org.specs2.scalacheck.ScalaCheckProperty.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.specs2
package scalacheck
import org.scalacheck._
import org.scalacheck.util.{FreqMap, Pretty}
import org.scalacheck.util.Pretty._
import execute._
import specification._
import AsResultProp._
import ScalaCheckProperty._
import scalaz.{Failure => _, Success => _}
* A ScalaCheckProperty encapsulates a ScalaCheck Prop and its parameters
trait ScalaCheckProperty {
type SelfType <: ScalaCheckProperty
def prop: Prop
def parameters: Parameters
def prettyFreqMap: FreqMap[Set[Any]] => Pretty
def setParameters(ps: Parameters): SelfType
def setVerbosity(v: Int): SelfType =
def set(minTestsOk: Int = parameters.minTestsOk,
minSize: Int = parameters.minSize,
maxDiscardRatio: Float = parameters.maxDiscardRatio,
maxSize: Int = parameters.maxSize,
workers: Int = parameters.workers,
callback: Test.TestCallback = parameters.testCallback,
loader: Option[ClassLoader] = parameters.loader
):SelfType =
minTestsOk = minTestsOk,
minSize = minSize,
maxDiscardRatio = maxDiscardRatio,
maxSize = maxSize,
workers = workers,
testCallback = callback,
loader = loader
def display(minTestsOk: Int = parameters.minTestsOk,
minSize: Int = parameters.minSize,
maxDiscardRatio: Float = parameters.maxDiscardRatio,
maxSize: Int = parameters.maxSize,
workers: Int = parameters.workers,
callback: Test.TestCallback = parameters.testCallback,
loader: Option[ClassLoader] = parameters.loader
):SelfType =
minTestsOk = minTestsOk,
minSize = minSize,
maxDiscardRatio = maxDiscardRatio,
maxSize = maxSize,
workers = workers,
testCallback = callback,
loader = loader
def verbose: SelfType =
def setPrettyFreqMap(f: FreqMap[Set[Any]] => Pretty): SelfType
def prettyFreqMap(f: FreqMap[Set[Any]] => String): SelfType =
setPrettyFreqMap((fq: FreqMap[Set[Any]]) => Pretty(_ => f(fq)))
* A ScalaCheckFunction adds the possibility to select various typeclass instances for a given property:
* - Arbitrary to generate values
* - Shrink to shrink counter-examples
* - Show to display arguments in case of a counter-example
* - Collector to collect values and provide a summary as string (to show frequencies for example)
* A Context can be added to setup/teardown state before/after/around each property execution
trait ScalaCheckFunction extends ScalaCheckProperty {
def noShrink: SelfType
def context: Option[Context]
def setContext(context: Context): SelfType
def before(action: =>Any): SelfType =
def after(action: =>Any): SelfType =
def beforeAfter(beforeAction: =>Any, afterAction: =>Any): SelfType =
setContext(BeforeAfter.create(beforeAction, afterAction))
def around(action: Result => Result): SelfType =
protected def executeInContext[R : AsResult](result: =>R) = {
lazy val executed = result
executed match {
case p: Prop => p
case other => AsResultProp.asResultToProp(other)
case class ScalaCheckFunction1[T, R](execute: T => R,
arbitrary: Arbitrary[T], shrink: Option[Shrink[T]],
collectors: List[T => Any],
pretty: T => Pretty, prettyFreqMap: FreqMap[Set[Any]] => Pretty,
asResult: AsResult[R],
context: Option[Context],
parameters: Parameters) extends ScalaCheckFunction {
type SelfType = ScalaCheckFunction1[T, R]
private implicit val asResult1 = asResult
private implicit val arbitrary1 = arbitrary
private implicit val shrink1 = shrink
private implicit val pretty1 = pretty
lazy val propFunction = (t: T) => {
lazy val executed = execute(t)
collectors.foldLeft(asResultToProp(executed))((p, c) => Prop.collect(c(t))(p))
lazy val prop: Prop =
shrink.fold(Prop.forAllNoShrink(propFunction))(_ => Prop.forAll(propFunction))
def noShrink: SelfType = copy(shrink = None)
def setArbitrary(arbitrary: Arbitrary[T]): SelfType =
copy(arbitrary = arbitrary)
def setGen(gen: Gen[T]): SelfType =
def setShrink(shrink: Shrink[T]): SelfType =
copy(shrink = Some(shrink))
def setPretty(pretty: T => Pretty): SelfType =
copy(pretty = pretty)
def pretty(pretty: T => String): SelfType =
setPretty((t: T) => Pretty(_ => pretty(t)))
def setPrettyFreqMap(f: FreqMap[Set[Any]] => Pretty): SelfType =
copy(prettyFreqMap = f)
def setParameters(ps: Parameters): SelfType =
copy(parameters = ps)
def collect: SelfType =
def collectArg(f: T => Any): SelfType =
copy(collectors = collectors :+ f)
def prepare(action: T => T): SelfType =
copy(execute = (t: T) => execute(action(t)))
def setContext(context: Context): SelfType =
copy(context = Some(context))
case class ScalaCheckFunction2[T1, T2, R](
execute: (T1, T2) => R,
argInstances1: ScalaCheckArgInstances[T1], argInstances2: ScalaCheckArgInstances[T2],
prettyFreqMap: FreqMap[Set[Any]] => Pretty,
asResult: AsResult[R],
context: Option[Context],
parameters: Parameters) extends ScalaCheckFunction {
type SelfType = ScalaCheckFunction2[T1, T2, R]
private implicit val asResult1 = asResult
private implicit val (arb1,arb2) = (argInstances1.arbitrary,argInstances2.arbitrary)
private implicit val (sh1,sh2) = (argInstances1.shrink,argInstances2.shrink)
private implicit val (pr1,pr2) = (argInstances1.pretty,argInstances2.pretty)
lazy val propFunction = (t1: T1, t2: T2) => {
lazy val executed = execute(t1, t2)
argInstances1.collect(t1, argInstances2.collect(t2, asResultToProp(executed)))
lazy val prop: Prop =
makeProp((t1: T1) => makeProp((t2: T2) => propFunction(t1, t2), argInstances2.shrink), argInstances1.shrink)
def noShrink: SelfType = copy(argInstances1 = argInstances1.copy(shrink = None), argInstances2 = argInstances2.copy(shrink = None))
def setArbitrary1(a1: Arbitrary[T1]): SelfType = copy(argInstances1 = argInstances1.copy(arbitrary = a1))
def setArbitrary2(a2: Arbitrary[T2]): SelfType = copy(argInstances2 = argInstances2.copy(arbitrary = a2))
def setArbitraries(a1: Arbitrary[T1], a2: Arbitrary[T2]): SelfType =
def setGen1(g1: Gen[T1]): SelfType = setArbitrary1(Arbitrary(g1))
def setGen2(g2: Gen[T2]): SelfType = setArbitrary2(Arbitrary(g2))
def setGens(g1: Gen[T1], g2: Gen[T2]): SelfType =
def setShrink1(s1: Shrink[T1]): SelfType = copy(argInstances1 = argInstances1.copy(shrink = Some(s1)))
def setShrink2(s2: Shrink[T2]): SelfType = copy(argInstances2 = argInstances2.copy(shrink = Some(s2)))
def setShrinks(s1: Shrink[T1], s2: Shrink[T2]): SelfType =
def setPretty1(p1: T1 => Pretty): SelfType = copy(argInstances1 = argInstances1.copy(pretty = p1))
def setPretty2(p2: T2 => Pretty): SelfType = copy(argInstances2 = argInstances2.copy(pretty = p2))
def pretty1(p1: T1 => String): SelfType = setPretty1((t1: T1) => Pretty(_ => p1(t1)))
def pretty2(p2: T2 => String): SelfType = setPretty2((t2: T2) => Pretty(_ => p2(t2)))
def setPretties(p1: T1 => Pretty, p2: T2 => Pretty): SelfType =
def pretties(p1: T1 => String, p2: T2 => String): SelfType =
