org.specs2.reporter.StatisticsRepository.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package org.specs2
package reporter
import internal.scalaz.Scalaz._
import scala.xml._
import xml.Nodex._
import specification.{Example, ExecutedResult, Stats, SpecName}
import execute.{Result, Success}
trait StatisticsRepository {
def getStatistics(specName: SpecName): Option[Stats]
def storeStatistics(specName: SpecName, stats: Stats): this.type
def storeResults(specName: SpecName, result: Seq[ExecutedResult]): this.type
* remove previously stored statistics
def resetStatistics: this.type
* @return the previous executed result of an example
def previousResult(specName: SpecName, e: Example): Option[Result]
* This repository store the results in one file per specification, in a special directory
* This solution is preferred over having a single file for all specifications because of the possible
* concurrent execution of specifications
trait DefaultStatisticsRepository extends StatisticsRepository with OutputDir {
* @return the latest statistics for a given specification
def getStatistics(specName: SpecName): Option[Stats] = latestSpecStats(specName) |> extractStats
* @return the latest saved statistics of a given specification
def latestSpecStats(specName: SpecName): Option[Node] = (loadStatistics(specName) \\ statsTag(specName)).lastOption
* @return the latest saved results of a given specification
def latestSpecResults(specName: SpecName): Option[Node] = (loadStatistics(specName) \\ resultsTag(specName)).lastOption
* reset the statistics
def resetStatistics = {
* @return the previous executed result of an example
def previousResult(specName: SpecName, e: Example): Option[Result] = latestSpecResults(specName).getOrElse(NodeSeq.Empty) |> findPreviousStats(e)
* find the pr of an example in the loaded xml
def findPreviousStats(e: Example) = (n: NodeSeq) => {
(n \\ "_" find attributeValueEquals(exampleId(e))) |>
extractStats map (_.result) orElse
private def extractStats = (n: Option[Node]) => n flatMap (_.child.headOption) flatMap Stats.fromXml
private def attributeValueEquals(value: String)(node: Node) = node.attributes.exists(_.value.toString == value)
def loadStatistics(specName: SpecName): NodeSeq = fileSystem.loadXhtmlFile(specStatsPath(specName))
def storeResults(specName: SpecName, results: Seq[ExecutedResult]) = {
fileWriter.appendToXmlFile(specStatsPath(specName), resultsToXml(specName, results))
def storeStatistics(specName: SpecName, stats: Stats) = {
fileWriter.appendToXmlFile(specStatsPath(specName), statsToXml(specName, stats))
def specStatsPath(specName: SpecName) = statsDirPath + nameTag(specName) + ".stats"
* make sure that no empty tag name is used to search the xml stats, and is unique, even for an anonymous class
private def nameTag(specName: SpecName) =
if (specName.fullName.isEmpty || specName.fullName == "anon") "anon"+specName.javaClassName.hashCode
else specName.fullName
private def statsTag(specName: SpecName) = nameTag(specName)+"-stats"
private def resultsTag(specName: SpecName) = nameTag(specName)+"-results"
private def statsToXml(specName: SpecName, stats: Stats): NodeSeq = {
Elem(null, statsTag(specName),
new UnprefixedAttribute("timestamp", System.currentTimeMillis().toString, Null), TopScope, stats.toXml) ++ Text("\n")
private def resultsToXml(specName: SpecName, results: Seq[ExecutedResult]): NodeSeq = {
val xmlResults = results reduceNodes resultToXml
if (xmlResults.isEmpty) xmlResults
else Elem(null, resultsTag(specName),
new UnprefixedAttribute("timestamp", System.currentTimeMillis().toString, Null), TopScope, xmlResults:_*) ++ Text("\n")
* Transform a result to xml for storage. Only non-successes are stored. The results are referenced with a hashcode based on the result description
* Location are stored for easier reference
private def resultToXml: ExecutedResult => NodeSeq = (r: ExecutedResult) => {
({r.stats.toXml} ++ Text("\n")) unless r.isSuccess
private def resultId(r: ExecutedResult): String = r.s.toString.hashCode.toString
private def exampleId(e: Example): String = e.desc.toString.hashCode.toString
object DefaultStatisticsRepository extends DefaultStatisticsRepository
trait WithStatisticsRepository {
protected def repository: StatisticsRepository
trait WithDefaultStatisticsRepository extends WithStatisticsRepository {
protected lazy val repository: StatisticsRepository = DefaultStatisticsRepository
object NoStatisticsRepository extends StatisticsRepository {
def getStatistics(specName: SpecName): Option[Stats] = None
def storeStatistics(specName: SpecName, stats: Stats) = this
def storeResults(specName: SpecName, result: Seq[ExecutedResult]) = this
def resetStatistics = this
def previousResult(specName: SpecName, e: Example): Option[Result] = None
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