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org.specs2.main.Arguments.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package org.specs2
package main

import org.specs2.internal.scalaz.{ Monoid, Scalaz }
import Scalaz._
import control._
import Exceptions._
import text._
import Split._
import data.SeparatedTags
import scala.Predef._

 * This class holds all the options that are relevant for specs2 execution and reporting.
 * The arguments are grouped along 4 functions:
 * - select:  for the selection of what must be executed
 * - execute: for the execution of fragments
 * - store:   for the storing of execution results
 * - report:  for the reporting of results
case class
Arguments (
  select:        Select           = Select(),
  execute:       Execute          = Execute(),
  store:         Store            = Store(),
  report:        Report           = Report(),
  commandLine:   CommandLine      = CommandLine()
 ) extends ShowArgs {
  def ex: String                      = select.ex
  def include: String                 = select.include
  def exclude: String                 = select.exclude
  def keep(tags: String*)             = select.keep(tags:_*)
  def contain(tags: String*)          = select.contain(tags:_*)
  def wasIssue: Boolean               = select.wasIssue
  def was(s: String): Boolean         = select.was(s)
  def wasIsDefined: Boolean           = select.wasIsDefined
  def specName: String                = select.specName

  def plan: Boolean                   = execute.plan
  def skipAll: Boolean                = execute.skipAll

  def stopOnFail: Boolean             = execute.stopOnFail
  def stopOnSkip: Boolean             = execute.stopOnSkip
  def sequential: Boolean             = execute.sequential
  def isolated: Boolean               = execute.isolated
  def threadsNb: Int                  = execute.threadsNb

  def xonly: Boolean                  = report.xonly
  def canShow(s: String)              = report.canShow(s)

  def failtrace: Boolean              = report.failtrace
  def color: Boolean                  = report.color
  def colors: Colors                  = report.colors
  def noindent: Boolean               = report.noindent
  def showtimes: Boolean              = report.showtimes
  def offset: Int                     = report.offset
  def markdown: Boolean               = report.markdown
  def debugMarkdown: Boolean          = report.debugMarkdown
  def diffs: Diffs                    = report.diffs
  def fromSource: Boolean             = report.fromSource
  def traceFilter: StackTraceFilter   = report.traceFilter

  /** @return true if the command line contains a given string */
  def contains(a: String) = commandLine contains a
  /** alias for overrideWith */
  def <|(other: Arguments) = overrideWith(other)
   * @return a new Arguments object where the values of this are overriden with the values of other if defined
  def overrideWith(other: Arguments): Arguments = {
    new Arguments(

   * shortcut methods to add ansi colors to some text depending on its status
  def textColor   (s: String) = colors.text   (s, color)
  def successColor(s: String) = colors.success(s, color)
  def failureColor(s: String) = colors.failure(s, color)
  def errorColor  (s: String) = colors.error  (s, color)
  def pendingColor(s: String) = colors.pending(s, color)
  def skippedColor(s: String) = colors.skipped(s, color)
  def statsColor  (s: String) = colors.stats  (s, color)
  def removeColors(s: String) = colors.removeColors(s)

   * @return a new Arguments object with only some arguments on the command line
  def commandLineFilter(included: String*) = copy(commandLine = commandLine.filter(included:_*))
   * @return a new Arguments object with some arguments removed from the command line
  def commandLineFilterNot(excluded: String*) = copy(commandLine = commandLine.filterNot(excluded:_*))

  override def toString = Seq(select, execute, report, commandLine).mkString("Arguments(", ", ", ")")

import main.{SystemProperties => sysProperties}

object Arguments extends Extract {
  /** @return new arguments from command-line arguments */
  def apply(implicit arguments: String*): Arguments = {
    if (arguments.isEmpty) new Arguments()
    else                   extract(CommandLine.splitValues(arguments.mkString(" ")), sysProperties)

  private[specs2] def extract(implicit arguments: Seq[String], systemProperties: SystemProperties): Arguments = {
    new Arguments (
       select        = Select.extract,
       execute       = Execute.extract,
       store         = Store.extract,
       report        = Report.extract,
       commandLine   = CommandLine.extract
  implicit def ArgumentsMonoid: Monoid[Arguments] = new Monoid[Arguments] {
    def append(a1: Arguments, a2: =>Arguments) = a1 overrideWith a2
    val zero = Arguments()