def setPrettyFreqMap(f: FreqMap[Set[Any]] => Pretty): SelfType =
copy(prettyFreqMap = f)
def collectArg1(f: T1 => Any): SelfType = copy(argInstances1 = argInstances1.copy(collectors = argInstances1.collectors :+ f))
def collectArg2(f: T2 => Any): SelfType = copy(argInstances2 = argInstances2.copy(collectors = argInstances2.collectors :+ f))
def collect1: SelfType = collectArg1(_.toString)
def collect2: SelfType = collectArg2(_.toString)
def collectAllArgs(f1: T1 => Any,f2: T2 => Any): SelfType =
def collectAll: SelfType =
def prepare(action: (T1, T2) => (T1, T2)): SelfType =
copy(execute = (t1: T1, t2: T2) => execute.tupled(action(t1, t2)))
def setContext(context: Context): SelfType = copy(context = Some(context))
def setParameters(ps: Parameters): SelfType = copy(parameters = ps)
case class ScalaCheckFunction3[T1, T2, T3, R](
execute: (T1, T2, T3) => R,
argInstances1: ScalaCheckArgInstances[T1], argInstances2: ScalaCheckArgInstances[T2], argInstances3: ScalaCheckArgInstances[T3],
prettyFreqMap: FreqMap[Set[Any]] => Pretty,
asResult: AsResult[R],
context: Option[Context],
parameters: Parameters) extends ScalaCheckFunction {
type SelfType = ScalaCheckFunction3[T1, T2, T3, R]
private implicit val asResult1 = asResult
private implicit val (arb1,arb2,arb3) = (argInstances1.arbitrary,argInstances2.arbitrary,argInstances3.arbitrary)
private implicit val (sh1,sh2,sh3) = (argInstances1.shrink,argInstances2.shrink,argInstances3.shrink)
private implicit val (pr1,pr2,pr3) = (argInstances1.pretty,argInstances2.pretty,argInstances3.pretty)
lazy val propFunction = (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3) => {
lazy val executed = execute(t1, t2, t3)
argInstances1.collect(t1, argInstances2.collect(t2, argInstances3.collect(t3, asResultToProp(executed))))
lazy val prop: Prop =
makeProp((t1: T1) => makeProp((t2: T2) => makeProp((t3: T3) => propFunction(t1, t2, t3), argInstances3.shrink), argInstances2.shrink), argInstances1.shrink)
def noShrink: SelfType = copy(argInstances1 = argInstances1.copy(shrink = None), argInstances2 = argInstances2.copy(shrink = None), argInstances3 = argInstances3.copy(shrink = None))
def setArbitrary1(a1: Arbitrary[T1]): SelfType = copy(argInstances1 = argInstances1.copy(arbitrary = a1))
def setArbitrary2(a2: Arbitrary[T2]): SelfType = copy(argInstances2 = argInstances2.copy(arbitrary = a2))
def setArbitrary3(a3: Arbitrary[T3]): SelfType = copy(argInstances3 = argInstances3.copy(arbitrary = a3))
def setArbitraries(a1: Arbitrary[T1], a2: Arbitrary[T2], a3: Arbitrary[T3]): SelfType =
def setGen1(g1: Gen[T1]): SelfType = setArbitrary1(Arbitrary(g1))
def setGen2(g2: Gen[T2]): SelfType = setArbitrary2(Arbitrary(g2))
def setGen3(g3: Gen[T3]): SelfType = setArbitrary3(Arbitrary(g3))
def setGens(g1: Gen[T1], g2: Gen[T2], g3: Gen[T3]): SelfType =
def setShrink1(s1: Shrink[T1]): SelfType = copy(argInstances1 = argInstances1.copy(shrink = Some(s1)))
def setShrink2(s2: Shrink[T2]): SelfType = copy(argInstances2 = argInstances2.copy(shrink = Some(s2)))
def setShrink3(s3: Shrink[T3]): SelfType = copy(argInstances3 = argInstances3.copy(shrink = Some(s3)))
def setShrinks(s1: Shrink[T1], s2: Shrink[T2], s3: Shrink[T3]): SelfType =
def setPretty1(p1: T1 => Pretty): SelfType = copy(argInstances1 = argInstances1.copy(pretty = p1))
def setPretty2(p2: T2 => Pretty): SelfType = copy(argInstances2 = argInstances2.copy(pretty = p2))
def setPretty3(p3: T3 => Pretty): SelfType = copy(argInstances3 = argInstances3.copy(pretty = p3))
def pretty1(p1: T1 => String): SelfType = setPretty1((t1: T1) => Pretty(_ => p1(t1)))
def pretty2(p2: T2 => String): SelfType = setPretty2((t2: T2) => Pretty(_ => p2(t2)))
def pretty3(p3: T3 => String): SelfType = setPretty3((t3: T3) => Pretty(_ => p3(t3)))
def setPretties(p1: T1 => Pretty, p2: T2 => Pretty, p3: T3 => Pretty): SelfType =
def pretties(p1: T1 => String, p2: T2 => String, p3: T3 => String): SelfType =
def setPrettyFreqMap(f: FreqMap[Set[Any]] => Pretty): SelfType =
copy(prettyFreqMap = f)
def collectArg1(f: T1 => Any): SelfType = copy(argInstances1 = argInstances1.copy(collectors = argInstances1.collectors :+ f))
def collectArg2(f: T2 => Any): SelfType = copy(argInstances2 = argInstances2.copy(collectors = argInstances2.collectors :+ f))
def collectArg3(f: T3 => Any): SelfType = copy(argInstances3 = argInstances3.copy(collectors = argInstances3.collectors :+ f))
def collect1: SelfType = collectArg1(_.toString)
def collect2: SelfType = collectArg2(_.toString)
def collect3: SelfType = collectArg3(_.toString)
def collectAllArgs(f1: T1 => Any,f2: T2 => Any,f3: T3 => Any): SelfType =
def collectAll: SelfType =
def prepare(action: (T1, T2, T3) => (T1, T2, T3)): SelfType =
copy(execute = (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3) => execute.tupled(action(t1, t2, t3)))
def setContext(context: Context): SelfType = copy(context = Some(context))
def setParameters(ps: Parameters): SelfType = copy(parameters = ps)
case class ScalaCheckFunction4[T1, T2, T3, T4, R](
execute: (T1, T2, T3, T4) => R,
argInstances1: ScalaCheckArgInstances[T1], argInstances2: ScalaCheckArgInstances[T2], argInstances3: ScalaCheckArgInstances[T3], argInstances4: ScalaCheckArgInstances[T4],
prettyFreqMap: FreqMap[Set[Any]] => Pretty,
asResult: AsResult[R],
context: Option[Context],
parameters: Parameters) extends ScalaCheckFunction {
type SelfType = ScalaCheckFunction4[T1, T2, T3, T4, R]
private implicit val asResult1 = asResult
private implicit val (arb1,arb2,arb3,arb4) = (argInstances1.arbitrary,argInstances2.arbitrary,argInstances3.arbitrary,argInstances4.arbitrary)
private implicit val (sh1,sh2,sh3,sh4) = (argInstances1.shrink,argInstances2.shrink,argInstances3.shrink,argInstances4.shrink)
private implicit val (pr1,pr2,pr3,pr4) = (argInstances1.pretty,argInstances2.pretty,argInstances3.pretty,argInstances4.pretty)
lazy val propFunction = (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3, t4: T4) => {
lazy val executed = execute(t1, t2, t3, t4)
argInstances1.collect(t1, argInstances2.collect(t2, argInstances3.collect(t3, argInstances4.collect(t4, asResultToProp(executed)))))
lazy val prop: Prop =
makeProp((t1: T1) => makeProp((t2: T2) => makeProp((t3: T3) => makeProp((t4: T4) => propFunction(t1, t2, t3, t4), argInstances4.shrink), argInstances3.shrink), argInstances2.shrink), argInstances1.shrink)
def noShrink: SelfType = copy(argInstances1 = argInstances1.copy(shrink = None), argInstances2 = argInstances2.copy(shrink = None), argInstances3 = argInstances3.copy(shrink = None), argInstances4 = argInstances4.copy(shrink = None))
def setArbitrary1(a1: Arbitrary[T1]): SelfType = copy(argInstances1 = argInstances1.copy(arbitrary = a1))
