org.specs2.main.Arguments.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.specs2
package main
import main.{SystemProperties => sysProperties}
import scalaz.Monoid
import control._
import text._
import scala.Predef._
* This class holds all the options that are relevant for specs2 execution and reporting.
* The arguments are grouped along 4 functions:
* - select: for the selection of what must be executed
* - execute: for the execution of fragments
* - store: for the storing of execution results
* - report: for the reporting of results
case class Arguments (
select: Select = Select(),
execute: Execute = Execute(),
store: Store = Store(),
report: Report = Report(),
commandLine: CommandLine = CommandLine()
) extends ShowArgs {
def ex: String = select.ex
def include: String = select.include
def exclude: String = select.exclude
def keep(tags: String*) = select.keep(tags:_*)
def contain(tags: String*) = select.contain(tags:_*)
def hasFilter = select.hasFilter
def was(s: String): Boolean = select.was(s)
def wasIsDefined: Boolean = select.wasIsDefined
def plan: Boolean = execute.plan
def skipAll: Boolean = execute.skipAll
def stopOnFail: Boolean = execute.stopOnFail
def stopOnSkip: Boolean = execute.stopOnSkip
def sequential: Boolean = execute.sequential
def isolated: Boolean = execute.isolated
def threadsNb: Int = execute.threadsNb
def scheduledThreadsNb: Int = execute.scheduledThreadsNb
def xonly: Boolean = report.xonly
def canShow(s: String) = report.canShow(s)
def failtrace: Boolean = report.failtrace
def color: Boolean = report.color
def colors: Colors = report.colors
def showtimes: Boolean = report.showtimes
def offset: Int = report.offset
def diffs: Diffs = report.diffs
def traceFilter: StackTraceFilter = report.traceFilter
/** @return true if a switch is present or a flag is set */
def isSet(a: String) = commandLine isSet a
/** alias for overrideWith */
def <|(other: Arguments) = overrideWith(other)
* @return a new Arguments object where the values of this are overridden with the values of other if defined
def overrideWith(other: Arguments): Arguments = {
new Arguments(
* shortcut methods to add ansi colors to some text depending on its status
def textColor (s: String) = colors.text (s, color)
def successColor(s: String) = colors.success(s, color)
def failureColor(s: String) = colors.failure(s, color)
def errorColor (s: String) = colors.error (s, color)
def pendingColor(s: String) = colors.pending(s, color)
def skippedColor(s: String) = colors.skipped(s, color)
def statsColor (s: String) = colors.stats (s, color)
def removeColors(s: String) = colors.removeColors(s)
* @return a new Arguments object with only some arguments on the command line
def commandLineFilter(included: String*) = copy(commandLine = commandLine.filter(included:_*))
* @return a new Arguments object with some arguments removed from the command line
def commandLineFilterNot(excluded: String*) = copy(commandLine = commandLine.filterNot(excluded:_*))
def verbose = commandLine.bool("verbose").isDefined
override def toString = Seq(select, execute, report, commandLine).mkString("Arguments(", ", ", ")")
object Arguments extends Extract {
/** @return new arguments from command-line arguments */
def apply(implicit arguments: String*): Arguments = {
if (arguments.isEmpty) new Arguments()
else extract(CommandLine.splitValues(arguments), sysProperties)
/** create Arguments from a string by splitting it on spaces */
def split(arguments: String): Arguments =
Arguments(arguments.split(" "):_*)
private[specs2] def extract(implicit arguments: Seq[String], systemProperties: SystemProperties): Arguments = {
new Arguments (
select = Select.extract,
execute = Execute.extract,
store = Store.extract,
report = Report.extract,
commandLine = CommandLine.extract
implicit def ArgumentsMonoid: Monoid[Arguments] = new Monoid[Arguments] {
def append(a1: Arguments, a2: =>Arguments) = a1 overrideWith a2
val zero = Arguments()
* @return true if the flagList is empty or if it has
def hasFlags(s: String, flagList: Option[String]) = flagList match {
case None => true
case Some(flags) => s.split("") forall flags.contains
trait ShowArgs {
def showArg(a: (String, Option[_])) = a._2.map(a._1 +" = "+_)
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