   * @return true if the flagList is empty or if it has
  def hasFlags(s: String, flagList: Option[String]) = flagList match {
    case None        => true
    case Some(flags) => s.split("") forall flags.contains

 * Selection arguments
case class Select(
  _ex:            Option[String]           = None,
  _include:       Option[String]           = None,
  _exclude:       Option[String]           = None,
  _was:           Option[String]           = None,
  _specName:      Option[String]           = None) extends ShowArgs {

  import Arguments._
  def ex: String                    = _ex.getOrElse(".*")
  def include: String               = _include.getOrElse("")
  def exclude: String               = _exclude.getOrElse("")
  def keep(tags: String*)           = SeparatedTags(include, exclude).keep(tags)
  def contain(tags: String*)        = SeparatedTags(include, exclude).contain(tags)
  def wasIssue: Boolean             = was("x") || was("!")
  def was(s: String): Boolean       = hasFlags(s, _was)
  def wasIsDefined: Boolean         = _was.isDefined
  def specName: String              = _specName.getOrElse(".*Spec")

  def overrideWith(other: Select) = {
    new Select(
      other._ex              .orElse(_ex),
      other._include         .orElse(_include),
      other._exclude         .orElse(_exclude),
      other._was             .orElse(_was),
      other._specName        .orElse(_specName)

  override def toString = List(
    "ex"             -> _ex         ,
    "include"        -> _include    ,
    "exclude"        -> _exclude    ,
    "was"            -> _was        ,
    "specName"       -> _specName     ).flatMap(showArg).mkString("Select(", ", ", ")")

object Select extends Extract {
  def extract(implicit arguments: Seq[String], systemProperties: SystemProperties): Select = {
    new Select (
       _ex            = value("ex", ".*"+(_:String)+".*"),
       _include       = value("include"),
       _exclude       = value("exclude"),
       _was           = value("was").orElse(bool("wasissue").map(v => "x!")),
       _specName      = value("specname")
  val allValueNames = Seq("ex", "include", "exclude", "was", "specname")

 * Execution arguments
case class Execute(
  _plan:          Option[Boolean]          = None,
  _skipAll:       Option[Boolean]          = None,
  _stopOnFail:    Option[Boolean]          = None,
  _stopOnSkip:    Option[Boolean]          = None,
  _sequential:    Option[Boolean]          = None,
  _isolated:      Option[Boolean]          = None,
  _threadsNb:     Option[Int]              = None) extends ShowArgs {

  def plan: Boolean                 = _plan.getOrElse(false)
  def skipAll: Boolean              = _skipAll.getOrElse(false)
  def stopOnFail: Boolean           = _stopOnFail.getOrElse(false)
  def stopOnSkip: Boolean           = _stopOnSkip.getOrElse(false)
  def sequential: Boolean           = _sequential.getOrElse(false)
  def isolated: Boolean             = _isolated.getOrElse(false)
  def threadsNb: Int                = _threadsNb.getOrElse(Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors)

  def overrideWith(other: Execute) = {
    new Execute(
      other._plan            .orElse(_plan),
      other._skipAll         .orElse(_skipAll),
      other._stopOnFail      .orElse(_stopOnFail),
      other._stopOnSkip      .orElse(_stopOnSkip),
      other._sequential      .orElse(_sequential),
      other._isolated        .orElse(_isolated),
      other._threadsNb       .orElse(_threadsNb)

  override def toString =
    "plan"           -> _plan         ,
    "skipAll"        -> _skipAll      ,
    "stopOnFail"     -> _stopOnFail   ,
    "stopOnSkip"     -> _stopOnSkip   ,
    "sequential"     -> _sequential   ,
    "isolated"       -> _isolated   ,
    "threadsNb"      -> _threadsNb    ).flatMap(showArg).mkString("Execute(", ", ", ")")

object Execute extends Extract {
  def extract(implicit arguments: Seq[String], systemProperties: SystemProperties): Execute = {
    new Execute (
      _plan          = bool("plan"),
      _skipAll       = bool("skipall"),
      _stopOnFail    = bool("stoponfail"),
      _stopOnSkip    = bool("stoponskip"),
      _sequential    = bool("sequential"),
      _isolated      = bool("isolated"),
      _threadsNb     = int("threadsnb")
  val allValueNames = Seq("plan", "skipall", "stoponfail", "stoponskip", "sequential", "isolated", "threadsnb")

