org.specs2.mock.mockito.Invocation.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.mockito.internal.invocation
* Copyright (c) 2007 Mockito contributors
* This program is made available under the terms of the MIT License.
import org.hamcrest.Matcher
import org.mockito.exceptions.PrintableInvocation
import org.mockito.exceptions.Reporter
import org.mockito.internal.debugging.Location
import org.mockito.internal.exceptions.VerificationAwareInvocation
import org.mockito.internal.invocation.realmethod.RealMethod
import org.mockito.internal.reporting.PrintSettings
import org.mockito.internal.reporting.PrintingFriendlyInvocation
import org.mockito.internal.util.MockUtil
import org.mockito.internal.util.ObjectMethodsGuru
import org.mockito.internal.util.Primitives
import org.mockito.invocation.InvocationOnMock
import java.lang.reflect.Method
import java.util.ArrayList
import java.util.Arrays
import java.util.List
import org.mockito.internal.progress.ThreadSafeMockingProgress2
import Invocation.{expandVarArgs, MAX_LINE_LENGTH}
import org.mockito.internal.matchers.{EqualsFunction0, EqualsFunction1, ArrayEquals, Equals, MatchersPrinter}
* This class redefines Mockito Invocation behavior class when evaluating byname arguments.
* The only changed method is `argumentsToMatchers`
class Invocation extends PrintableInvocation with InvocationOnMock with PrintingFriendlyInvocation with VerificationAwareInvocation {
def this(mock: AnyRef, mockitoMethod: MockitoMethod, args: Array[AnyRef], sequenceNumber: Int, realMethod: RealMethod) {
this.method = mockitoMethod
this.mock = mock
this.realMethod = realMethod
this.arguments = expandVarArgs(mockitoMethod.isVarArgs, args)
this.rawArguments = args
this.sequenceNumber = sequenceNumber
this.location = new Location
protected def argumentsToMatchers: List[Matcher[_]] = {
var matchers: List[Matcher[_]] = new ArrayList[Matcher[_]](arguments.length)
for (arg <- arguments) {
if (arg != null && arg.getClass.isArray) matchers.add(new ArrayEquals(arg))
else if (arg != null && arg.getClass.getName.startsWith("scala.collection.mutable.WrappedArray")) matchers.add(new Equals(arg))
else if (arg.isInstanceOf[Function0[_]]) {
// evaluate the byname parameter to collect the argument matchers
// if an exception is thrown we keep the value to compare it with the actual one (see "with Any" in the MockitoSpec and issue 82)
val value = try { arg.asInstanceOf[Function0[_]].apply() } catch { case e => e }
val argumentsMatchers = ThreadSafeMockingProgress2.pullMatchers
// if there are no matchers, use the value directly with an equals matcher
if (argumentsMatchers.isEmpty) matchers.add(new EqualsFunction0(value))
else matchers.addAll(argumentsMatchers)
else if (arg.isInstanceOf[org.specs2.matcher.Matcher[_]]) {
matchers.add(new org.specs2.mock.HamcrestMatcherAdapter(arg.asInstanceOf[org.specs2.matcher.Matcher[_]]))
else if (arg.isInstanceOf[Function1[_,_]]) {
matchers.add(new EqualsFunction1(arg))
else matchers.add(new Equals(arg))
def getMock: AnyRef = mock
def getMethod: Method = method.getJavaMethod
def getArguments: Array[AnyRef] = arguments
def isVerified: Boolean = verified || isIgnoredForVerification
def getSequenceNumber: java.lang.Integer = sequenceNumber
override def equals(o: Any): Boolean = {
if (o == null || !(o.getClass == this.getClass)) {
return false
var other: Invocation = o.asInstanceOf[Invocation]
(this.mock == other.mock) && (this.method == other.method) && this.equalArguments(other.arguments)
private def equalArguments(arguments: Array[AnyRef]): Boolean = Arrays.equals(arguments, this.arguments)
