org.specs2.specification.FragmentsBuilder.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.specs2
package specification
import execute._
import main._
import internal.scalaz.Scalaz._
* This trait provides function to create specification Fragments:
* - a SpecStart fragment with title
* - a Text fragment with text
* - an Example fragment with a body
* - a group of fragments (when including another specification for example)
trait FragmentsBuilder extends RegexSteps with ExamplesFactory { outer =>
* Methods for chaining fragments
/** @return a Fragments object from a single Fragment */
implicit def fragments(f: =>Fragment): Fragments = Fragments.createList(f)
implicit def fragmentFragments(f: =>Fragment): FragmentsFragment = new FragmentsFragment(fragments(f))
implicit def fragmentsFragments(fs: =>Fragments): FragmentsFragment = new FragmentsFragment(fs)
/** reverse conversion from a Fragment containing a Fragments object to the Fragments object*/
implicit def fragmentsFragmentToFragments(fs: FragmentsFragment): Fragments = fs.fragments
* Methods for creating fragments
/** @return a Fragments object from a string */
implicit def textStart(s: String): Fragments = Fragments.createList(Text(s))
/** @return create a Text Fragment from a string and allow it to be chained to other fragments */
implicit def textFragment(s: String): FragmentsFragment = textStart(s)
* This method allows to add a title to the Specification. It can be used as an operation on a String:
* `"spec title".title`
* @return a Fragments object from a string, with the given title
implicit def title(s: String): SpecTitle = new SpecTitle(s)
class SpecTitle(name: String) {
def title = Fragments(SpecName(name))
* Example creation
* @return an Example description from a string, to create a full Example once the body is defined
implicit def forExample(s: String): ExampleDesc = new ExampleDesc(s)
/** transient class to hold an example description before creating a full Example */
class ExampleDesc(s: String) {
/** @return an Example, using anything that can be translated to a Result, e.g. a Boolean */
def : Example = exampleFactory.newExample(s, t)
/** @return an Example, using the example description */
def : Example = exampleFactory.newExample(s, f(s))
/** @return an Example which a function using values extracted from the text */
def !(gt: GivenThen): Example = exampleFactory.newExample(s, gt)
* Arguments creation
* @return a Fragments object which can be chained with other fragments
implicit def argumentsFragment(a: Arguments): FragmentsFragment = new Fragments().overrideArgs(a)
* Links to other specifications creation
* @see org.specs2.UserGuide
implicit def stringToHtmlLinkFragments(s: String): HtmlLinkFragments = new HtmlLinkFragments(HtmlLink(SpecName(""), s, "", "", ""))
class HtmlLinkFragments(link: HtmlLink) {
def ~(s: SpecificationStructure) = outer.link(HtmlLink(s.content.specName, "", link.beforeText), s)
def ~(p: (String, SpecificationStructure)) = outer.link(HtmlLink(p._2.content.specName, link.beforeText, p._1), p._2)
def ~(p: (String, SpecificationStructure, String)) = outer.link(HtmlLink(p._2.content.specName, link.beforeText, p._1, p._3), p._2)
def ~(p: (String, SpecificationStructure, String, String)) = outer.link(HtmlLink(p._2.content.specName, link.beforeText, p._1, p._3, p._4), p._2)
def ~/(s: SpecificationStructure) = outer.see(HtmlLink(s.content.specName, "", link.beforeText), s)
def ~/(p: (String, SpecificationStructure)) = outer.see(HtmlLink(p._2.content.specName, link.beforeText, p._1), p._2)
def ~/(p: (String, SpecificationStructure, String)) = outer.see(HtmlLink(p._2.content.specName, link.beforeText, p._1, p._3), p._2)
def ~/(p: (String, SpecificationStructure, String, String)) = outer.see(HtmlLink(p._2.content.specName, link.beforeText, p._1, p._3, p._4), p._2)
implicit def stringToHtmlLinkFragments2(s: String): HtmlLinkFragments2 = new HtmlLinkFragments2(HtmlLink(SpecName(""), s, "", "", ""))
class HtmlLinkFragments2(link: HtmlLink) {
def ~(p: (SpecificationStructure, String)) = outer.link(HtmlLink(p._1.content.specName, "", link.beforeText, p._2), p._1)
def ~(p: (SpecificationStructure, String, String)) = outer.link(HtmlLink(p._1.content.specName, "", link.beforeText, p._2, p._3), p._1)
def ~/(p: (SpecificationStructure, String)) = outer.see(HtmlLink(p._1.content.specName, "", link.beforeText, p._2), p._1)
def ~/(p: (SpecificationStructure, String, String)) = outer.see(HtmlLink(p._1.content.specName, "", link.beforeText, p._2, p._3), p._1)
