org.specs2.matcher.MatchResultCombinators.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.specs2
package matcher
import control.Exceptions._
import org.specs2.execute.{Result, ResultLogicalCombinators}
* This trait provides logical operators to combine match results where potentially a MatchResult expression
* throws an Exception, either because it is an error or because it is a ThrownExpectation
trait MatchResultCombinators extends MatchResultLogicalCombinators with ResultLogicalCombinators
object MatchResultCombinators extends MatchResultCombinators
trait MatchResultLogicalCombinators extends Expectations {
implicit def combineMatchResult[T](m: =>MatchResult[T]): MatchResultCombinator[T] = new MatchResultCombinator[T](m)
class MatchResultCombinator[T](mr: =>MatchResult[T]) {
* Either Left(exception) => in case of an error
* or Right(result) => normal result
lazy val result: Either[Exception, MatchResult[T]] =
try Right(sandboxMatchResult(mr))
catch {
case failure: MatchResultException[_] => Right[Exception, MatchResult[T]](failure.matchResult.asInstanceOf[MatchResult[T]])
case other: Exception => Left[Exception, MatchResult[T]](other)
/** if there was an exception on evaluating the result, no expectable can be accessed */
lazy val expectable =
result.fold(e => throw e, _.expectable)
/** @return the logical or of two results */
def or[S >: T](other: =>MatchResult[S]): MatchResult[S] =
_ => other, // error, evaluate the other result
m1 => expectable.check(new OrMatch(m1, other).evaluate)) // otherwise use the OrMatch rules to evaluate m1 or other
/** @return the logical or of a MatchResult and a Result */
def or(other: =>Result): Result =
_ => other, // error, evaluate the other result
m1 => expectable.checkResult(ResultLogicalCombinators.combineResult(m1.toResult) or other)) // otherwise combine both results
/** @return the logical and of two results */
def and[S >: T](other: =>MatchResult[S]): MatchResult[S] =
e => throw e, // error, rethrow it
m1 => expectable.check(new AndMatch(m1, other).evaluate)) // otherwise use the AndMatch rules to evaluate m1 and other
/** @return the logical and of a MatchResult and a Result */
def and(other: =>Result): Result =
e => throw e, // error, rethrow it
// otherwise, use the result combinators
m1 => expectable.checkResult(ResultLogicalCombinators.combineResult(m1.toResult) and other))
/** apply the matcher and return the logical or of two results */
def or(other: Matcher[T]): MatchResult[T] =
tryOr {
e => throw e,
m1 => combineMatchResult(m1).or(other(expectable)))
} { e => Expectable({ throw e; expectable.value }).applyMatcher(other) }
/** apply the matcher and return the logical and of two results */
def and(other: Matcher[T]): MatchResult[T] =
e => throw e, // error, rethrow it
// otherwise apply the other matcher and use the AndMatch rules to evaluate m1 and the other result
m1 => expectable.check(new AndMatch(m1, expectable.applyMatcher(other)).evaluate))
/** @return the negation of this result */
def not: MatchResult[T] =
e => throw e, // error, rethrow it
m1 => expectable.check(m1.negate))
/** only consider this result if the condition is true */
def when(condition: Boolean, m: String= ""): MatchResult[T] = if (condition) mr else MatchSuccess(m, m, expectable)
/** only consider this result if the condition is false */
def unless(condition: Boolean, m: String= ""): MatchResult[T] = mr.when(!condition, m)
/** when the condition is true the result it taken as is, when it's false, take its negation */
def iff(condition: Boolean): MatchResult[T] = if (condition) mr else mr.not
object MatchResultLogicalCombinators extends MatchResultLogicalCombinators
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