 * Storing arguments
case class Store(
  _reset:         Option[Boolean]          = None,
  _never:         Option[Boolean]          = None) extends ShowArgs {

  def reset: Boolean              = _reset.getOrElse(false)
  def never: Boolean              = _never.getOrElse(false)

  def overrideWith(other: Store) = {
    new Store(
      other._reset         .orElse(_reset),
      other._never         .orElse(_never)

  override def toString =
    "reset"        -> _reset      ,
    "never"        -> _never      ).flatMap(showArg).mkString("Store(", ", ", ")")


object Store extends Extract {
  def extract(implicit arguments: Seq[String], systemProperties: SystemProperties): Store = {
    new Store (
      _reset       = bool("resetstore"),
      _never       = bool("neverstore")

  val allValueNames = Seq("resetstore", "neverstore")

 * Reporting arguments
case class Report(
  _showOnly:      Option[String]           = None,
  _failtrace:     Option[Boolean]          = None,
  _color:         Option[Boolean]          = None,
  _colors:        Option[Colors]           = None,
  _noindent:      Option[Boolean]          = None,
  _showtimes:     Option[Boolean]          = None,
  _offset:        Option[Int]              = None,
  _markdown:      Option[Boolean]          = None,
  _debugMarkdown: Option[Boolean]          = None,
  _streaming:     Option[Boolean]          = None,
  _diffs:         Option[Diffs]            = None,
  _fromSource:    Option[Boolean]          = None,
  _traceFilter:   Option[StackTraceFilter] = None,
  _checkUrls :    Option[Boolean]          = None,
  _notoc:         Option[Boolean]          = None,
  _notifier:      Option[String]           = None,
  _exporter:      Option[String]           = None) extends ShowArgs {

  import Arguments._
  def xonly: Boolean                = canShow("x") && canShow("!") && !canShow("o*+")
  def canShow(s: String)            = hasFlags(s, _showOnly)
  def failtrace: Boolean            = _failtrace.getOrElse(false)
  def color: Boolean                = _color.getOrElse(true)
  def colors: Colors                = _colors.getOrElse(new SmartColors())
  def noindent: Boolean             = _noindent.getOrElse(false)
  def showtimes: Boolean            = _showtimes.getOrElse(false)
  def offset: Int                   = _offset.getOrElse(0)
  def markdown: Boolean             = _markdown.getOrElse(true)
  def debugMarkdown: Boolean        = _debugMarkdown.getOrElse(false)
  def streaming: Boolean            = _streaming.getOrElse(false)
  def diffs: Diffs                  = _diffs.getOrElse(SmartDiffs())
  def fromSource: Boolean           = _fromSource.getOrElse(true)
  def traceFilter: StackTraceFilter = _traceFilter.getOrElse(DefaultStackTraceFilter)
  def checkUrls: Boolean            = _checkUrls.getOrElse(false)
  def notoc: Boolean                = _notoc.getOrElse(false)
  def hasToc: Boolean               = !notoc
  def notifier: String              = _notifier.getOrElse("")
  def exporter: String              = _exporter.getOrElse("")

  def overrideWith(other: Report) = {
    new Report(
      other._showOnly        .orElse(_showOnly),
      other._failtrace       .orElse(_failtrace),
      other._color           .orElse(_color),
      other._colors          .orElse(_colors),
      other._noindent        .orElse(_noindent),
      other._showtimes       .orElse(_showtimes),
      other._offset          .orElse(_offset),
      other._markdown        .orElse(_markdown),
      other._debugMarkdown   .orElse(_debugMarkdown),
      other._streaming       .orElse(_streaming),
      other._diffs           .orElse(_diffs),
      other._fromSource      .orElse(_fromSource),
      other._traceFilter     .orElse(_traceFilter),
      other._checkUrls       .orElse(_checkUrls),
      other._notoc           .orElse(_notoc),
      other._notifier        .orElse(_notifier),
      other._exporter        .orElse(_exporter)

  override def toString = List(
    "showOnly"       -> _showOnly   ,
    "failtrace"      -> _failtrace    ,
    "color"          -> _color        ,
    "colors"         -> _colors       ,
    "noindent"       -> _noindent     ,
    "showtimes"      -> _showtimes    ,
    "offset"         -> _offset       ,
    "markdown"       -> _markdown     ,
    "debugMarkdown"  -> _debugMarkdown,
    "streaming"      -> _streaming,
    "diffs"          -> _diffs,
    "fromSource"     -> _fromSource,
    "traceFilter"    -> _traceFilter,
    "checkUrls"      -> _checkUrls,
    "notoc"          -> _notoc,
    "notifier"       -> _notifier,
    "exporter"       -> _exporter).flatMap(showArg).mkString("Report(", ", ", ")")


