org.specs2.fp.Tree.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package org.specs2.fp
import Tree._
import syntax._
* Inspired from the scalaz ( project
sealed abstract class Tree[A] {
/** The label at the root of this tree. */
def rootLabel: A
/** The child nodes of this tree. */
def subForest: Stream[Tree[A]]
/** Maps the elements of the Tree into a Monoid and folds the resulting Tree. */
def foldMap[B : Monoid](f: A => B): B =
f(rootLabel) |+|
def foldRight[B](z: => B)(f: (A, => B) => B): B =
Foldable[Stream].foldRight(flatten, z)(f)
/** A 2D String representation of this Tree. */
def drawTree(implicit sh: Show[A]): String = {
val reversedLines = draw
val first = new StringBuilder(reversedLines.head.toString.reverse)
val rest = reversedLines.tail
rest.foldLeft(first) { (acc, elem) =>
/** A histomorphic transform. Each element in the resulting tree
* is a function of the corresponding element in this tree
* and the histomorphic transform of its children.
def scanr[B](g: (A, Stream[Tree[B]]) => B): Tree[B] = {
val c = Need(
Node(g(rootLabel, c.value), c.value)
/** A 2D String representation of this Tree, separated into lines.
* Uses reversed StringBuilders for performance, because they are
* prepended to.
private def draw(implicit sh: Show[A]): Vector[StringBuilder] = {
val branch = " -+" // "+- ".reverse
val stem = " -`" // "`- ".reverse
val trunk = " |" // "| ".reverse
def drawSubTrees(s: Stream[Tree[A]]): Vector[StringBuilder] = s match {
case t #:: ts if ts.isEmpty => new StringBuilder("|") +: shift(stem, " ", t.draw)
case t #:: ts =>
new StringBuilder("|") +: (shift(branch, trunk, t.draw) ++ drawSubTrees(ts))
case _ => Vector.empty[StringBuilder]
def shift(first: String, other: String, s: Vector[StringBuilder]): Vector[StringBuilder] = {
var i = 0
while (i < s.length) {
if (i == 0) s(i).append(first)
else s(i).append(other)
i += 1
new StringBuilder( +: drawSubTrees(subForest)
* Pre-order traversal. Flatten the tree using a foldLeft to avoid SOF
def flatten: Stream[A] =
squishLeft(this, Stream.Empty)
/** reimplementation of squish from scalaz, using a foldLeft */
private def squishLeft(tree: Tree[A], xs: Stream[A]): Stream[A] =
Stream.cons(tree.rootLabel, tree.subForest.reverse.foldLeft(xs)((s, t) => squishLeft(t, s)))
/** Breadth-first traversal. */
def levels: Stream[Stream[A]] = {
val f = (s: Stream[Tree[A]]) => {
Foldable[Stream].foldMap(s)((_: Tree[A]).subForest)
Stream.iterate(Stream(this))(f) takeWhile (_.nonEmpty) map (_ map (_.rootLabel))
/** Binds the given function across all the subtrees of this tree. */
def cobind[B](f: Tree[A] => B): Tree[B] = unfoldTree(this)(t => (f(t), () => t.subForest))
/** A TreeLoc zipper of this tree, focused on the root node. */
def loc: TreeLoc[A] = TreeLoc.loc(this, Stream.Empty, Stream.Empty, Stream.Empty)
/** Turns a tree of pairs into a pair of trees. */
def unzip[A1, A2](implicit p: A => (A1, A2)): (Tree[A1], Tree[A2]) = {
val uz = Need(
val fst = Need(uz.value map (_._1))
val snd = Need(uz.value map (_._2))
(Node(rootLabel._1, fst.value), Node(rootLabel._2, snd.value))
def foldNode[Z](f: A => Stream[Tree[A]] => Z): Z =
def map[B](f: A => B): Tree[B] =
Node(f(rootLabel), subForest map (_ map f))
def flatMap[B](f: A => Tree[B]): Tree[B] = {
val r: Tree[B] = f(rootLabel)
Node(r.rootLabel, r.subForest #:::
object Tree {
def apply[A](root: => A): Tree[A] = Leaf(root)
object Node {
def apply[A](root: => A, forest: => Stream[Tree[A]]): Tree[A] = {
new Tree[A] {
private[this] val rootc = Need(root)
private[this] val forestc = Need(forest)
def rootLabel = rootc.value
def subForest = forestc.value
override def toString = ""
def unapply[A](t: Tree[A]): Option[(A, Stream[Tree[A]])] = Some((t.rootLabel, t.subForest))
object Leaf {
def apply[A](root: => A): Tree[A] = {
Node(root, Stream.empty)
def unapply[A](t: Tree[A]): Option[A] = {
t match {
case Node(root, Stream.Empty) =>
case _ =>
def unfoldForest[A, B](s: Stream[A])(f: A => (B, () => Stream[A])): Stream[Tree[B]] =
def unfoldTree[A, B](v: A)(f: A => (B, () => Stream[A])): Tree[B] =
f(v) match {
case (a, bs) => Node(a, unfoldForest(bs.apply())(f))