org.specs2.matcher.ParserMatchers.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package org.specs2
package matcher
import util.parsing.combinator.Parsers
import util.parsing.input.{CharSequenceReader, Reader}
import org.specs2.internal.scalaz.Scalaz._
import text.Plural._
import text.Quote._
* Matchers for parser combinators
* When this trait is inherited the parsers variable needs to be defined.
* by @alexey_r
trait ParserMatchers extends ParserBaseMatchers with ParserBeHaveMatchers
trait ParserBaseMatchers {
// can't extend Parsers because Parser/Elem types would be different from ones we are testing
val parsers: Parsers
import parsers.{Success => PSuccess, Failure => PFailure, Error => PError, _}
/** match if the input is successfully parsed */
def beASuccess[T] = ParseSuccessMatcher[T, ParseResult[T]](identity _)
/** match if the input is successfully, but partially, parsed*/
def beAPartialSuccess[T] = ParseSuccessMatcher[T, ParseResult[T]](identity _).partially
/** match if the input is not successfully parsed */
def beAFailure[T] = ParseNoSuccessMatcher[T, ParseResult[T], PFailure](identity _)
/** match if parsing the input raises an error */
def beAnError[T] = ParseNoSuccessMatcher[T, ParseResult[T], PError](identity _)
/** match if the input is successfully parsed */
def succeedOn[T](input: Input) = ParseSuccessMatcher[T, Parser[T]](_(input))
/** match if the input is not successfully parsed */
def failOn[T](input: Input) = ParseNoSuccessMatcher[T, Parser[T], PFailure](_(input))
/** match if parsing the input raises an error */
def errorOn[T](input: Input) = ParseNoSuccessMatcher[T, Parser[T], PError](_(input))
/** match if the parse successful => matcher ok */
def haveSuccessResult[T](m: Matcher[T]): Matcher[ParseResult[T]] =
ParseSuccessMatcher[T, ParseResult[T]](identity _).andThenWithResult(m)
/** match if the parse successful => string match ok */
def haveSuccessResult[T](result: String): Matcher[ParseResult[T]] =
haveSuccessResult(new BeMatching(".*"+result+".*") ^^ ((_:Any).toString))
/** match if the parse fails => matcher ok */
def haveFailureMsg[T](m: Matcher[String]): Matcher[ParseResult[T]] =
ParseNoSuccessMatcher[T, ParseResult[T], PFailure](identity _).andThenWithMsg(m)
/** match if the parse fails => string match ok */
def haveFailureMsg[T](result: String): Matcher[ParseResult[T]] =
haveFailureMsg(new BeMatching(".*"+result+".*"))
private[specs2] trait ParseResultMatcher[T, TMatchee] extends Matcher[TMatchee] {
val parseResult: TMatchee => ParseResult[T]
def apply0(s: Expectable[ParseResult[T]]): MatchResult[ParseResult[T]]
def apply[S <: TMatchee](s: Expectable[S]) = apply0(s.map(parseResult)).map(_ => s.value)
protected def remaining(next: Input) = {
val size = next.source.length - next.offset
size.qty("character") + " remaining: " + q(next.source.subSequence(next.offset, next.source.length()))
case class ParseSuccessMatcher[T, TMatchee](parseResult: TMatchee => ParseResult[T], isPartial: Boolean = false) extends ParseResultMatcher[T, TMatchee] {
def partially = copy(isPartial = true)
def apply0(s: Expectable[ParseResult[T]]) = {
s.value match {
case PSuccess(_, next) if next.atEnd || isPartial =>
Matcher.result(true, s.description, s.description+" isn't a Success", s)
case PSuccess(_, next) if !next.atEnd && !isPartial =>
Matcher.result(false, s.description,
s.description+" is a Success but the input was not completely parsed. "+ remaining(next), s)
case _ =>
Matcher.result(false, s.description, s.description+" isn't a Success", s)
/** check if the parsed value is as expected as a regexp*/
def withResult(result: String): Matcher[TMatchee] = withResult(new BeMatching(".*"+result+".*") ^^ ((_:Any).toString))
/** check if the parsed value is as expected */
def withResult(result: ExpectedParsedResult[T]): Matcher[TMatchee] = withResult(new BeEqualTo(result.t))
/** check if the parsed value is as expected, using a matcher */
def withResult(resultMatcher: Matcher[T]): Matcher[TMatchee] = new Matcher[TMatchee] {
def apply[S <: TMatchee](s: Expectable[S]) = {
val pResult = parseResult(s.value)
