org.specs2.reporter.JUnitXmlPrinter.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.specs2
package reporter
import scala.xml.{XML, NodeSeq}
import org.junit.runner.Description
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import control.Exceptions._
import xml.Nodex._
import execute._
import main.Arguments
import io.Location
import specification._
* The JUnitXml printer is used to create a JUnit xml report of an executed specification.
* To do this, it uses a reducer to prepare print blocks with:
* - the text to print
* - the statistics
* - the current arguments to use
trait JUnitXmlPrinter {
* create a TestSuite object containing all the examples
def testSuite(name: SpecName, fs: Seq[ExecutedFragment])(implicit args: Arguments) = {
/** extract the root Description object and the examples to execute */
lazy val DescriptionAndExamples(desc, executions) = descriptions(name).foldAll(fs)
lazy val statistics: Stats = fs.headOption match {
case Some(s @ ExecutedSpecStart(_,_,_)) => s.stats
case _ => Stats()
lazy val start = TestSuite(desc, name.javaClassName, statistics.errors, statistics.failures, statistics.skipped, statistics.timer.totalMillis)
executions.foldLeft(start) { (suite, de) =>
val (f, d) = de
// temporary fix for where a pending text might be defined as a test case
// in that case the method name is null which triggers a parse error for bamboo because the name attribute is
// missing
if (d.isTest && Option(d.getMethodName).isDefined) suite.addTest(TestCase(d, f))
else suite
/** fold object used to create descriptions */
def descriptions(name: SpecName)(implicit args: Arguments) = new JUnitDescriptions[ExecutedFragment](name.javaClassName)(Levels.ExecutedLevelsReducer) {
def initialFragment(className: String) = ExecutedText(Text(className), new Location())
* This function is used to map each node in a Tree[Fragment] to a pair of
* (Description, Fragment)
* The Int argument is the numeric label of the current TreeNode being mapped.
* It is used to create a unique description of the example to executed which is required
* by JUnit
def mapper(className: String): (ExecutedFragment, Seq[DescribedFragment], Int) => Option[DescribedFragment] =
(f: ExecutedFragment, parentNodes: Seq[DescribedFragment], nodeLabel: Int) => f match {
case s @ ExecutedSpecStart(_,_,_) => Some(f -> createDescription(className, suiteName=testName(
case ExecutedText(t,_) if t.t.trim.nonEmpty => Some(f -> createDescription(className, suiteName=testName(t.t)))
case r @ ExecutedResult(_,_,_,_,_) => Some(f -> createDescription(className, label=nodeLabel.toString, testName=testName(r.text.toString, parentPath(parentNodes))) )
case other => None
private def formatTime(t: Long) = "%.3f" format (t / 1000.0)
case class TestSuite(description: Description, className: String, errors: Int, failures: Int, skipped: Int, time: Long = 0, tests: Seq[TestCase] = Seq())(implicit args: Arguments) {
def addTest(t: TestCase) = copy(tests = tests :+ t)
def flush(out: Writer) = XML.write(out, xml, "utf-8", true, null)
def xml =
def properties =
{ => ).reduceNodes}
case class TestCase(desc: Description, fragment: ExecutedFragment)(implicit args: Arguments) {
def xml =
def time = fragment match {
case ExecutedResult(_,_,t,_,_) => t.totalMillis
case other => 0
def testError = fragment match {
case ExecutedResult(_,er @ Error(m, e),_,_,_) => {args.traceFilter(er.stackTrace).mkString("\n")}
case other => NodeSeq.Empty
def testFailure = fragment match {
case ExecutedResult(_,f @ Failure(m, e, st, d),_,_,_) => {args.traceFilter(st).mkString("\n")}
case other => NodeSeq.Empty
def testPending = fragment match {
case ExecutedResult(_, Pending(m),_,_,_) =>
case other => NodeSeq.Empty
def testSkipped = fragment match {
case ExecutedResult(_, Skipped(m, e),_,_,_) =>
case other => NodeSeq.Empty
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