org.specs2.analysis.LayersAnalysis.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package org.specs2
package analysis
import data.IncludedExcluded
import util.Properties._
* This trait allows to define expected dependencies between packages layers
trait LayersAnalysis extends ClassycleDependencyFinder {
/** this implicit definition allows to use a single string instead of a Layer object */
implicit def toLayer(s: String): Layer = layer(s.split("\\s").map(l => l.trim):_*)
* @return a new Layer object. If a prefix is defined, it will apply to each given name
def layer(names: String*): Layer = new Layer(names.filterNot(_.isEmpty).toSet)
* @return a new Layers object, composed of other layers. If a prefix is defined it will apply to each layer
def layers(ls: Layer*) = Layers(ls)
* The Layer class represent a list of packages.
* If those packages share a common prefix, it will be stored in the `prefix` member
case class Layer(names: Set[String], prefix: String = "",
sourceDir: String = "src/main/scala/",
targetDir: String = "target/scala-"+releaseVersion.orElse(developmentVersion).getOrElse("2.9.1")+"/classes/",
included: Seq[String] = Seq(), excluded: Seq[String] = Seq()) {
/** specify a prefix for this layer packages */
def withPrefix(p: String) = copy(prefix = if (this.prefix.isEmpty) p else p+"."+this.prefix)
/** specify a source directory for this layer packages */
def inSourceDir(s: String) = copy(sourceDir = s)
/** specify a target directory for this layer packages */
def inTargetDir(s: String) = copy(targetDir = s)
override def toString = names.mkString("\n") + (if (prefix == "") "" else " ("+prefix+")")
/** @return the package names */
lazy val packageNames = names.map(n => if (prefix.isEmpty) n else prefix+"."+n)
/** @return the list of dependents of each package of this layer */
lazy val getDependents: Set[Dependency] = packageNames.flatMap(p => getPackageDependents(p, sourceDir, targetDir))
* @return the list of dependencies showing that this layer depends on the `other` layer
* meaning thisLayer -- depends on --> otherLayer
def dependsOn(otherLayer: Layer) = otherLayer.getDependents.filter(inThisLayer)
/** use regexes to include fully qualified class names in the layer */
def include(names: String*) = copy(included = names.map(n => ".*"+n+".*"))
/** use regexes to exclude fully qualified class names from the layer */
def exclude(names: String*) = copy(excluded = names.map(n => ".*"+n+".*"))
/** @return true if the dependent class of this dependency has its package in this layer */
def inThisLayer(d: Dependency) = includedExcluded.keep(d.dependentClassName) && (packageNames contains d.dependentPackageName)
* check if a class name should be included or excluded from the dependency analysis, based on include/exclude regular expressions
private def includedExcluded = new IncludedExcluded[String] {
val include = included
val exclude = excluded
val keepFunction = (n: String, tags: Seq[String]) => tags.exists(t => n.matches(prefixed(t)))
private def prefixed(n: String) = if (prefix.isEmpty) n else prefix+"."+n
* This class represents an ordered set of layers, where each package on a given layer can only depend on packages defined in lower layers
case class Layers(layers: Seq[Layer]) {
/** specify a prefix for all layers */
def withPrefix(p: String) = copy(layers = layers.map(_.withPrefix(p)))
/** specify a source directory for all layers */
def inSourceDir(s: String) = copy(layers = layers.map(_.inSourceDir(s)))
/** specify a target directory for all layers */
def inTargetDir(s: String) = copy(layers = layers.map(_.inTargetDir(s)))
override def toString = layers.mkString("\n")
/** @return the layers as Markdown bullet points */
lazy val toMarkdown: String = layers.map(l => " * "+l.names.mkString(" ")).mkString("\n")
/** the list of dependencies which are not respecting the layers definitions */
lazy val unsatisfied: Dependencies = new Dependencies(unsatisfiedDependencies)
* @return the list of unsatisfied dependencies by:
* - taking all the subsequences of layers with at least 2 elements, say `Layers(l1, l2, l3) => Seq(Seq(l1, l2, l3), Seq(l1, l2))`
* - getting all the dependencies of the last element of a sequence with all its parents (should always be empty)
private lazy val unsatisfiedDependencies = {
layers.inits.filter(_.size > 1).flatMap(parents => parents.dropRight(1).flatMap(p => parents.last.dependsOn(p))).toSeq
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