org.specs2.matcher.ContentMatchers.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.specs2
package matcher
import java.io.File
import org.specs2.text._
import io._
import MatchResult._
import scalaz.Scalaz._
* The ContentMatchers trait provides matchers to make comparisons between files, sequences,...
trait ContentMatchers extends LinesContentMatchers with FilesContentMatchers
object ContentMatchers extends ContentMatchers
trait LinesContentMatchers extends LinesContentBaseMatchers with LinesContentBeHaveMatchers
object LinesContentMatchers extends LinesContentMatchers
trait LinesContentBaseMatchers extends DifferenceFilters with Expectations with SeqsContents {
/** matches if 2 contents, as a pair, have the same lines */
def haveSameLines[L1 : LinesContent, L2 : LinesContent]: LinesPairComparisonMatcher[L1, L2] =
LinesPairComparisonMatcher[L1, L2]()
/** matches if 2 contents have the same lines */
def haveSameLinesAs[L1 : LinesContent, L2 : LinesContent](ls2: L2): LinesComparisonMatcher[L1, L2] =
LinesComparisonMatcher[L1, L2](ls2)
/** matches if 1 lines content contains the lines of the other one */
def containLines[L1 : LinesContent, L2 : LinesContent](ls2: L2): LinesComparisonMatcher[L1, L2] =
LinesComparisonMatcher[L1, L2](ls2, partial = true)
// default implementation for reading file lines
implicit protected val fileContentForMatchers: LinesContent[File] = FileLinesContent
* Matcher to compare the contents of line contents
case class LinesComparisonMatcher[L1 : LinesContent, L2 : LinesContent](
ls2: L2,
partial: Boolean = false,
isUnordered: Boolean = false,
reportMisplaced: Boolean = true,
filter: DifferenceFilter = AllDifferences) extends Matcher[L1] {
def apply[S <: L1](t: Expectable[S]): MatchResult[S] = {
val ls1 = t.value
val (content1, content2) = (implicitly[LinesContent[L1]], implicitly[LinesContent[L2]])
val (name1, name2) = (content1.name(ls1), content2.name(ls2))
val (n1, n2) = if (name1 == name2) ("the first "+name1, "the second "+name1) else (name1, name2)
val diffs = content1.differences(ls1, ls2, partial, isUnordered, reportMisplaced)
val (in1Not2, in2Not1) = filter(diffs.show)
n1+" "+okMessage+" "+n2,
n1+" "+koMessage+" "+n2+"\n"+
inANotB(n1, n2) + showDiffs(in1Not2)+"\n"+
inANotB(n2, n1) + showDiffs(in2Not1),
def showOnly(show: DifferenceFilter) = copy[L1, L2](filter = show)
def unordered = copy[L1, L2](isUnordered = true)
def missingOnly = copy[L1, L2](reportMisplaced = false)
protected def showDiffs(s: Seq[_]) = s.map(" "+_).mkString("", "\n", "\n")
protected def inANotB(n1: String, n2: String) = {
if (isUnordered || reportMisplaced) " in "+n1+", not in "+n2+"\n"
else " in "+n1+", not in "+n2+" on the same line\n"
protected def okMessage =
if (partial) "contains"
else "is the same as"
protected def koMessage = {
if (partial) "does not contain"
else "is not the same as"
case class LinesPairComparisonMatcher[L1 : LinesContent, L2 : LinesContent](partial: Boolean = false,
isUnordered: Boolean = false,
reportMisplaced: Boolean = true,
filter: DifferenceFilter = AllDifferences)
extends Matcher[(L1, L2)] {
def apply[S <: (L1, L2)](t: Expectable[S]): MatchResult[S] = {
val (ls1, ls2) = t.value
new LinesComparisonMatcher[L1, L2](ls2, partial, isUnordered, reportMisplaced, filter).
apply(createExpectable(ls1)).map((_:L1) => t.value)
def showOnly(show: DifferenceFilter) = copy[L1, L2](filter = show)
def unordered = copy[L1, L2](isUnordered = true)
def missingOnly = copy[L1, L2](reportMisplaced = false)
* This trait is mostly extracted for implicit search reasons.
* Otherwise in the expression (f1, f2) must haveSameLines, the implicit for Se[String] would conflict with this one
trait SeqsContents {
// default implementation for reading seq lines
implicit protected def seqContentForMatchers[T]: LinesContent[Seq[T]] = SeqLinesContent[T]()
trait LinesContentBeHaveMatchers extends BeHaveMatchers { this: LinesContentBaseMatchers =>
* matcher aliases and implicits to use with BeVerb and HaveVerb
implicit def toLinesContentResultMatcher[L1 : LinesContent](result: MatchResult[L1]) = new LinesContentResultMatcher(result)
class LinesContentResultMatcher[L1 : LinesContent](result: MatchResult[L1]) {
def sameLinesAs[L2: LinesContent](ls2: L2) = result(haveSameLinesAs[L1, L2](ls2))
def sameLinesAs[L1 : LinesContent, L2 : LinesContent](ls2: L2) = haveSameLinesAs[L1, L2](ls2)
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