org.specs2.reporter.HtmlPrinter.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.specs2
package reporter
import specification.core._
import specification.process.{Statistics, Stats}
import foldm._
import FoldM._
import stream._
import FoldProcessM._
import io._
import main.Arguments
import control._
import java.util.regex.Pattern._
import java.net.{JarURLConnection, URL}
import scalaz._
import Scalaz._
import scalaz.concurrent.Task
import HtmlBodyPrinter._
import Pandoc._
import html._
import SearchPage._
import html.TableOfContents._
import SpecHtmlPage._
import eff.all._
import eff.syntax.all._
import scalaz._
import Scalaz._
import eff.ErrorEffect._
import org.specs2.time.SimpleTimer
* Printer for html files
trait HtmlPrinter extends Printer {
def prepare(env: Env, specifications: List[SpecStructure]): Action[Unit] = Actions.unit
/** create an index for all the specifications, if required */
def finalize(env: Env, specifications: List[SpecStructure]): Action[Unit] =
getHtmlOptions(env.arguments) >>= { options: HtmlOptions =>
createIndex(env, specifications, options).when(options.search) >>
createToc(specifications, options.outDir, options.tocEntryMaxSize, env.fileSystem).when(options.toc) >>
reportMissingSeeRefs(specifications, options.outDir).when(options.warnMissingSeeRefs)
/** @return a SinkTask for the Html output */
def sink(env: Env, spec: SpecStructure): SinkTask[Fragment] = {
((Statistics.fold zip FoldId.list[Fragment] zip SimpleTimer.timerFold).into[Task] <*
fromStart((getHtmlOptions(env.arguments) >>= (options => copyResources(env, options))).toTask(env.systemLogger).void)).mapFlatten { case ((stats, fragments), timer) =>
val expecutedSpec = spec.copy(lazyFragments = () => Fragments(fragments:_*))
getPandoc(env).flatMap {
case None => printHtml(env, expecutedSpec, stats, timer)
case Some(pandoc) => printHtmlWithPandoc(env, expecutedSpec, stats, timer, pandoc)
* Print the execution results as an Html file
* - copy resources: css, javascript, template
* - create the file content using the template
* - output the file
def printHtml(env: Env, spec: SpecStructure, stats: Stats, timer: SimpleTimer): Action[Unit] = {
import env.fileSystem._
for {
options <- getHtmlOptions(env.arguments)
template <- readFile(options.template) ||| warnAndFail("No template file found at "+options.template.path, RunAborted)
content <- makeHtml(template, spec, stats, timer, options, env.arguments)
_ <- writeFile(outputPath(options.outDir, spec), content)
} yield ()
* Get html options, possibly coming from the command line
def getHtmlOptions(arguments: Arguments): Action[HtmlOptions] = {
import arguments.commandLine._
val out = directoryOr("html.outdir", HtmlOptions.outDir)
outDir = out,
baseDir = directoryOr("html.basedir", HtmlOptions.baseDir),
template = fileOr( "html.template", HtmlOptions.template(out)),
variables = mapOr( "html.variables", HtmlOptions.variables),
noStats = boolOr( "html.nostats", HtmlOptions.noStats),
search = boolOr( "html.search", HtmlOptions.search),
toc = boolOr( "html.toc", HtmlOptions.toc),
tocEntryMaxSize = intOr( "html.toc.entrymaxsize", HtmlOptions.tocEntryMaxSize),
warnMissingSeeRefs = boolOr( "html.warn.missingseerefs", HtmlOptions.warnMissingSeeRefs))
* Create the html file content from:
* - the template
* - the body of the file (built from the specification execution)
def makeHtml(template: String, spec: SpecStructure, stats: Stats, timer: SimpleTimer, options: HtmlOptions, arguments: Arguments): Action[String] = {
val body = makeBody(spec, stats, timer, options, arguments, pandoc = true)
val variables1 =
.updated("body", body)
.updated("title", spec.wordsTitle)
.updated("path", outputPath(options.outDir, spec).path)
HtmlTemplate.runTemplate(template, variables1)
* Print the execution results as an Html file
* - copy resources: css, javascript, template
* - create the file content using the template and Pandoc (as an external process)
def printHtmlWithPandoc(env: Env, spec: SpecStructure, stats: Stats, timer: SimpleTimer, pandoc: Pandoc): Action[Unit] = {
import env.fileSystem._
for {
options <- getHtmlOptions(env.arguments)
_ <- withEphemeralFile(options.outDir | options.template.name) {
(copyFile(options.outDir)(options.template) |||
warnAndFail("No template file found at "+options.template.path, RunAborted)) >>
makePandocHtml(spec, stats, timer, pandoc, options, env)
} yield ()
* Create the Html file by invoking Pandoc
def makePandocHtml(spec: SpecStructure, stats: Stats, timer: SimpleTimer, pandoc: Pandoc, options: HtmlOptions, env: Env): Action[Unit] = {
import env.fileSystem._
val variables1 =
.updated("title", spec.wordsTitle)
val bodyFile: FilePath =
options.outDir | FileName.unsafe("body-"+spec.hashCode)
val outputFilePath = outputPath(options.outDir, spec)
val pandocArguments = Pandoc.arguments(bodyFile, options.template, variables1, outputFilePath, pandoc)
withEphemeralFile(bodyFile) {
writeFile(bodyFile, makeBody(spec, stats, timer, options, env.arguments, pandoc = true)) >>
warn(pandoc.executable.path+" "+pandocArguments.mkString(" ")).when(pandoc.verbose) >>
Executable.run(pandoc.executable, pandocArguments) >>
replaceInFile(outputPath(options.outDir, spec), "", "")
def copyResources(env: Env, options: HtmlOptions): Action[List[Unit]] =
env.fileSystem.mkdirs(options.outDir) >> {
map(copySpecResourcesDir(env, "org" / "specs2" / "reporter", options.outDir, classOf[HtmlPrinter].getClassLoader))
.whenFailed((e: Error) => warnAndFail("Cannot copy resources to "+options.outDir.path+"\n"+e.fullMessage, RunAborted))
def copySpecResourcesDir(env: Env, base: DirectoryPath, outputDir: DirectoryPath, loader: ClassLoader)(src: DirectoryPath): Action[Unit] = {
Option(loader.getResource((base / src).path)) match {
case None =>
warnAndFail(s"no resource found for url ${(base / src).path}", RunAborted)
case Some(url) =>
val fs = env.fileSystem
if (url.getProtocol.equalsIgnoreCase("jar"))
fs.unjar(jarOf(url), outputDir, s"^${quote(base.path)}(/${quote(src.path)}/.*)$$")
fs.copyDir(DirectoryPath.unsafe(url.toURI), outputDir / src)
def reportMissingSeeRefs(specs: List[SpecStructure], outDir: DirectoryPath): Action[Unit] = for {
missingSeeRefs <- specs.flatMap(_.seeReferences).distinct.filterM(ref => FilePathReader.doesNotExist(SpecHtmlPage.outputPath(outDir, ref.specClassName)))
_ <- warn("The following specifications are being referenced but haven't been reported\n"+
} yield ()
private def jarOf(url: URL): URL = url.openConnection.asInstanceOf[JarURLConnection].getJarFileURL
val RunAborted =
"\nHtml run aborted!\n "
object HtmlPrinter extends HtmlPrinter
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