})#l, R, U]): Eff[U, (A, List[O])] =
def runTaggedWriterFold[R <: Effects, U <: Effects, T, O, A, B](w: Eff[R, A])(fold: Fold[O, B])(implicit
m: Member.Aux[({type l[X] = Writer[O, X] @@ T})#l, R, U]): Eff[U, (A, B)] = {
type W[X] = Writer[O, X] @@ T
val recurse = new StateRecurse[W, A, (A, B)] {
type S = fold.S
val init = fold.init
def apply[X](xt: W[X], s: S): (X, S) =
Tag.unwrap(xt) match {
case x => (x.run._2, fold.fold(x.run._1, s))
def finalize(a: A, s: S): (A, B) =
(a, fold.finalize(s))
interpretState1[R, U, W, A, (A, B)]((a: A) => (a, fold.finalize(fold.init)))(recurse)(w)
implicit def ListFold[A]: Fold[A, List[A]] = new Fold[A, List[A]] {
type S = ListBuffer[A]
val init = new ListBuffer[A]
def fold(a: A, s: S) = { s.append(a); s }
def finalize(s: S) = s.toList
def MonoidFold[A : Monoid]: Fold[A, A] = new Fold[A, A] {
type S = A
val init = Monoid[A].zero
def fold(a: A, s: S) = a |+| s
def finalize(s: S) = s
/** support trait for folding values while possibly keeping some internal state */
trait Fold[A, B] {
type S
val init: S
def fold(a: A, s: S): S
def finalize(s: S): B
object WriterInterpretation extends WriterInterpretation
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