def setArbitrary2(a2: Arbitrary[T2]): SelfType = copy(argInstances2 = argInstances2.copy(arbitrary = a2))
def setArbitrary3(a3: Arbitrary[T3]): SelfType = copy(argInstances3 = argInstances3.copy(arbitrary = a3))
def setArbitrary4(a4: Arbitrary[T4]): SelfType = copy(argInstances4 = argInstances4.copy(arbitrary = a4))
def setArbitraries(a1: Arbitrary[T1], a2: Arbitrary[T2], a3: Arbitrary[T3], a4: Arbitrary[T4]): SelfType =
def setGen1(g1: Gen[T1]): SelfType = setArbitrary1(Arbitrary(g1))
def setGen2(g2: Gen[T2]): SelfType = setArbitrary2(Arbitrary(g2))
def setGen3(g3: Gen[T3]): SelfType = setArbitrary3(Arbitrary(g3))
def setGen4(g4: Gen[T4]): SelfType = setArbitrary4(Arbitrary(g4))
def setGens(g1: Gen[T1], g2: Gen[T2], g3: Gen[T3], g4: Gen[T4]): SelfType =
def setShrink1(s1: Shrink[T1]): SelfType = copy(argInstances1 = argInstances1.copy(shrink = Some(s1)))
def setShrink2(s2: Shrink[T2]): SelfType = copy(argInstances2 = argInstances2.copy(shrink = Some(s2)))
def setShrink3(s3: Shrink[T3]): SelfType = copy(argInstances3 = argInstances3.copy(shrink = Some(s3)))
def setShrink4(s4: Shrink[T4]): SelfType = copy(argInstances4 = argInstances4.copy(shrink = Some(s4)))
def setShrinks(s1: Shrink[T1], s2: Shrink[T2], s3: Shrink[T3], s4: Shrink[T4]): SelfType =
def setPretty1(p1: T1 => Pretty): SelfType = copy(argInstances1 = argInstances1.copy(pretty = p1))
def setPretty2(p2: T2 => Pretty): SelfType = copy(argInstances2 = argInstances2.copy(pretty = p2))
def setPretty3(p3: T3 => Pretty): SelfType = copy(argInstances3 = argInstances3.copy(pretty = p3))
def setPretty4(p4: T4 => Pretty): SelfType = copy(argInstances4 = argInstances4.copy(pretty = p4))
def pretty1(p1: T1 => String): SelfType = setPretty1((t1: T1) => Pretty(_ => p1(t1)))
def pretty2(p2: T2 => String): SelfType = setPretty2((t2: T2) => Pretty(_ => p2(t2)))
def pretty3(p3: T3 => String): SelfType = setPretty3((t3: T3) => Pretty(_ => p3(t3)))
def pretty4(p4: T4 => String): SelfType = setPretty4((t4: T4) => Pretty(_ => p4(t4)))
def setPretties(p1: T1 => Pretty, p2: T2 => Pretty, p3: T3 => Pretty, p4: T4 => Pretty): SelfType =
def pretties(p1: T1 => String, p2: T2 => String, p3: T3 => String, p4: T4 => String): SelfType =
def setPrettyFreqMap(f: FreqMap[Set[Any]] => Pretty): SelfType =
copy(prettyFreqMap = f)
def collectArg1(f: T1 => Any): SelfType = copy(argInstances1 = argInstances1.copy(collectors = argInstances1.collectors :+ f))
def collectArg2(f: T2 => Any): SelfType = copy(argInstances2 = argInstances2.copy(collectors = argInstances2.collectors :+ f))
def collectArg3(f: T3 => Any): SelfType = copy(argInstances3 = argInstances3.copy(collectors = argInstances3.collectors :+ f))
def collectArg4(f: T4 => Any): SelfType = copy(argInstances4 = argInstances4.copy(collectors = argInstances4.collectors :+ f))
def collect1: SelfType = collectArg1(_.toString)
def collect2: SelfType = collectArg2(_.toString)
def collect3: SelfType = collectArg3(_.toString)
def collect4: SelfType = collectArg4(_.toString)
def collectAllArgs(f1: T1 => Any,f2: T2 => Any,f3: T3 => Any,f4: T4 => Any): SelfType =
def collectAll: SelfType =
def prepare(action: (T1, T2, T3, T4) => (T1, T2, T3, T4)): SelfType =
copy(execute = (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3, t4: T4) => execute.tupled(action(t1, t2, t3, t4)))
def setContext(context: Context): SelfType = copy(context = Some(context))
def setParameters(ps: Parameters): SelfType = copy(parameters = ps)
case class ScalaCheckFunction5[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R](
execute: (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5) => R,
argInstances1: ScalaCheckArgInstances[T1], argInstances2: ScalaCheckArgInstances[T2], argInstances3: ScalaCheckArgInstances[T3], argInstances4: ScalaCheckArgInstances[T4], argInstances5: ScalaCheckArgInstances[T5],
prettyFreqMap: FreqMap[Set[Any]] => Pretty,
asResult: AsResult[R],
context: Option[Context],
parameters: Parameters) extends ScalaCheckFunction {
type SelfType = ScalaCheckFunction5[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R]
private implicit val asResult1 = asResult
private implicit val (arb1,arb2,arb3,arb4,arb5) = (argInstances1.arbitrary,argInstances2.arbitrary,argInstances3.arbitrary,argInstances4.arbitrary,argInstances5.arbitrary)
private implicit val (sh1,sh2,sh3,sh4,sh5) = (argInstances1.shrink,argInstances2.shrink,argInstances3.shrink,argInstances4.shrink,argInstances5.shrink)
private implicit val (pr1,pr2,pr3,pr4,pr5) = (argInstances1.pretty,argInstances2.pretty,argInstances3.pretty,argInstances4.pretty,argInstances5.pretty)
lazy val propFunction = (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3, t4: T4, t5: T5) => {
lazy val executed = execute(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5)
argInstances1.collect(t1, argInstances2.collect(t2, argInstances3.collect(t3, argInstances4.collect(t4, argInstances5.collect(t5, asResultToProp(executed))))))
lazy val prop: Prop =
makeProp((t1: T1) => makeProp((t2: T2) => makeProp((t3: T3) => makeProp((t4: T4) => makeProp((t5: T5) => propFunction(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5), argInstances5.shrink), argInstances4.shrink), argInstances3.shrink), argInstances2.shrink), argInstances1.shrink)
def noShrink: SelfType = copy(argInstances1 = argInstances1.copy(shrink = None), argInstances2 = argInstances2.copy(shrink = None), argInstances3 = argInstances3.copy(shrink = None), argInstances4 = argInstances4.copy(shrink = None), argInstances5 = argInstances5.copy(shrink = None))
def setArbitrary1(a1: Arbitrary[T1]): SelfType = copy(argInstances1 = argInstances1.copy(arbitrary = a1))
def setArbitrary2(a2: Arbitrary[T2]): SelfType = copy(argInstances2 = argInstances2.copy(arbitrary = a2))
def setArbitrary3(a3: Arbitrary[T3]): SelfType = copy(argInstances3 = argInstances3.copy(arbitrary = a3))
def setArbitrary4(a4: Arbitrary[T4]): SelfType = copy(argInstances4 = argInstances4.copy(arbitrary = a4))
def setArbitrary5(a5: Arbitrary[T5]): SelfType = copy(argInstances5 = argInstances5.copy(arbitrary = a5))
def setArbitraries(a1: Arbitrary[T1], a2: Arbitrary[T2], a3: Arbitrary[T3], a4: Arbitrary[T4], a5: Arbitrary[T5]): SelfType =
def setGen1(g1: Gen[T1]): SelfType = setArbitrary1(Arbitrary(g1))
def setGen2(g2: Gen[T2]): SelfType = setArbitrary2(Arbitrary(g2))
def setGen3(g3: Gen[T3]): SelfType = setArbitrary3(Arbitrary(g3))
def setGen4(g4: Gen[T4]): SelfType = setArbitrary4(Arbitrary(g4))
def setGen5(g5: Gen[T5]): SelfType = setArbitrary5(Arbitrary(g5))
def setGens(g1: Gen[T1], g2: Gen[T2], g3: Gen[T3], g4: Gen[T4], g5: Gen[T5]): SelfType =