override def hashCode = 1
override def toString: String = toString(argumentsToMatchers, new PrintSettings)
protected def toString(matchers: List[Matcher[_]], printSettings: PrintSettings): String = {
var matchersPrinter: MatchersPrinter = new MatchersPrinter
var method: String = qualifiedMethodName
var invocation: String = method + matchersPrinter.getArgumentsLine(matchers, printSettings)
if (printSettings.isMultiline || (!matchers.isEmpty && invocation.length > MAX_LINE_LENGTH))
method + matchersPrinter.getArgumentsBlock(matchers, printSettings)
else invocation
private def qualifiedMethodName: String = new MockUtil().getMockName(mock) + "." + method.getName
def isToString: Boolean = new ObjectMethodsGuru().isToString(getMethod)
def isValidException(throwable: Throwable): Boolean = {
var exceptions: Array[Class[_]] = this.getMethod.getExceptionTypes
var throwableClass: Class[_] = throwable.getClass
for (exception <- exceptions) {
if (exception.isAssignableFrom(throwableClass)) {
return true
def isValidReturnType(clazz: Class[_]): Boolean = {
if (method.getReturnType.isPrimitive) {
Primitives.primitiveTypeOf(clazz) eq method.getReturnType
else {
def isVoid: Boolean = this.method.getReturnType eq Void.TYPE
def printMethodReturnType: String = method.getReturnType.getSimpleName
def getMethodName: String = method.getName
def returnsPrimitive: Boolean = method.getReturnType.isPrimitive
def getLocation: Location = location
def getArgumentsCount: Int = arguments.length
def getRawArguments: Array[AnyRef] = this.rawArguments
def callRealMethod: AnyRef = {
if (isDeclaredOnInterface) new Reporter().cannotCallRealMethodOnInterface
realMethod.invoke(mock, rawArguments)
def isDeclaredOnInterface: Boolean = this.getMethod.getDeclaringClass.isInterface
def toString(printSettings: PrintSettings): String = toString(argumentsToMatchers, printSettings)
private[invocation] def markVerified { this.verified = true }
def markStubbed(stubInfo: StubInfo) { this._stubInfo = stubInfo }
def ignoreForVerification { _isIgnoredForVerification = true }
def isIgnoredForVerification = _isIgnoredForVerification.booleanValue()
def stubInfo: StubInfo = _stubInfo
private final var sequenceNumber: Int = 0
private final var mock: AnyRef = null
private final var method: MockitoMethod = null
private final var arguments: Array[AnyRef] = null
private final var rawArguments: Array[AnyRef] = null
private final var location: Location = null
private var verified: Boolean = false
private var _isIgnoredForVerification: java.lang.Boolean = false
private[invocation] final var realMethod: RealMethod = null
private var _stubInfo: StubInfo = null
* Method call on a mock object.
* Contains sequence number which should be globally unique and is used for
* verification in order.
* Contains stack trace of invocation
object Invocation {
def expandVarArgs(isVarArgs: Boolean, args: Array[AnyRef]): Array[AnyRef] = {
if (!isVarArgs || args(args.length - 1) != null && !args(args.length - 1).getClass.isArray) {
return if (args == null) new Array[AnyRef](0) else args
val nonVarArgsCount: Int = args.length - 1
var varArgs: Array[AnyRef] = null
if (args(nonVarArgsCount) == null)
varArgs = Array[AnyRef](null)
varArgs = ArrayEquals.createObjectArray(args(nonVarArgsCount))
val varArgsCount: Int = varArgs.length
var newArgs: Array[AnyRef] = new Array[AnyRef](nonVarArgsCount + varArgsCount)
System.arraycopy(args, 0, newArgs, 0, nonVarArgsCount)
System.arraycopy(varArgs, 0, newArgs, nonVarArgsCount, varArgsCount)
val serialVersionUID: Long = 8240069639250980199L
val MAX_LINE_LENGTH: Int = 45