org.specs2.reporter.JUnitXmlPrinter.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.specs2
package reporter
import foldm._, FoldM._, FoldableM._, stream._, FoldProcessM._
import scalaz.{Failure => _, _}, Scalaz._
import org.junit.runner.Description
import java.net.InetAddress
import main.Arguments
import execute._
import io.FileName
import scalaz.concurrent.Task
import control._
import io._
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import Exceptions._
import specification.core._
import specification.process._
import text.NotNullStrings._
import JUnitDescriptions._
* The JUnitXmlPrinter creates an xml file with the specification execution results
trait JUnitXmlPrinter extends Printer {
def prepare(env: Env, specs: List[SpecStructure]): Action[Unit] = Actions.unit
def finalize(env: Env, specs: List[SpecStructure]): Action[Unit] = Actions.unit
def sink(env: Env, spec: SpecStructure): SinkTask[Fragment] =
(Statistics.fold zip FoldId.list[Fragment]).into[Task].
mapFlatten(saveResults(env, spec))
def saveResults(env: Env, spec: SpecStructure): ((Stats, List[Fragment])) => Task[Unit] = { case (stats, fs) =>
val suite = descriptionFold(spec, stats, env).run(descriptions(spec, fs).toList)
env.fileSystem.writeFileTask(outputDirectory(env) | FileName.unsafe(spec.specClassName+".xml"), suite.xml)
def descriptionFold(spec: SpecStructure, stats: Stats, env: Env): Fold[(Fragment, Description), TestSuite] = {
val suite = TestSuite(specDescription(spec), spec.specClassName, stats.errors, stats.failures, stats.skipped, stats.timer.totalMillis)
fromFoldLeft[(Fragment, Description), TestSuite](suite) { case (res, (f, d)) =>
if (Fragment.isExample(f)) res.addTest(new TestCase(d, f.executionResult, f.execution.executionTime.totalMillis)(env.arguments))
else res
def descriptions(spec: SpecStructure, fragments: List[Fragment]) =
def outputDirectory(env: Env): DirectoryPath =
env.arguments.commandLine.directoryOr("junit.outdir", "target" / "test-reports")
case class TestSuite(description: Description, className: String, errors: Int, failures: Int, skipped: Int, time: Long = 0, tests: Seq[TestCase] = Seq()) {
def addTest(t: TestCase) = copy(tests = tests :+ t)
def xml =
| $properties
| ${tests.map(_.xml).mkString("\n")}
| """.stripMargin
* output properties
def properties =
${System.getProperties.entrySet.toSeq.map(p => s""" """).mkString("\n")}
case class TestCase(desc: Description, result: Result, time: Long)(implicit args: Arguments) {
def xml =
def testError = result match {
case er @ Error(m, e) => s"""${escape(args.traceFilter(er.stackTrace).mkString("\n"))} """
case _ => ""
def testFailure = result match {
case f @ Failure(m, e, st, d) => s"""${escape(args.traceFilter(st).mkString("\n"))} """
case _ => ""
def testPending = result match {
case Pending(m) => " "
case _ => ""
def testSkipped = result match {
case Skipped(m, e) => """ """
case _ => ""
private def escape(s: =>String): String =
private def formatTime(t: Long) = "%.3f" format (t / 1000.0)
object JUnitXmlPrinter extends JUnitXmlPrinter
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