/** this implicit allows to call some functions directly on a specification, like 'hide' */
implicit def specificationStructureToFragments(s: SpecificationStructure): AsFragments = AsFragments(s.content)
case class AsFragments(fs: Fragments) {
def hide = fs.hide
def overrideArgs(args: Arguments) = fs.overrideArgs(args)
/** create a link directly on a specification */
def link(s: SpecificationStructure): Fragments = link(s.content)
def link(s: SpecificationStructure, ss: SpecificationStructure*): Fragments = link(s +: ss)
def link(ss: Seq[SpecificationStructure], dummy: Int = 0): Fragments = link(ss.map(_.content))
def link(fs: Fragments): Fragments = link(HtmlLink(fs), fs)
def link(fs: Fragments, fss: Fragments*): Fragments = link(fs +: fss)
def link(fss: Seq[Fragments]): Fragments = ma(fss.map(link)).sum
/** create a link directly on a specification, with a given link */
def link(htmlLink: HtmlLink, s: SpecificationStructure): Fragments = link(htmlLink, s.content)
def link(htmlLink: HtmlLink, f: Fragments): Fragments = f.linkIs(htmlLink)
/** create a html link without including the other specification fragments */
def see(s: SpecificationStructure, ss: SpecificationStructure*): Fragments = see(s.content, ss.map(_.content):_*)
def see(ss: Seq[SpecificationStructure], dummy: Int = 0): Fragments = see(ss.map(_.content))
def see(s: SpecificationStructure): Fragments = see(s.content)
def see(fs: Fragments): Fragments = see(HtmlLink(fs), fs)
def see(fs: Fragments, fss: Fragments*): Fragments = see(fs +: fss)
def see(fss: Seq[Fragments]): Fragments = ma(fss.map(see)).sum
/** create a see-only link directly on a specification, with a given link */
def see(htmlLink: HtmlLink, s: SpecificationStructure): Fragments = see(htmlLink, s.content)
def see(htmlLink: HtmlLink, fs: Fragments): Fragments = fs.seeIs(htmlLink)
/** create markdown links from string + spec identification */
implicit def specIdentificationMarkdownLink(s: String): SpecIdentificationMarkdownLink = new SpecIdentificationMarkdownLink(s)
case class SpecIdentificationMarkdownLink(s: String) {
def markdownLink(specIdentification: SpecIdentification) = specIdentification.markdownLink(s)
/** transform a scope to a success to be able to create traits containing any variables and usable in any Examples */
implicit def inScope(s: Scope): Success = Success()
* This trait can be used to deactivate implicits for building fragments
trait NoFragmentsBuilder extends FragmentsBuilder {
override def textStart(s: String): Fragments = super.textStart(s)
override def textFragment(s: String): FragmentsFragment = super.textFragment(s)
override def title(s: String): SpecTitle = super.title(s)
override def stringToHtmlLinkFragments(s: String): HtmlLinkFragments = super.stringToHtmlLinkFragments(s)
override def stringToHtmlLinkFragments2(s: String): HtmlLinkFragments2 = super.stringToHtmlLinkFragments2(s)
override def specificationStructureToFragments(s: SpecificationStructure): AsFragments = super.specificationStructureToFragments(s)
* Fragments can be chained with the ^ method
class FragmentsFragment(fs: =>Fragments) {
def fragments = fs
def ^(t: String) = fs add Text(t)
def ^(f: Fragment) = f match {
case s @ SpecStart(_,_,_) => (fs specTitleIs s.specName).overrideArgs(s.arguments)
case _ => fs add f
def ^(other: Seq[Fragment]) = fs add other
def ^(other: Fragments) = {
other match {
case Fragments(t, m, a, Linked(Some(l), so, h)) => fs add other.fragments
case Fragments(Some(t), m, a, Linked(None, so, h)) => (fs add other.middle).specTitleIs(t).overrideArgs(a)
case Fragments(None, m, a, Linked(None, so, h)) => (fs add other.middle).overrideArgs(a)
case _ => fs add other.middle
def ^(other: FragmentsFragment) = fs add other.fragments
def ^(a: Arguments) = fs add a
/** start a given-when-then block */
def ^[T](step: Given[T]): PreStep[T] = {
val text = fs.fragments.collect { case t: Text => t.t }.lastOption.getOrElse("A Text must precede a Given object!")
lazy val extracted = step.extractContext(text)
def strip(fragments: Fragments) = fragments.map(step.strip)
new PreStep(() => extracted, new FragmentsFragment(strip(fs)) ^ Step.fromEither(extracted))
object FragmentsBuilder extends FragmentsBuilder
import org.specs2.internal.scalaz._
* Implementation of the Show trait to display Fragments
trait FragmentsShow {
implicit object showFragments extends Show[Fragment] {
def show(f: Fragment) = f.toString.toList
object FragmentsShow extends FragmentsShow
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