def setShrink1(s1: Shrink[T1]): SelfType = copy(argInstances1 = argInstances1.copy(shrink = Some(s1)))
def setShrink2(s2: Shrink[T2]): SelfType = copy(argInstances2 = argInstances2.copy(shrink = Some(s2)))
def setShrink3(s3: Shrink[T3]): SelfType = copy(argInstances3 = argInstances3.copy(shrink = Some(s3)))
def setShrink4(s4: Shrink[T4]): SelfType = copy(argInstances4 = argInstances4.copy(shrink = Some(s4)))
def setShrink5(s5: Shrink[T5]): SelfType = copy(argInstances5 = argInstances5.copy(shrink = Some(s5)))
def setShrinks(s1: Shrink[T1], s2: Shrink[T2], s3: Shrink[T3], s4: Shrink[T4], s5: Shrink[T5]): SelfType =
def setPretty1(p1: T1 => Pretty): SelfType = copy(argInstances1 = argInstances1.copy(pretty = p1))
def setPretty2(p2: T2 => Pretty): SelfType = copy(argInstances2 = argInstances2.copy(pretty = p2))
def setPretty3(p3: T3 => Pretty): SelfType = copy(argInstances3 = argInstances3.copy(pretty = p3))
def setPretty4(p4: T4 => Pretty): SelfType = copy(argInstances4 = argInstances4.copy(pretty = p4))
def setPretty5(p5: T5 => Pretty): SelfType = copy(argInstances5 = argInstances5.copy(pretty = p5))
def pretty1(p1: T1 => String): SelfType = setPretty1((t1: T1) => Pretty(_ => p1(t1)))
def pretty2(p2: T2 => String): SelfType = setPretty2((t2: T2) => Pretty(_ => p2(t2)))
def pretty3(p3: T3 => String): SelfType = setPretty3((t3: T3) => Pretty(_ => p3(t3)))
def pretty4(p4: T4 => String): SelfType = setPretty4((t4: T4) => Pretty(_ => p4(t4)))
def pretty5(p5: T5 => String): SelfType = setPretty5((t5: T5) => Pretty(_ => p5(t5)))
def setPretties(p1: T1 => Pretty, p2: T2 => Pretty, p3: T3 => Pretty, p4: T4 => Pretty, p5: T5 => Pretty): SelfType =
def pretties(p1: T1 => String, p2: T2 => String, p3: T3 => String, p4: T4 => String, p5: T5 => String): SelfType =
def setPrettyFreqMap(f: FreqMap[Set[Any]] => Pretty): SelfType =
copy(prettyFreqMap = f)
def collectArg1(f: T1 => Any): SelfType = copy(argInstances1 = argInstances1.copy(collectors = argInstances1.collectors :+ f))
def collectArg2(f: T2 => Any): SelfType = copy(argInstances2 = argInstances2.copy(collectors = argInstances2.collectors :+ f))
def collectArg3(f: T3 => Any): SelfType = copy(argInstances3 = argInstances3.copy(collectors = argInstances3.collectors :+ f))
def collectArg4(f: T4 => Any): SelfType = copy(argInstances4 = argInstances4.copy(collectors = argInstances4.collectors :+ f))
def collectArg5(f: T5 => Any): SelfType = copy(argInstances5 = argInstances5.copy(collectors = argInstances5.collectors :+ f))
def collect1: SelfType = collectArg1(_.toString)
def collect2: SelfType = collectArg2(_.toString)
def collect3: SelfType = collectArg3(_.toString)
def collect4: SelfType = collectArg4(_.toString)
def collect5: SelfType = collectArg5(_.toString)
def collectAllArgs(f1: T1 => Any,f2: T2 => Any,f3: T3 => Any,f4: T4 => Any,f5: T5 => Any): SelfType =
def collectAll: SelfType =
def prepare(action: (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5) => (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5)): SelfType =
copy(execute = (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3, t4: T4, t5: T5) => execute.tupled(action(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5)))
def setContext(context: Context): SelfType = copy(context = Some(context))
def setParameters(ps: Parameters): SelfType = copy(parameters = ps)
case class ScalaCheckFunction6[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, R](
execute: (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6) => R,
argInstances1: ScalaCheckArgInstances[T1], argInstances2: ScalaCheckArgInstances[T2], argInstances3: ScalaCheckArgInstances[T3], argInstances4: ScalaCheckArgInstances[T4], argInstances5: ScalaCheckArgInstances[T5], argInstances6: ScalaCheckArgInstances[T6],
prettyFreqMap: FreqMap[Set[Any]] => Pretty,
asResult: AsResult[R],
context: Option[Context],
parameters: Parameters) extends ScalaCheckFunction {
type SelfType = ScalaCheckFunction6[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, R]
private implicit val asResult1 = asResult
private implicit val (arb1,arb2,arb3,arb4,arb5,arb6) = (argInstances1.arbitrary,argInstances2.arbitrary,argInstances3.arbitrary,argInstances4.arbitrary,argInstances5.arbitrary,argInstances6.arbitrary)
private implicit val (sh1,sh2,sh3,sh4,sh5,sh6) = (argInstances1.shrink,argInstances2.shrink,argInstances3.shrink,argInstances4.shrink,argInstances5.shrink,argInstances6.shrink)
private implicit val (pr1,pr2,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr6) = (argInstances1.pretty,argInstances2.pretty,argInstances3.pretty,argInstances4.pretty,argInstances5.pretty,argInstances6.pretty)
lazy val propFunction = (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3, t4: T4, t5: T5, t6: T6) => {
lazy val executed = execute(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6)
argInstances1.collect(t1, argInstances2.collect(t2, argInstances3.collect(t3, argInstances4.collect(t4, argInstances5.collect(t5, argInstances6.collect(t6, asResultToProp(executed)))))))
lazy val prop: Prop =
makeProp((t1: T1) => makeProp((t2: T2) => makeProp((t3: T3) => makeProp((t4: T4) => makeProp((t5: T5) => makeProp((t6: T6) => propFunction(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6), argInstances6.shrink), argInstances5.shrink), argInstances4.shrink), argInstances3.shrink), argInstances2.shrink), argInstances1.shrink)
def noShrink: SelfType = copy(argInstances1 = argInstances1.copy(shrink = None), argInstances2 = argInstances2.copy(shrink = None), argInstances3 = argInstances3.copy(shrink = None), argInstances4 = argInstances4.copy(shrink = None), argInstances5 = argInstances5.copy(shrink = None), argInstances6 = argInstances6.copy(shrink = None))
def setArbitrary1(a1: Arbitrary[T1]): SelfType = copy(argInstances1 = argInstances1.copy(arbitrary = a1))
def setArbitrary2(a2: Arbitrary[T2]): SelfType = copy(argInstances2 = argInstances2.copy(arbitrary = a2))
def setArbitrary3(a3: Arbitrary[T3]): SelfType = copy(argInstances3 = argInstances3.copy(arbitrary = a3))
def setArbitrary4(a4: Arbitrary[T4]): SelfType = copy(argInstances4 = argInstances4.copy(arbitrary = a4))
def setArbitrary5(a5: Arbitrary[T5]): SelfType = copy(argInstances5 = argInstances5.copy(arbitrary = a5))
def setArbitrary6(a6: Arbitrary[T6]): SelfType = copy(argInstances6 = argInstances6.copy(arbitrary = a6))
def setArbitraries(a1: Arbitrary[T1], a2: Arbitrary[T2], a3: Arbitrary[T3], a4: Arbitrary[T4], a5: Arbitrary[T5], a6: Arbitrary[T6]): SelfType =
def setGen1(g1: Gen[T1]): SelfType = setArbitrary1(Arbitrary(g1))
def setGen2(g2: Gen[T2]): SelfType = setArbitrary2(Arbitrary(g2))
def setGen3(g3: Gen[T3]): SelfType = setArbitrary3(Arbitrary(g3))