object Report extends Extract {
  def extract(implicit arguments: Seq[String], systemProperties: SystemProperties): Report = {
    new Report (
      _showOnly      = value("showonly").orElse(bool("xonly").map(v => "x!")),
      _failtrace     = bool("failtrace"),
      _color         = bool("color", "nocolor"),
      _colors        = value("colors").map(SmartColors.fromArgs),
      _noindent      = bool("noindent"),
      _showtimes     = bool("showtimes"),
      _offset        = int("offset"),
      _markdown      = bool("markdown", "nomarkdown"),
      _debugMarkdown = bool("debugmarkdown"),
      _streaming     = bool("streaming"),
      _fromSource    = bool("fromsource"),
      _traceFilter   = bool("fullstacktrace").map(t=>NoStackTraceFilter).
                       orElse(value("tracefilter", IncludeExcludeStackTraceFilter.fromString(_))),
      _checkUrls     = bool("checkurls"),
      _notoc         = bool("notoc"),
      _notifier      = value("notifier"),
      _exporter      = value("exporter")

  val allValueNames = Seq("showonly", "xonly", "failtrace", "color", "nocolor", "colors", "noindent", "offset", "markdown", "nomarkdown",
                          "debugmarkdown", "streaming", "fromsource", "fullstacktrace", "tracefilter", "checkurls", "notoc", "notifier", "exporter")
 * Command-line arguments
case class CommandLine(_arguments: Seq[String] = Seq()) extends ShowArgs {

  def arguments: Seq[String] = _arguments
  def contains(a: String) = arguments contains a
  def value(name: String) = Arguments.value(name)(_arguments, SystemProperties)
  def int(name: String) =, SystemProperties)
  def bool(name: String) = Arguments.bool(name)(_arguments, SystemProperties)
  def filter(included: String*) = copy(_arguments = arguments.filter(included.toSet.contains))
  def filterNot(excluded: String*) = copy(_arguments = arguments.filterNot(excluded.toSet.contains))
  def overrideWith(other: CommandLine) = copy(_arguments = if (other.arguments.isEmpty) this._arguments else other.arguments)

  override def toString = _arguments.mkString("CommandLine(", ", ", ")")

object CommandLine extends Extract {
  def extract(implicit arguments: Seq[String], systemProperties: SystemProperties): CommandLine =
    new CommandLine(_arguments = value("commandline").map(splitValues).getOrElse(Seq()) ++ arguments)

  val allValueNames = Select.allValueNames ++ Store.allValueNames ++ Execute.allValueNames ++ Report.allValueNames

  def splitValues(arguments: String): Seq[String] = arguments.splitDashed(allValueNames)

trait Extract {
  def bool(name: String, mappedValue: Boolean = true)(implicit args: Seq[String], sp: SystemProperties): Option[Boolean] = {
    args.find(_.toLowerCase.contains(name.toLowerCase)).map(a => mappedValue).orElse(boolSystemProperty(name))

   * memoize the boolean properties to improve performances
  private val booleanProperties = immutableHashMapMemo[(String, SystemProperties), Option[Boolean]] { case (name, sp) =>
    sp.getPropertyAs[Boolean](name) orElse sp.getProperty(name).map(v => true)
  def boolSystemProperty(name: String)(implicit sp: SystemProperties): Option[Boolean] = booleanProperties(name, sp)

  def bool(name: String, negatedName: String)(implicit args: Seq[String], sp: SystemProperties): Option[Boolean] = {
    bool(negatedName, false) orElse bool(name)
  def value[T](name: String, f: String => T)(implicit args: Seq[String], sp: SystemProperties): Option[T] = { => f(s._2)).orElse(valueSystemProperty(name, f))
  def valueSystemProperty[T](name: String, f: String => T)(implicit sp: SystemProperties): Option[T] = {
    sp.getProperty(name).map(o => f(o.toString))
  def value[T](name: String)(implicit args: Seq[String], sp: SystemProperties): Option[String] = value(name, identity _)
  def int(name: String)(implicit args: Seq[String], sp: SystemProperties): Option[Int] = {
    tryo(value(name)(args, sp).map(_.toInt)).getOrElse(None)


trait ShowArgs {
  def showArg(a: (String, Option[_])) = +" = "+_)

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