scalaz.BKTree.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package org.specs2.internal.scalaz
import collection.immutable.IntMap
import annotation.tailrec
import BKTree._
* Burkhard-Keller trees provide an implementation of sets which apart
* from the ordinary operations also has an approximate member search,
* allowing you to search for elements that are of a distance `n` from
* the element you are searching for. The distance is determined using
* a metric on the type of elements. Therefore all elements must
* implement the [[scalaz.MetricSpace]] type class, rather than the more usual
* [[scalaz.Ordering]].
* The worst case complexity of many of these operations is quite bad,
* but the expected behavior varies greatly with the metric. For
* example, the discrete metric (`distance x y | y == x = 0 |
* otherwise = 1`) makes BK-trees behave abysmally. The metrics
* mentioned above should give good performance characteristics.
* This implementation is a port of Haskell's [[http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/bktrees/0.2.1/doc/html/src/Data-Set-BKTree.html Data.Set.BKTree]]
sealed trait BKTree[A] {
def isEmpty: Boolean =
this match {
case BKTreeEmpty() => true
case BKTreeNode(_, _, _) => false
def map[B](f: A => B): BKTree[B] =
this match {
case BKTreeEmpty() => BKTreeEmpty()
case BKTreeNode(a, s, c) => BKTreeNode(f(a), s, c.transform((_: Int, z: BKTree[A]) => z map f))
def size: Int =
this match {
case BKTreeEmpty() => 0
case BKTreeNode(_, s, _) => s
def +(a: A)(implicit A: MetricSpace[A]): BKTree[A] =
this match {
case BKTreeEmpty() => BKTreeNode(a, 1, IntMap.empty)
case BKTreeNode(v, s, c) => {
val d = A.distance(v, a)
BKTreeNode(v, s + 1, c + ((d, c get d match {
case None => BKTreeNode(a, 1, IntMap.empty)
case Some(w) => w + a
def ++(t: BKTree[A])(implicit m: MetricSpace[A]): BKTree[A] = {
var k: BKTree[A] = this
for (v <- t.values)
k = k + v
def values: List[A] =
this match {
case BKTreeEmpty() => Nil
case BKTreeNode(v, _, c) => v :: c.valuesIterator.toList.flatMap(_.values)
* Returns true of this set contains `a`.
final def contains(a: A)(implicit A: MetricSpace[A]): Boolean =
this match {
case BKTreeEmpty() => false
case BKTreeNode(v, _, c) =>
val d = A.distance(v, a)
d == 0 || (c get d match {
case None => false
case Some(w) => w contains a
/** An alias for `contains` */
final def -?-(a: A)(implicit A: MetricSpace[A]): Boolean = contains(a)
/** Returns true if this set contains an element which has a distance from `a` that is less than or equal to `n` */
def containsApproximate(a: A, n: Int)(implicit A: MetricSpace[A]): Boolean =
this match {
case BKTreeEmpty() => false
case BKTreeNode(v, _, c) =>
val d = A.distance(v, a)
d <= n || (subChildren(d, n) exists (_._2 containsApproximate(a, n)))
/** An alias for `containsApproximate` */
def =?=(a: A, n: Int)(implicit A: MetricSpace[A]): Boolean = containsApproximate(a, n)
/** Returns the elements which have an distance from `a` that is less than or equal to `n`. */
def valuesApproximate(a: A, n: Int)(implicit A: MetricSpace[A]): List[A] =
this match {
case BKTreeEmpty() => Nil
case BKTreeNode(v, _, c) =>
val d = A.distance(v, a)
val k = subChildren(d, n).valuesIterator.toList flatMap (_ valuesApproximate(a, n))
if (d <= n)
v :: k
/** An alias for `valuesApproximate` */
def |=|(a: A, n: Int)(implicit A: MetricSpace[A]): List[A] = valuesApproximate(a, n)
private type M[A] = IntMap[A]
private def subChildren(d: Int, n: Int): M[BKTree[A]] =
this match {
case BKTreeEmpty() => IntMap.empty
case BKTreeNode(_, _, c) => subMap(c, d, n)
private def subMap(m: M[BKTree[A]], d: Int, n: Int): M[BKTree[A]] =
splitMap(splitMap(m, d - n - 1)._2, d + n + 1)._1
private def splitChildren(k: Int): (M[BKTree[A]], M[BKTree[A]]) =
this match {
case BKTreeEmpty() => (IntMap.empty, IntMap.empty)
case BKTreeNode(_, _, c) => splitMap(c, k)
private def splitMap(m: M[BKTree[A]], k: Int): (M[BKTree[A]], M[BKTree[A]]) = {
var m1: M[BKTree[A]] = IntMap.empty
var m2: M[BKTree[A]] = IntMap.empty
for ((i, v) <- m.iterator) {
if (i < k)
m1 = m1 + ((i, v))
else if (i > k)
m2 = m2 + ((i, v))
(m1, m2)
private case class BKTreeNode[A](value: A, sz: Int, children: IntMap[BKTree[A]]) extends BKTree[A]
private case class BKTreeEmpty[A]() extends BKTree[A]
object BKTree extends BKTreeFunctions with BKTreeInstances {
def apply[A: MetricSpace](as: A*): BKTree[A] = as.foldLeft(emptyBKTree[A])((b, a) => b + a)
trait BKTreeFunctions {
def emptyBKTree[A]: BKTree[A] = BKTreeEmpty()
trait BKTreeInstances {
implicit def bKTreeInstance: Functor[BKTree] with Length[BKTree] = new Functor[BKTree] with Length[BKTree] {
def map[A, B](fa: BKTree[A])(f: (A) => B): BKTree[B] = fa map f
def length[A](fa: BKTree[A]): Int = fa.size
implicit def bKTreeMonoid[A: MetricSpace]: Monoid[BKTree[A]] = new Monoid[BKTree[A]] {
def append(f1: BKTree[A], f2: => BKTree[A]): BKTree[A] = f1 ++ f2
def zero: BKTree[A] = BKTree[A]()
implicit def bkTreeEqual[A](implicit A: Equal[A]) = {
import std.list._
Equal.equalBy((ba: BKTree[A]) => ba.values)
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