def setGen4(g4: Gen[T4]): SelfType = setArbitrary4(Arbitrary(g4))
def setGen5(g5: Gen[T5]): SelfType = setArbitrary5(Arbitrary(g5))
def setGen6(g6: Gen[T6]): SelfType = setArbitrary6(Arbitrary(g6))
def setGens(g1: Gen[T1], g2: Gen[T2], g3: Gen[T3], g4: Gen[T4], g5: Gen[T5], g6: Gen[T6]): SelfType =
def setShrink1(s1: Shrink[T1]): SelfType = copy(argInstances1 = argInstances1.copy(shrink = Some(s1)))
def setShrink2(s2: Shrink[T2]): SelfType = copy(argInstances2 = argInstances2.copy(shrink = Some(s2)))
def setShrink3(s3: Shrink[T3]): SelfType = copy(argInstances3 = argInstances3.copy(shrink = Some(s3)))
def setShrink4(s4: Shrink[T4]): SelfType = copy(argInstances4 = argInstances4.copy(shrink = Some(s4)))
def setShrink5(s5: Shrink[T5]): SelfType = copy(argInstances5 = argInstances5.copy(shrink = Some(s5)))
def setShrink6(s6: Shrink[T6]): SelfType = copy(argInstances6 = argInstances6.copy(shrink = Some(s6)))
def setShrinks(s1: Shrink[T1], s2: Shrink[T2], s3: Shrink[T3], s4: Shrink[T4], s5: Shrink[T5], s6: Shrink[T6]): SelfType =
def setPretty1(p1: T1 => Pretty): SelfType = copy(argInstances1 = argInstances1.copy(pretty = p1))
def setPretty2(p2: T2 => Pretty): SelfType = copy(argInstances2 = argInstances2.copy(pretty = p2))
def setPretty3(p3: T3 => Pretty): SelfType = copy(argInstances3 = argInstances3.copy(pretty = p3))
def setPretty4(p4: T4 => Pretty): SelfType = copy(argInstances4 = argInstances4.copy(pretty = p4))
def setPretty5(p5: T5 => Pretty): SelfType = copy(argInstances5 = argInstances5.copy(pretty = p5))
def setPretty6(p6: T6 => Pretty): SelfType = copy(argInstances6 = argInstances6.copy(pretty = p6))
def pretty1(p1: T1 => String): SelfType = setPretty1((t1: T1) => Pretty(_ => p1(t1)))
def pretty2(p2: T2 => String): SelfType = setPretty2((t2: T2) => Pretty(_ => p2(t2)))
def pretty3(p3: T3 => String): SelfType = setPretty3((t3: T3) => Pretty(_ => p3(t3)))
def pretty4(p4: T4 => String): SelfType = setPretty4((t4: T4) => Pretty(_ => p4(t4)))
def pretty5(p5: T5 => String): SelfType = setPretty5((t5: T5) => Pretty(_ => p5(t5)))
def pretty6(p6: T6 => String): SelfType = setPretty6((t6: T6) => Pretty(_ => p6(t6)))
def setPretties(p1: T1 => Pretty, p2: T2 => Pretty, p3: T3 => Pretty, p4: T4 => Pretty, p5: T5 => Pretty, p6: T6 => Pretty): SelfType =
def pretties(p1: T1 => String, p2: T2 => String, p3: T3 => String, p4: T4 => String, p5: T5 => String, p6: T6 => String): SelfType =
def setPrettyFreqMap(f: FreqMap[Set[Any]] => Pretty): SelfType =
copy(prettyFreqMap = f)
def collectArg1(f: T1 => Any): SelfType = copy(argInstances1 = argInstances1.copy(collectors = argInstances1.collectors :+ f))
def collectArg2(f: T2 => Any): SelfType = copy(argInstances2 = argInstances2.copy(collectors = argInstances2.collectors :+ f))
def collectArg3(f: T3 => Any): SelfType = copy(argInstances3 = argInstances3.copy(collectors = argInstances3.collectors :+ f))
def collectArg4(f: T4 => Any): SelfType = copy(argInstances4 = argInstances4.copy(collectors = argInstances4.collectors :+ f))
def collectArg5(f: T5 => Any): SelfType = copy(argInstances5 = argInstances5.copy(collectors = argInstances5.collectors :+ f))
def collectArg6(f: T6 => Any): SelfType = copy(argInstances6 = argInstances6.copy(collectors = argInstances6.collectors :+ f))
def collect1: SelfType = collectArg1(_.toString)
def collect2: SelfType = collectArg2(_.toString)
def collect3: SelfType = collectArg3(_.toString)
def collect4: SelfType = collectArg4(_.toString)
def collect5: SelfType = collectArg5(_.toString)
def collect6: SelfType = collectArg6(_.toString)
def collectAllArgs(f1: T1 => Any,f2: T2 => Any,f3: T3 => Any,f4: T4 => Any,f5: T5 => Any,f6: T6 => Any): SelfType =
def collectAll: SelfType =
def prepare(action: (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6) => (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6)): SelfType =
copy(execute = (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3, t4: T4, t5: T5, t6: T6) => execute.tupled(action(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6)))
def setContext(context: Context): SelfType = copy(context = Some(context))
def setParameters(ps: Parameters): SelfType = copy(parameters = ps)
case class ScalaCheckFunction7[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, R](
execute: (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7) => R,
argInstances1: ScalaCheckArgInstances[T1], argInstances2: ScalaCheckArgInstances[T2], argInstances3: ScalaCheckArgInstances[T3], argInstances4: ScalaCheckArgInstances[T4], argInstances5: ScalaCheckArgInstances[T5], argInstances6: ScalaCheckArgInstances[T6], argInstances7: ScalaCheckArgInstances[T7],
prettyFreqMap: FreqMap[Set[Any]] => Pretty,
asResult: AsResult[R],
context: Option[Context],
parameters: Parameters) extends ScalaCheckFunction {
type SelfType = ScalaCheckFunction7[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, R]
private implicit val asResult1 = asResult
private implicit val (arb1,arb2,arb3,arb4,arb5,arb6,arb7) = (argInstances1.arbitrary,argInstances2.arbitrary,argInstances3.arbitrary,argInstances4.arbitrary,argInstances5.arbitrary,argInstances6.arbitrary,argInstances7.arbitrary)
private implicit val (sh1,sh2,sh3,sh4,sh5,sh6,sh7) = (argInstances1.shrink,argInstances2.shrink,argInstances3.shrink,argInstances4.shrink,argInstances5.shrink,argInstances6.shrink,argInstances7.shrink)
private implicit val (pr1,pr2,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr6,pr7) = (argInstances1.pretty,argInstances2.pretty,argInstances3.pretty,argInstances4.pretty,argInstances5.pretty,argInstances6.pretty,argInstances7.pretty)
lazy val propFunction = (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3, t4: T4, t5: T5, t6: T6, t7: T7) => {
lazy val executed = execute(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7)
argInstances1.collect(t1, argInstances2.collect(t2, argInstances3.collect(t3, argInstances4.collect(t4, argInstances5.collect(t5, argInstances6.collect(t6, argInstances7.collect(t7, asResultToProp(executed))))))))
lazy val prop: Prop =
makeProp((t1: T1) => makeProp((t2: T2) => makeProp((t3: T3) => makeProp((t4: T4) => makeProp((t5: T5) => makeProp((t6: T6) => makeProp((t7: T7) => propFunction(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7), argInstances7.shrink), argInstances6.shrink), argInstances5.shrink), argInstances4.shrink), argInstances3.shrink), argInstances2.shrink), argInstances1.shrink)
def noShrink: SelfType = copy(argInstances1 = argInstances1.copy(shrink = None), argInstances2 = argInstances2.copy(shrink = None), argInstances3 = argInstances3.copy(shrink = None), argInstances4 = argInstances4.copy(shrink = None), argInstances5 = argInstances5.copy(shrink = None), argInstances6 = argInstances6.copy(shrink = None), argInstances7 = argInstances7.copy(shrink = None))
