org.specs2.matcher.FilesContentMatchers.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.specs2
package matcher
import java.io.File
import execute.Result
import text._
import io._
import control._
import MatchersImplicits._
import ValueChecks._
* This trait provides matchers to check the presence of some expected files vs the actual ones
* and also ways to verify the contents of these files
trait FilesContentMatchers extends FileMatchers with LinesContentMatchers with TraversableMatchers with ExpectationsCreation {
* check that all the paths in `expectedDir` are the same as the ones in `actualDir`
def haveSamePathsAs(expectedDir: File) = LocalPathsMatcher(expectedDir)
* check that all the files in `expectedDir` have the same contents as the files in `actualDir` when they are present
* The default matcher is assuming that files are text files which must be compared line by line
def haveSameFilesContentAs(expectedDir: File) = LocalFilesContentMatcher(expectedDir)
* check that all the paths in `expectedDir` are the same as the ones in `actualDir`
* then check that all the files in `expectedDir` have the same contents as the files in `actualDir` when they are present
def haveSameFilesAs(expectedDir: File) = LocalPathsAndFilesContentMatcher(expectedDir)
/** match 2 files if they have the same MD5 digest */
def haveSameMD5: Matcher[(File, File)] = { pair: (File, File) =>
val (actual, expected) = pair
val action = for {
_ <- FilePathReader.mustExist(actual)
_ <- FilePathReader.mustExist(expected)
_ <- FilePathReader.mustNotBeADirectory(actual)
_ <- FilePathReader.mustNotBeADirectory(expected)
md5_1 <- FilePathReader.md5(FilePath.unsafe(actual))
md5_2 <- FilePathReader.md5(FilePath.unsafe(expected))
} yield {
val message = TextTable(header = Seq("file", "MD5"), lines = Seq(Seq(actual.getPath, md5_1), Seq(expected.getPath, md5_2))).show
(md5_1 == md5_2, s"MD5 mismatch:\n$message")
error => (false, Result.disjunctionErrorToResult(error).message),
/** match 2 files if they have the same MD5 digest */
def haveSameMD5As(expected: File): Matcher[File] = { actual: File =>
haveSameMD5(createExpectable((actual, expected)))
private def filePathFilter(filter: File => Boolean) =
(f: FilePath) => filter(f.toFile)
case class LocalPathsMatcher(expectedDir: File, filter: File => Boolean = (f: File) => true) extends Matcher[File] {
def apply[S <: File](actualDir: Expectable[S]) = {
result(haveSameLinesAs(LocalPaths(DirectoryPath.unsafe(expectedDir), filePathFilter(filter)))
.apply(createExpectable(LocalPaths(DirectoryPath.unsafe(actualDir.value), filePathFilter(filter)))), actualDir)
def withFilter(f: File => Boolean) = copy(filter = f)
case class LocalFilesContentMatcher(expectedDir: File,
filter: File => Boolean = (f: File) => true,
filesMatcher: Matcher[(File, File)] = haveSameLines[File, File]) extends Matcher[File] {
def apply[S <: File](actualDir: Expectable[S]) = {
val expectedFiles = LocalPaths(DirectoryPath.unsafe(expectedDir), filePathFilter(filter))
val pairs = expectedFiles.files.map { p =>
((DirectoryPath.unsafe(actualDir.value) / p).toFile,
(DirectoryPath.unsafe(expectedDir) / p).toFile)
result(contain(filesMatcher).forall.apply(createExpectable(pairs)), actualDir)
def withFilter(filter: File => Boolean) = copy(filter = filter)
def withMatcher(m: Matcher[(File, File)]) = copy(filesMatcher = m)
case class LocalPathsAndFilesContentMatcher(expectedDir: File,
filter: File => Boolean = (f: File) => true,
filesMatcher: Matcher[(File, File)] = haveSameLines[File, File]) extends Matcher[File] {
def apply[S <: File](actualDir: Expectable[S]) = {
haveSamePathsAs(expectedDir).withFilter(filter)(actualDir) and
def withFilter(filter: File => Boolean) = copy(filter = filter)
def withMatcher(m: Matcher[(File, File)]) = copy(filesMatcher = m)
private implicit def LocalPathsLinesContent: LinesContent[LocalPaths] = new LinesContent[LocalPaths] {
def name(lp: LocalPaths) = lp.base.path
def lines(lp: LocalPaths) = lp.localPaths
private case class LocalPaths(base: DirectoryPath, filter: FilePath => Boolean) {
def files = FilePathReader.listFilePaths(base).map(_.filter(filter).map(_.relativeTo(base)).sortBy(_.path)).runOption.getOrElse(Nil)
def localPaths = files.map(_.path).sorted
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