org.specs2.foldm.FoldableM.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.specs2
package foldm
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scalaz.{EphemeralStream, Bind, ~>, Foldable, \/, \/-, -\/}
import EphemeralStream._
import scalaz.syntax.bind._
import scalaz.syntax.foldable._
* A structure delivering elements of type A (variable type, like a List) and which
* can be folded over
trait FoldableM[F[_], M[_]] { self =>
def foldM[A, B](fa: F[A])(fd: FoldM[A, M, B]): M[B]
def foldMBreak[A, B](fa: F[A])(fd: FoldM[A, M, B] { type S = B \/ B }): M[B]
def into[G[_]](implicit nat: G ~> F): FoldableM[G, M] = new FoldableM[G, M] {
def foldM[A, B](fa: G[A])(fd: FoldM[A, M, B]): M[B] =
def foldMBreak[A, B](fa: G[A])(fd: FoldM[A, M, B] { type S = B \/ B }): M[B] =
object FoldableM {
def apply[F[_], M[_]](implicit fm: FoldableM[F, M]): FoldableM[F, M] =
implicitly[FoldableM[F, M]]
implicit def IteratorIsFoldableM[M[_] : Bind]: FoldableM[Iterator, M] = new FoldableM[Iterator, M] {
def foldM[A, B](iterator: Iterator[A])(fd: FoldM[A, M, B]): M[B] =
fd.start.flatMap { st =>
var state = st
while (iterator.hasNext)
state = fd.fold(state, iterator.next)
def foldMBreak[A, B](iterator: Iterator[A])(fd: FoldM[A, M, B] { type S = B \/ B }): M[B] = {
def foldState(it: Iterator[A], state: fd.S): fd.S =
if (it.hasNext)
fd.fold(state, it.next) match {
case \/-(stop) => \/-(stop)
case -\/(continue) => foldState(it, -\/(continue))
else state
fd.start.flatMap(st => fd.end(foldState(iterator, st)))
implicit def FoldableIsFoldableM[F[_] : Foldable, M[_] : Bind]: FoldableM[F, M] = new FoldableM[F, M] {
def foldM[A, B](fa: F[A])(fd: FoldM[A, M, B]): M[B] =
fd.start.flatMap(st => fd.end(fa.foldLeft(st)(fd.fold)))
def foldMBreak[A, B](fa: F[A])(fd: FoldM[A, M, B] { type S = B \/ B }): M[B] = {
def foldState(stream: EphemeralStream[A], state: fd.S): fd.S =
stream match {
case head ##:: tail =>
fd.fold(state, head) match {
case \/-(stop) => \/-(stop)
case -\/(continue) => foldState(tail, -\/(continue))
case _ => state
fd.start.flatMap(st => fd.end(foldState(fa.toEphemeralStream, st)))
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