def setArbitrary1(a1: Arbitrary[T1]): SelfType = copy(argInstances1 = argInstances1.copy(arbitrary = a1))
def setArbitrary2(a2: Arbitrary[T2]): SelfType = copy(argInstances2 = argInstances2.copy(arbitrary = a2))
def setArbitrary3(a3: Arbitrary[T3]): SelfType = copy(argInstances3 = argInstances3.copy(arbitrary = a3))
def setArbitrary4(a4: Arbitrary[T4]): SelfType = copy(argInstances4 = argInstances4.copy(arbitrary = a4))
def setArbitrary5(a5: Arbitrary[T5]): SelfType = copy(argInstances5 = argInstances5.copy(arbitrary = a5))
def setArbitrary6(a6: Arbitrary[T6]): SelfType = copy(argInstances6 = argInstances6.copy(arbitrary = a6))
def setArbitrary7(a7: Arbitrary[T7]): SelfType = copy(argInstances7 = argInstances7.copy(arbitrary = a7))
def setArbitraries(a1: Arbitrary[T1], a2: Arbitrary[T2], a3: Arbitrary[T3], a4: Arbitrary[T4], a5: Arbitrary[T5], a6: Arbitrary[T6], a7: Arbitrary[T7]): SelfType =
def setGen1(g1: Gen[T1]): SelfType = setArbitrary1(Arbitrary(g1))
def setGen2(g2: Gen[T2]): SelfType = setArbitrary2(Arbitrary(g2))
def setGen3(g3: Gen[T3]): SelfType = setArbitrary3(Arbitrary(g3))
def setGen4(g4: Gen[T4]): SelfType = setArbitrary4(Arbitrary(g4))
def setGen5(g5: Gen[T5]): SelfType = setArbitrary5(Arbitrary(g5))
def setGen6(g6: Gen[T6]): SelfType = setArbitrary6(Arbitrary(g6))
def setGen7(g7: Gen[T7]): SelfType = setArbitrary7(Arbitrary(g7))
def setGens(g1: Gen[T1], g2: Gen[T2], g3: Gen[T3], g4: Gen[T4], g5: Gen[T5], g6: Gen[T6], g7: Gen[T7]): SelfType =
def setShrink1(s1: Shrink[T1]): SelfType = copy(argInstances1 = argInstances1.copy(shrink = Some(s1)))
def setShrink2(s2: Shrink[T2]): SelfType = copy(argInstances2 = argInstances2.copy(shrink = Some(s2)))
def setShrink3(s3: Shrink[T3]): SelfType = copy(argInstances3 = argInstances3.copy(shrink = Some(s3)))
def setShrink4(s4: Shrink[T4]): SelfType = copy(argInstances4 = argInstances4.copy(shrink = Some(s4)))
def setShrink5(s5: Shrink[T5]): SelfType = copy(argInstances5 = argInstances5.copy(shrink = Some(s5)))
def setShrink6(s6: Shrink[T6]): SelfType = copy(argInstances6 = argInstances6.copy(shrink = Some(s6)))
def setShrink7(s7: Shrink[T7]): SelfType = copy(argInstances7 = argInstances7.copy(shrink = Some(s7)))
def setShrinks(s1: Shrink[T1], s2: Shrink[T2], s3: Shrink[T3], s4: Shrink[T4], s5: Shrink[T5], s6: Shrink[T6], s7: Shrink[T7]): SelfType =
def setPretty1(p1: T1 => Pretty): SelfType = copy(argInstances1 = argInstances1.copy(pretty = p1))
def setPretty2(p2: T2 => Pretty): SelfType = copy(argInstances2 = argInstances2.copy(pretty = p2))
def setPretty3(p3: T3 => Pretty): SelfType = copy(argInstances3 = argInstances3.copy(pretty = p3))
def setPretty4(p4: T4 => Pretty): SelfType = copy(argInstances4 = argInstances4.copy(pretty = p4))
def setPretty5(p5: T5 => Pretty): SelfType = copy(argInstances5 = argInstances5.copy(pretty = p5))
def setPretty6(p6: T6 => Pretty): SelfType = copy(argInstances6 = argInstances6.copy(pretty = p6))
def setPretty7(p7: T7 => Pretty): SelfType = copy(argInstances7 = argInstances7.copy(pretty = p7))
def pretty1(p1: T1 => String): SelfType = setPretty1((t1: T1) => Pretty(_ => p1(t1)))
def pretty2(p2: T2 => String): SelfType = setPretty2((t2: T2) => Pretty(_ => p2(t2)))
def pretty3(p3: T3 => String): SelfType = setPretty3((t3: T3) => Pretty(_ => p3(t3)))
def pretty4(p4: T4 => String): SelfType = setPretty4((t4: T4) => Pretty(_ => p4(t4)))
def pretty5(p5: T5 => String): SelfType = setPretty5((t5: T5) => Pretty(_ => p5(t5)))
def pretty6(p6: T6 => String): SelfType = setPretty6((t6: T6) => Pretty(_ => p6(t6)))
def pretty7(p7: T7 => String): SelfType = setPretty7((t7: T7) => Pretty(_ => p7(t7)))
def setPretties(p1: T1 => Pretty, p2: T2 => Pretty, p3: T3 => Pretty, p4: T4 => Pretty, p5: T5 => Pretty, p6: T6 => Pretty, p7: T7 => Pretty): SelfType =
def pretties(p1: T1 => String, p2: T2 => String, p3: T3 => String, p4: T4 => String, p5: T5 => String, p6: T6 => String, p7: T7 => String): SelfType =
def setPrettyFreqMap(f: FreqMap[Set[Any]] => Pretty): SelfType =
copy(prettyFreqMap = f)
def collectArg1(f: T1 => Any): SelfType = copy(argInstances1 = argInstances1.copy(collectors = argInstances1.collectors :+ f))
def collectArg2(f: T2 => Any): SelfType = copy(argInstances2 = argInstances2.copy(collectors = argInstances2.collectors :+ f))
def collectArg3(f: T3 => Any): SelfType = copy(argInstances3 = argInstances3.copy(collectors = argInstances3.collectors :+ f))
def collectArg4(f: T4 => Any): SelfType = copy(argInstances4 = argInstances4.copy(collectors = argInstances4.collectors :+ f))
def collectArg5(f: T5 => Any): SelfType = copy(argInstances5 = argInstances5.copy(collectors = argInstances5.collectors :+ f))
def collectArg6(f: T6 => Any): SelfType = copy(argInstances6 = argInstances6.copy(collectors = argInstances6.collectors :+ f))
def collectArg7(f: T7 => Any): SelfType = copy(argInstances7 = argInstances7.copy(collectors = argInstances7.collectors :+ f))
def collect1: SelfType = collectArg1(_.toString)
def collect2: SelfType = collectArg2(_.toString)
def collect3: SelfType = collectArg3(_.toString)
def collect4: SelfType = collectArg4(_.toString)
def collect5: SelfType = collectArg5(_.toString)
def collect6: SelfType = collectArg6(_.toString)
def collect7: SelfType = collectArg7(_.toString)
def collectAllArgs(f1: T1 => Any,f2: T2 => Any,f3: T3 => Any,f4: T4 => Any,f5: T5 => Any,f6: T6 => Any,f7: T7 => Any): SelfType =
def collectAll: SelfType =
def prepare(action: (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7) => (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7)): SelfType =
copy(execute = (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3, t4: T4, t5: T5, t6: T6, t7: T7) => execute.tupled(action(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7)))
def setContext(context: Context): SelfType = copy(context = Some(context))
def setParameters(ps: Parameters): SelfType = copy(parameters = ps)
case class ScalaCheckFunction8[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, R](
execute: (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8) => R,
argInstances1: ScalaCheckArgInstances[T1], argInstances2: ScalaCheckArgInstances[T2], argInstances3: ScalaCheckArgInstances[T3], argInstances4: ScalaCheckArgInstances[T4], argInstances5: ScalaCheckArgInstances[T5], argInstances6: ScalaCheckArgInstances[T6], argInstances7: ScalaCheckArgInstances[T7], argInstances8: ScalaCheckArgInstances[T8],
prettyFreqMap: FreqMap[Set[Any]] => Pretty,
asResult: AsResult[R],
context: Option[Context],
parameters: Parameters) extends ScalaCheckFunction {
