org.specs2.html.TableOfContents.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.specs2
package html
import control._
import specification.core._
import scala.xml.NodeSeq
import io._
import xml.Nodex._
import Htmlx._
import data.Trees._
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
import text.Trim._
* This trait checks for the presence of a tag at the beginning of a xml document and replaces it
* by a list of links to the headers of the document
trait TableOfContents {
/** create a table of contents for all the specifications */
def createToc(specifications: List[SpecStructure], outDir: DirectoryPath, entryMaxSize: Int, fileSystem: FileSystem): Action[Unit] = {
// sort specifications a, b, c so that a depends on b and c
val sorted = SpecStructure.reverseTopologicalSort(specifications).map(_.toList).getOrElse(List())
for {
pages <- readHtmlPages(sorted, outDir, fileSystem)
toc = createToc(pages, outDir, entryMaxSize)
_ <- saveHtmlPages(pages.map(page => page.addToc(toc(page))), fileSystem)
} yield ()
/** read the generated html pages and return them as a tree, based on the links relationships between them */
def readHtmlPages(specifications: List[SpecStructure], outDir: DirectoryPath, fileSystem: FileSystem): Action[List[SpecHtmlPage]] =
for {
paths <- fileSystem.listFilePaths(outDir)
pages <- createSpecPages(paths.toList, specifications, outDir, fileSystem)
} yield pages
def createSpecPages(paths: List[FilePath], specifications: List[SpecStructure], outDir: DirectoryPath, fileSystem: FileSystem): Action[List[SpecHtmlPage]] = {
specifications.flatMap { spec =>
val path = SpecHtmlPage.outputPath(outDir, spec)
if (paths contains path) Some(fileSystem.readFile(path).map(content => SpecHtmlPage(spec, path, outDir, content)))
else None
def createToc(pages: List[SpecHtmlPage], outDir: DirectoryPath, entryMaxSize: Int): SpecHtmlPage => NodeSeq = {
pages match {
case Nil => (page: SpecHtmlPage) => NodeSeq.Empty
case main :: rest =>
val treeLoc = pagesTree(main, pages)
val tocNodes: NodeSeq =
treeLoc.cojoin.toTree.bottomUp { (pageTreeLoc: TreeLoc[SpecHtmlPage], subtocs: Stream[NodeSeq]) =>
val page = pageTreeLoc.getLabel
{li(outDir, entryMaxSize)(page)(
: NodeSeq
(page: SpecHtmlPage) => {
def isPageNode = (loc: TreeLoc[SpecHtmlPage]) => loc.getLabel == page
val parentNames = treeLoc.find(isPageNode).map(n => (n.parents.map(_._2.pandocName) :+ page.pandocName).map(name => "'"+name+"'").mkString(",")).getOrElse("'"+page.pandocName+"'")
val result =
{tocNodes} ++
def pagesTree(page: SpecHtmlPage, pages: List[SpecHtmlPage]): TreeLoc[SpecHtmlPage] =
Tree.unfoldTree((page, (pages, List[SpecHtmlPage]()))) { current =>
val (p1: SpecHtmlPage, (remaining, visited)) = current
val (dependents, others) = remaining.partition(p2 => p1.specification.dependsOn(p2.specification) && !visited.contains(p2))
val distinctDependents = dependents.groupBy(_.className).mapValues(_.head).values.toList
val visited1 = distinctDependents ::: visited
((p1, (others, visited1)), () => distinctDependents.sortBy(linkIndexIn(p1.specification.linkReferences)).toStream.map((_, (others, visited1))))
/** @return the index of a linked specification in 'main' */
def linkIndexIn(s1Refs: Seq[SpecificationRef]): SpecHtmlPage => Int = { s2: SpecHtmlPage =>
def li(outDir: DirectoryPath, entryMaxSize: Int)(page: SpecHtmlPage)(nested: NodeSeq): NodeSeq =
{createHeadersSubtoc(page, entryMaxSize)}
def createHeadersSubtoc(page: SpecHtmlPage, entryMaxSize: Int): NodeSeq = {
bottomUp { (h: Header, s: Stream[NodeSeq]) =>
if (h.isRoot)
// 'id' is the name of the attribute expected by jstree to "open" the tree on a specific node
s.reduceNodes.updateHeadAttribute("id", page.path.name.name)
else if (h.level > 1)
{ {s.toSeq}
unless s.isEmpty }
unless s.isEmpty
def saveHtmlPages(pages: List[SpecHtmlPage], fileSystem: FileSystem): Action[Unit] =
pages.map(page => fileSystem.writeFile(page.path, page.content)).sequenceU.void
object TableOfContents extends TableOfContents
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