lazy val resultMatcherResult: MatchResult[ParseResult[T]] = pResult match {
case PSuccess(result, _) => resultMatcher(Expectable(result)).map(_ => pResult)
case _ => MatchFailure("Parse succeeded", "Parse didn't succeed", s.map(pResult))
(apply0(Expectable(pResult)) and resultMatcherResult).map(_ => s.value)
def andThenWithResult(resultMatcher: Matcher[T]): Matcher[TMatchee] = new Matcher[TMatchee] {
def apply[S <: TMatchee](s: Expectable[S]) = {
val pResult = parseResult(s.value)
lazy val resultMatcherResult: MatchResult[ParseResult[T]] = pResult match {
case PSuccess(result, _) => resultMatcher(Expectable(result)).map(_ => pResult)
case _ => MatchSuccess("Parse succeeded", "Parse didn't succeed", s.map(pResult))
resultMatcherResult.map(_ => s.value)
case class ParseNoSuccessMatcher[T, TMatchee, TNoSuccess <: NoSuccess : ClassManifest]
(parseResult: TMatchee => ParseResult[T]) extends ParseResultMatcher[T, TMatchee] {
val clazz = implicitly[ClassManifest[TNoSuccess]].erasure
def apply0(s: Expectable[ParseResult[T]]) = {
s.value match {
case PSuccess(_, next) if !next.atEnd =>
s.description+" is a Success and the input was not completely parsed. "+
remaining(next), s.description, s)
case _ =>
Matcher.result(clazz.isInstance(s.value), s.description, s.description+" isn't a "+clazz.getSimpleName, s)
/** check if the failure message is as expected */
def withMsg(msg: ExpectedParsedResult[String]): Matcher[TMatchee] = withMsg(new BeMatching(".*"+msg.t+".*"))
/** check if the failure message is as expected, using a matcher */
def withMsg(msgMatcher: Matcher[String]): Matcher[TMatchee] = new Matcher[TMatchee] {
def apply[S <: TMatchee](s: Expectable[S]) = {
val pResult = parseResult(s.value)
lazy val msgMatcherResult = pResult match {
case pNoSuccess: NoSuccess => msgMatcher(Expectable(pNoSuccess.msg))
case _ => MatchFailure("Parse failed", "Parse succeeded", s.map(pResult))
(apply0(Expectable(pResult)) and msgMatcherResult).map(_ => s.value)
/** check if the failure message is as expected, only when the parse is failing */
def andThenWithMsg(msgMatcher: Matcher[String]): Matcher[TMatchee] = new Matcher[TMatchee] {
def apply[S <: TMatchee](s: Expectable[S]) = {
val pResult = parseResult(s.value)
lazy val msgMatcherResult = pResult match {
case pNoSuccess: NoSuccess => msgMatcher(Expectable(pNoSuccess.msg))
case _ => MatchSuccess("Parse failed", "Parse succeeded", s.map(pResult))
msgMatcherResult.map(_ => s.value)
implicit def useStringsAsInput(s: String): Reader[Char] = new CharSequenceReader(s)
trait ParserBeHaveMatchers { outer: ParserBaseMatchers =>
import parsers.{Success => PSuccess, Failure => PFailure, Error => PError, _}
implicit def toParsedResultMatcher[T](result: MatchResult[ParseResult[T]]) = new ParsedResultMatcher(result)
class ParsedResultMatcher[T](result: MatchResult[ParseResult[T]]) {
def aSuccess = result(beASuccess)
def aPartialSuccess = result(beAPartialSuccess)
def aFailure = result(beAFailure)
def aParseError = result(beAnError)
def haveSuccessResult(s: String) = result(outer.haveSuccessResult(s))
def haveSuccessResult(m: Matcher[T]) = result(outer.haveSuccessResult(m))
def haveFailureMsg(s: String) = result(outer.haveFailureMsg(s))
def haveFailureMsg(m: Matcher[String]) = result(outer.haveFailureMsg(m))
def aSuccess = beASuccess
def aPartialSuccess = beAPartialSuccess
def aFailure = beAFailure
def aParseError = beAnError
implicit def toParserResultMatcherResult[T](result: MatchResult[Parser[T]]) = new ParserResultMatcherResult(result)
class ParserResultMatcherResult[T](result: MatchResult[Parser[T]]) {
def succeedOn(input: Input) = result(outer.succeedOn(input))
def failOn(input: Input) = result(outer.failOn(input))
def errorOn(input: Input) = result(outer.errorOn(input))
/** This class is only used as a transient holder for the expected parsed value, to overcome overloaded method issues */
case class ExpectedParsedResult[+T](t: T) {
override def toString = t.toString
object ExpectedParsedResult {
implicit def toExpectedParsedResult[T](t: T): ExpectedParsedResult[T] = new ExpectedParsedResult(t)
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