type SelfType = ScalaCheckFunction8[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, R]
private implicit val asResult1 = asResult
private implicit val (arb1,arb2,arb3,arb4,arb5,arb6,arb7,arb8) = (argInstances1.arbitrary,argInstances2.arbitrary,argInstances3.arbitrary,argInstances4.arbitrary,argInstances5.arbitrary,argInstances6.arbitrary,argInstances7.arbitrary,argInstances8.arbitrary)
private implicit val (sh1,sh2,sh3,sh4,sh5,sh6,sh7,sh8) = (argInstances1.shrink,argInstances2.shrink,argInstances3.shrink,argInstances4.shrink,argInstances5.shrink,argInstances6.shrink,argInstances7.shrink,argInstances8.shrink)
private implicit val (pr1,pr2,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr6,pr7,pr8) = (argInstances1.pretty,argInstances2.pretty,argInstances3.pretty,argInstances4.pretty,argInstances5.pretty,argInstances6.pretty,argInstances7.pretty,argInstances8.pretty)
lazy val propFunction = (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3, t4: T4, t5: T5, t6: T6, t7: T7, t8: T8) => {
lazy val executed = execute(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8)
argInstances1.collect(t1, argInstances2.collect(t2, argInstances3.collect(t3, argInstances4.collect(t4, argInstances5.collect(t5, argInstances6.collect(t6, argInstances7.collect(t7, argInstances8.collect(t8, asResultToProp(executed)))))))))
lazy val prop: Prop =
makeProp((t1: T1) => makeProp((t2: T2) => makeProp((t3: T3) => makeProp((t4: T4) => makeProp((t5: T5) => makeProp((t6: T6) => makeProp((t7: T7) => makeProp((t8: T8) => propFunction(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8), argInstances8.shrink), argInstances7.shrink), argInstances6.shrink), argInstances5.shrink), argInstances4.shrink), argInstances3.shrink), argInstances2.shrink), argInstances1.shrink)
def noShrink: SelfType = copy(argInstances1 = argInstances1.copy(shrink = None), argInstances2 = argInstances2.copy(shrink = None), argInstances3 = argInstances3.copy(shrink = None), argInstances4 = argInstances4.copy(shrink = None), argInstances5 = argInstances5.copy(shrink = None), argInstances6 = argInstances6.copy(shrink = None), argInstances7 = argInstances7.copy(shrink = None), argInstances8 = argInstances8.copy(shrink = None))
def setArbitrary1(a1: Arbitrary[T1]): SelfType = copy(argInstances1 = argInstances1.copy(arbitrary = a1))
def setArbitrary2(a2: Arbitrary[T2]): SelfType = copy(argInstances2 = argInstances2.copy(arbitrary = a2))
def setArbitrary3(a3: Arbitrary[T3]): SelfType = copy(argInstances3 = argInstances3.copy(arbitrary = a3))
def setArbitrary4(a4: Arbitrary[T4]): SelfType = copy(argInstances4 = argInstances4.copy(arbitrary = a4))
def setArbitrary5(a5: Arbitrary[T5]): SelfType = copy(argInstances5 = argInstances5.copy(arbitrary = a5))
def setArbitrary6(a6: Arbitrary[T6]): SelfType = copy(argInstances6 = argInstances6.copy(arbitrary = a6))
def setArbitrary7(a7: Arbitrary[T7]): SelfType = copy(argInstances7 = argInstances7.copy(arbitrary = a7))
def setArbitrary8(a8: Arbitrary[T8]): SelfType = copy(argInstances8 = argInstances8.copy(arbitrary = a8))
def setArbitraries(a1: Arbitrary[T1], a2: Arbitrary[T2], a3: Arbitrary[T3], a4: Arbitrary[T4], a5: Arbitrary[T5], a6: Arbitrary[T6], a7: Arbitrary[T7], a8: Arbitrary[T8]): SelfType =
def setGen1(g1: Gen[T1]): SelfType = setArbitrary1(Arbitrary(g1))
def setGen2(g2: Gen[T2]): SelfType = setArbitrary2(Arbitrary(g2))
def setGen3(g3: Gen[T3]): SelfType = setArbitrary3(Arbitrary(g3))
def setGen4(g4: Gen[T4]): SelfType = setArbitrary4(Arbitrary(g4))
def setGen5(g5: Gen[T5]): SelfType = setArbitrary5(Arbitrary(g5))
def setGen6(g6: Gen[T6]): SelfType = setArbitrary6(Arbitrary(g6))
def setGen7(g7: Gen[T7]): SelfType = setArbitrary7(Arbitrary(g7))
def setGen8(g8: Gen[T8]): SelfType = setArbitrary8(Arbitrary(g8))
def setGens(g1: Gen[T1], g2: Gen[T2], g3: Gen[T3], g4: Gen[T4], g5: Gen[T5], g6: Gen[T6], g7: Gen[T7], g8: Gen[T8]): SelfType =
def setShrink1(s1: Shrink[T1]): SelfType = copy(argInstances1 = argInstances1.copy(shrink = Some(s1)))
def setShrink2(s2: Shrink[T2]): SelfType = copy(argInstances2 = argInstances2.copy(shrink = Some(s2)))
def setShrink3(s3: Shrink[T3]): SelfType = copy(argInstances3 = argInstances3.copy(shrink = Some(s3)))
def setShrink4(s4: Shrink[T4]): SelfType = copy(argInstances4 = argInstances4.copy(shrink = Some(s4)))
def setShrink5(s5: Shrink[T5]): SelfType = copy(argInstances5 = argInstances5.copy(shrink = Some(s5)))
def setShrink6(s6: Shrink[T6]): SelfType = copy(argInstances6 = argInstances6.copy(shrink = Some(s6)))
def setShrink7(s7: Shrink[T7]): SelfType = copy(argInstances7 = argInstances7.copy(shrink = Some(s7)))
def setShrink8(s8: Shrink[T8]): SelfType = copy(argInstances8 = argInstances8.copy(shrink = Some(s8)))
def setShrinks(s1: Shrink[T1], s2: Shrink[T2], s3: Shrink[T3], s4: Shrink[T4], s5: Shrink[T5], s6: Shrink[T6], s7: Shrink[T7], s8: Shrink[T8]): SelfType =
def setPretty1(p1: T1 => Pretty): SelfType = copy(argInstances1 = argInstances1.copy(pretty = p1))
def setPretty2(p2: T2 => Pretty): SelfType = copy(argInstances2 = argInstances2.copy(pretty = p2))
def setPretty3(p3: T3 => Pretty): SelfType = copy(argInstances3 = argInstances3.copy(pretty = p3))
def setPretty4(p4: T4 => Pretty): SelfType = copy(argInstances4 = argInstances4.copy(pretty = p4))
def setPretty5(p5: T5 => Pretty): SelfType = copy(argInstances5 = argInstances5.copy(pretty = p5))
def setPretty6(p6: T6 => Pretty): SelfType = copy(argInstances6 = argInstances6.copy(pretty = p6))
def setPretty7(p7: T7 => Pretty): SelfType = copy(argInstances7 = argInstances7.copy(pretty = p7))
def setPretty8(p8: T8 => Pretty): SelfType = copy(argInstances8 = argInstances8.copy(pretty = p8))
def pretty1(p1: T1 => String): SelfType = setPretty1((t1: T1) => Pretty(_ => p1(t1)))
def pretty2(p2: T2 => String): SelfType = setPretty2((t2: T2) => Pretty(_ => p2(t2)))
def pretty3(p3: T3 => String): SelfType = setPretty3((t3: T3) => Pretty(_ => p3(t3)))
def pretty4(p4: T4 => String): SelfType = setPretty4((t4: T4) => Pretty(_ => p4(t4)))
def pretty5(p5: T5 => String): SelfType = setPretty5((t5: T5) => Pretty(_ => p5(t5)))
def pretty6(p6: T6 => String): SelfType = setPretty6((t6: T6) => Pretty(_ => p6(t6)))
def pretty7(p7: T7 => String): SelfType = setPretty7((t7: T7) => Pretty(_ => p7(t7)))
def pretty8(p8: T8 => String): SelfType = setPretty8((t8: T8) => Pretty(_ => p8(t8)))
def setPretties(p1: T1 => Pretty, p2: T2 => Pretty, p3: T3 => Pretty, p4: T4 => Pretty, p5: T5 => Pretty, p6: T6 => Pretty, p7: T7 => Pretty, p8: T8 => Pretty): SelfType =
def pretties(p1: T1 => String, p2: T2 => String, p3: T3 => String, p4: T4 => String, p5: T5 => String, p6: T6 => String, p7: T7 => String, p8: T8 => String): SelfType =
