org.specs2.matcher.Expectable.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.specs2
package matcher
import org.specs2.fp.*
import text.Quote.*
import text.NotNullStrings.*
import execute.Result
import Expectable.*
/** The Expectable class models anything which can be checked by applying a Matcher
* It stores a value which is only evaluated when necessary and an optional additional description for that value.
* The Expectable object is responsible for creating its own description, based on the value toString method and and an
* additional description.
case class Expectable[+T] private[specs2] (
actual: () => T,
checker: Checker = Checker.pass,
showValue: Option[String => String] = None
) { outer =>
/** the value is only evaluated if necessary */
lazy val value =
/** definition of the value, possibly evaluating to different results each time it is invoked */
def valueDefinition = actual()
/** @return
* a description of the value provided by the user a combination of the value show by specs2 and an optional
* description
def description: String =
/** @return
* a description of any value with the custom description
def describe(v: Any): String =
describeValue(v, showValue)
/** apply a matcher on the value and return a Result
def applyMatcher[S >: T](m: =>Matcher[S]): Result =
val matcher = m
if matcher == null then throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"You cannot use a null matcher on '$description'")
/** evaluate the value and return the same expectable */
def evaluate = { value; this }
/** evaluate the value once and return an expectable with the same expression, ready to be evaluated again */
def evaluateOnce: Expectable[T] =
copy(actual = () => valueDefinition)
/** apply a function to the expectable value
def map[S](f: T => S): Expectable[S] =
copy(actual = () => f(value))
/** change the expectable value
def map[S](other: S): Expectable[S] =
Expectable[S](() => other, checker, showValue)
/** apply a function to the description function
def mapDescription(d: Option[String => String]): Expectable[T] = copy(showValue = d)
def mapDescription(d: String => String): Expectable[T] = mapDescription(Some(d))
def mapDescription(d: String): Expectable[T] = mapDescription((_: String) => d)
/** update the description with another description */
def updateDescription(d: String => String): Expectable[T] = mapDescription(d(description))
trait Checker:
/** additional checks can be done on the result, such as throwing an exception */
def check[T](result: Result): Result
object Checker:
def pass: Checker =
new Checker:
def check[T](result: Result): Result =
/** Factory methods for creating Expectables
object Expectable:
/** @return an Expectable with t as a value, and a constant string for its description */
private[specs2] def apply[T](t: =>T, d1: =>String): Expectable[T] =
Expectable(() => t).mapDescription(aliasDisplay(d1))
/** @return an Expectable with t as a value, and a description function */
private[specs2] def apply[T](t: =>T, d1: Option[String => String]): Expectable[T] =
Expectable(() => t).mapDescription(d1)
/** @return an Expectable with t as a value, and string showing the element t */
private[specs2] def createWithShowAs[T](t: =>T, show: =>String): Expectable[T] =
Expectable(() => t).mapDescription(show)
/** Expectable is a Functor and can use the fmap function to modify its value */
given ExpectableFunctor: Functor[Expectable] with
def map[A, B](r: Expectable[A])(f: A => B): Expectable[B] =
/** @return the description of the matched value, quoted. */
private[specs2] def describeValue(value: =>Any, showValue: Option[String => String]) =
showValue match
case Some(show) =>
case _ =>
value.asInstanceOf[Matchable] match
case b: Boolean => "the value"
case _ => value.notNull
/** @return
* display a value plus its alias (unless the alias is redundant with the value itself for boolean values).
private[specs2] def aliasDisplay(d1: =>String)(s: String): String =
d1 + (if !s.isEmpty && !Seq("true", "false").contains(s) then " " + q(s) else "")
/** @return the description of the matched value, unquoted. */
private[specs2] def dUnquoted[T](value: T, desc: Option[String => String]) = desc match
case Some(de) => de(unq(value))
case _ => unq(value)