def setPrettyFreqMap(f: FreqMap[Set[Any]] => Pretty): SelfType =
copy(prettyFreqMap = f)
def collectArg1(f: T1 => Any): SelfType = copy(argInstances1 = argInstances1.copy(collectors = argInstances1.collectors :+ f))
def collectArg2(f: T2 => Any): SelfType = copy(argInstances2 = argInstances2.copy(collectors = argInstances2.collectors :+ f))
def collectArg3(f: T3 => Any): SelfType = copy(argInstances3 = argInstances3.copy(collectors = argInstances3.collectors :+ f))
def collectArg4(f: T4 => Any): SelfType = copy(argInstances4 = argInstances4.copy(collectors = argInstances4.collectors :+ f))
def collectArg5(f: T5 => Any): SelfType = copy(argInstances5 = argInstances5.copy(collectors = argInstances5.collectors :+ f))
def collectArg6(f: T6 => Any): SelfType = copy(argInstances6 = argInstances6.copy(collectors = argInstances6.collectors :+ f))
def collectArg7(f: T7 => Any): SelfType = copy(argInstances7 = argInstances7.copy(collectors = argInstances7.collectors :+ f))
def collectArg8(f: T8 => Any): SelfType = copy(argInstances8 = argInstances8.copy(collectors = argInstances8.collectors :+ f))
def collect1: SelfType = collectArg1(_.toString)
def collect2: SelfType = collectArg2(_.toString)
def collect3: SelfType = collectArg3(_.toString)
def collect4: SelfType = collectArg4(_.toString)
def collect5: SelfType = collectArg5(_.toString)
def collect6: SelfType = collectArg6(_.toString)
def collect7: SelfType = collectArg7(_.toString)
def collect8: SelfType = collectArg8(_.toString)
def collectAllArgs(f1: T1 => Any,f2: T2 => Any,f3: T3 => Any,f4: T4 => Any,f5: T5 => Any,f6: T6 => Any,f7: T7 => Any,f8: T8 => Any): SelfType =
def collectAll: SelfType =
def prepare(action: (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8) => (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8)): SelfType =
copy(execute = (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3, t4: T4, t5: T5, t6: T6, t7: T7, t8: T8) => execute.tupled(action(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8)))
def setContext(context: Context): SelfType = copy(context = Some(context))
def setParameters(ps: Parameters): SelfType = copy(parameters = ps)
case class ScalaCheckArgInstances[T](arbitrary: Arbitrary[T], shrink: Option[Shrink[T]], collectors: List[T => Any], pretty: T => Pretty) {
def collect(t: T, p: Prop) =
collectors.foldLeft(p)((res, cur) => Prop.collect(t)(p))
object ScalaCheckProperty {
def makeProp[T](f: T => Prop, shrink: Option[Shrink[T]])(implicit a: Arbitrary[T], p: T => Pretty): Prop =
shrink.fold(Prop.forAllNoShrink(f))(s => Prop.forAll(f)(identity, a, s, p))
def TNList(n: Int) = (1 to n).map("T"+_).mkString(", ")
def TNParamList(n: Int) = (1 to n).map(i => s"t$i: T$i").mkString(", ")
def NParamList(n: Int) = (1 to n).map(i => s"t$i").mkString(", ")
def allScalaCheckFunctionN(n: Int): String =
(2 to n).map(scalaCheckFunctionN).mkString("\n\n")
def scalaCheckFunctionN(n: Int): String =
case class ScalaCheckFunction$n[${TNList(n)}, R](
execute: (${TNList(n)}) => R,
${(1 to n).map(i => s"argInstances$i: ScalaCheckArgInstances[T$i]").mkString(", ") },
prettyFreqMap: FreqMap[Set[Any]] => Pretty,
asResult: AsResult[R],
context: Option[Context],
parameters: Parameters) extends ScalaCheckFunction {
type SelfType = ScalaCheckFunction$n[${TNList(n)}, R]
private implicit val asResult1 = asResult
private implicit val ${ (1 to n).map(i => s"arb$i").mkString("(", ",", ")") } = ${ (1 to n).map(i => s"argInstances$i.arbitrary").mkString("(", ",", ")") }
private implicit val ${ (1 to n).map(i => s"sh$i").mkString("(", ",", ")") } = ${ (1 to n).map(i => s"argInstances$i.shrink").mkString("(", ",", ")") }
private implicit val ${ (1 to n).map(i => s"pr$i").mkString("(", ",", ")") } = ${ (1 to n).map(i => s"argInstances$i.pretty").mkString("(", ",", ")") }
lazy val propFunction = (${TNParamList(n)}) => {
lazy val executed = execute(${NParamList(n)})
${(1 to n).reverse.foldLeft("asResultToProp(executed)"){ (res, i) => s"argInstances$i.collect(t$i, $res)"}}
lazy val prop: Prop =
${(1 to n).reverse.foldLeft(s"propFunction(${NParamList(n)})") { (res, i) =>
s"makeProp((t$i: T$i) => $res, argInstances$i.shrink)"
def noShrink: SelfType = copy(${(1 to n).map(i => s"argInstances$i = argInstances$i.copy(shrink = None)").mkString(", ")})
${(1 to n).map(i => s"def setArbitrary$i(a$i: Arbitrary[T$i]): SelfType = copy(argInstances$i = argInstances$i.copy(arbitrary = a$i))").mkString("\n ")}
def setArbitraries(${(1 to n).map(i => s"a$i: Arbitrary[T$i]").mkString(", ")}): SelfType =
${(1 to n).map(i => s"setArbitrary$i(a$i)").mkString(".")}
${(1 to n).map(i => s"def setGen$i(g$i: Gen[T$i]): SelfType = setArbitrary$i(Arbitrary(g$i))").mkString("\n ")}
def setGens(${(1 to n).map(i => s"g$i: Gen[T$i]").mkString(", ")}): SelfType =
${(1 to n).map(i => s"setGen$i(g$i)").mkString(".")}
${(1 to n).map(i => s"def setShrink$i(s$i: Shrink[T$i]): SelfType = copy(argInstances$i = argInstances$i.copy(shrink = Some(s$i)))").mkString("\n ")}
def setShrinks(${(1 to n).map(i => s"s$i: Shrink[T$i]").mkString(", ")}): SelfType =
${(1 to n).map(i => s"setShrink$i(s$i)").mkString(".")}
${(1 to n).map(i => s"def setPretty$i(p$i: T$i => Pretty): SelfType = copy(argInstances$i = argInstances$i.copy(pretty = p$i))").mkString("\n ")}
${(1 to n).map(i => s"def pretty$i(p$i: T$i => String): SelfType = setPretty$i((t$i: T$i) => Pretty(_ => p$i(t$i)))").mkString("\n ")}
def setPretties(${(1 to n).map(i => s"p$i: T$i => Pretty").mkString(", ")}): SelfType =
${(1 to n).map(i => s"setPretty$i(p$i)").mkString(".")}
def pretties(${(1 to n).map(i => s"p$i: T$i => String").mkString(", ")}): SelfType =
${(1 to n).map(i => s"pretty$i(p$i)").mkString(".")}
def setPrettyFreqMap(f: FreqMap[Set[Any]] => Pretty): SelfType =
copy(prettyFreqMap = f)
${(1 to n).map(i => s"def collectArg$i(f: T$i => Any): SelfType = copy(argInstances$i = argInstances$i.copy(collectors = argInstances$i.collectors :+ f))").mkString("\n ")}
${(1 to n).map(i => s"def collect$i: SelfType = collectArg$i(_.toString)").mkString("\n ")}
def collectAllArgs(${(1 to n).map(i => s"f$i: T$i => Any").mkString(",")}): SelfType =
${(1 to n).map(i => s"collectArg$i(f$i)").mkString(".")}
def collectAll: SelfType =
${(1 to n).map(i => s"collect$i").mkString(".")}
def prepare(action: (${TNList(n)}) => (${TNList(n)})): SelfType =
copy(execute = (${TNParamList(n)}) => execute.tupled(action(${NParamList(n)})))
def setContext(context: Context): SelfType = copy(context = Some(context))
def setParameters(ps: Parameters): SelfType = copy(parameters = ps)
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