org.specs2.html.Htmlx.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.specs2
package html
import scala.xml._
import transform.{RuleTransformer, RewriteRule}
import org.specs2.internal.scalaz.{ TreeLoc, Scalaz, Show }
import Scalaz._
import xml.Nodex._
import io.Paths._
import scala.collection.mutable
import data.UniqueNames
* This trait provide additional methods on a NodeSeq or a Node representing an html document
trait Htmlx { outer =>
implicit def extendHtmlNodeSeq(ns: NodeSeq) = ExtendedHtml(ns)
case class ExtendedHtml(ns: NodeSeq) {
def headers = outer.headers(ns)
def headersTree = outer.headersToTree(ns.headers).toTree
implicit def extendHtmlNode(n: Node) = ExtendedHtmlNode(n)
case class ExtendedHtmlNode(n: Node) {
def addHeadersAnchors = outer.headersAnchors.addTo(n)
implicit def extendHtmlSeqNode(ns: Seq[Node]) = ExtendedHtmlSeqNode(ns)
case class ExtendedHtmlSeqNode(ns: Seq[Node]) {
def updateHead(f: PartialFunction[Node, Node]) = outer.updateHead(ns)(f)
def updateHeadAttribute(name: String, value: String): NodeSeq = outer.updateHeadAttribute(ns, name, value)
def updateHeadAttribute(name: String, value: Int): NodeSeq = outer.updateHeadAttribute(ns, name, value)
/** @return a NodeSeq where the first Node is updated with a partial function */
def updateHead(ns: NodeSeq)(f: PartialFunction[Node, Node]) = {
(ns.toList match {
case (e:Node) :: rest if f.isDefinedAt(e) => f(e) :: rest
case other => other
/** @return a NodeSeq where the first Node attribute named 'named' has a new value */
def updateHeadAttribute(ns: NodeSeq, name: String, value: String): NodeSeq = updateHead(ns) { case (e: Elem) => e % (name -> value) }
/** @return a NodeSeq where the first Node attribute named 'named' has a new value, from an Int */
def updateHeadAttribute(ns: NodeSeq, name: String, value: Int): NodeSeq = updateHeadAttribute(ns, name, value.toString)
* @return all the headers and all the subtoc elements of a document
def headers(nodes: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = nodes.filterNodes((e: Node) => isHeader(e) || isSubtoc(e), !isNotoc(_))
/** collect all the headers as a Tree */
def headersToTree(body: NodeSeq, headers: TreeLoc[Header] = leaf(Header()).loc): TreeLoc[Header] = {
def goUpUntil(headers: TreeLoc[Header], level: Int): TreeLoc[Header] =
if (headers.tree.rootLabel.level > level), level)).getOrElse(headers)
else headers
lazy val currentLevel = headers.tree.rootLabel.level
def insertHeader(eLevel: Int, e: Node, rest: NodeSeq): TreeLoc[Header] = {
val header = leaf(Header(eLevel, e, headers.getLabel.namer))
val newHeaders = if (eLevel == currentLevel)
else if (eLevel > currentLevel)
else {
val parent = goUpUntil(headers, eLevel)
if (parent.tree.rootLabel.level == 1)
headersToTree(rest, newHeaders)
body.toList match {
case e :: rest if isHeader(e) => insertHeader(headerNumber(e), e, rest)
case e :: rest if isSubtoc(e) => insertHeader(currentLevel + 1, e, rest)
case _ => headers
/** @return the header number if any. By convention -1 means "no header" */
private def headerNumber(e: Node) = {
e.label match {
case HeaderTag(i) => Integer.valueOf(i).intValue
case _ => -1
implicit def href(s: String) = HRef(s)
case class HRef(s: String) {
def sanitize = outer.sanitize(s)
def anchorName = outer.anchorName(s)
/** sanitize a string so that it can be used as a href */
def sanitize(s: String) =, "UTF-8")
/** create a sanitized anchor name */
def anchorName(name: String) = "#"+sanitize(name)
case class Header(level: Int = 1, node: Node = new Atom("first level"), namer: UniqueNames = uniqueNamer) {
def name = nodeText(node)
def isRoot = name.isEmpty && !isSubtoc
def isSubtoc = outer.isSubtoc(node)
def specId: SpecId = SpecId(node.attributes.get("specId").map(_.toString).getOrElse(""))
def anchorName: String = name.anchorName
def anchorName(baseUrl: String): String = createAnchorNameForNode(baseUrl + anchorName, namer)
implicit object HeaderShow extends Show[Header] {
def show(h : Header) =
/** @return the text of the first child of a Node, removing notoc elements */
def nodeText(n: Node) = {n.child.filterNot(_.label == NotocTag.toString)}.text
/** regular expression for a Header Tag */
private val HeaderTag = "h(\\d)".r
/** regular expression for a notoc Tag */
private val NotocTag = "notoc".r
/** regular expression for a Subtoc Tag */
private val SubtocTag = "subtoc".r
/** @return true if the element is a header */
def isHeader(e: Node) = e.label.matches(HeaderTag.toString)
/** @return true if the element is a element */
def isNotoc(e: Node) = e.label.matches(NotocTag.toString)
/** @return true if the element is a subtoc element */
def isSubtoc(e: Node) = e.label.matches(SubtocTag.toString)
/** This rule can be used to add anchors to header elements */
def headersAnchors = new RewriteRule {
val namer = uniqueNamer
def applyTransformation(ns: Seq[Node]): Seq[Node] = if (ns.isEmpty) ns else (applyTransformation(ns.head) ++ applyTransformation(ns.tail))
def applyTransformation(n: Node): Seq[Node] = n match {
case e: Elem if isHeader(e) => {e}
case Group(xs) => Group(applyTransformation(xs))
case other => {
val ch = n.child
val nch = applyTransformation(ch)
if (ch eq nch) n
else Elem(n.prefix, n.label, n.attributes, n.scope, nch: _*)
def addTo(n: Node) = applyTransformation(n)
/** @return a unique anchor name for that node, so that 2 nodes having the same name will not direct to the same anchor in the same page */
private def createAnchorNameForNode(text: String, namer: UniqueNames) = namer.uniqueName(text)
/** @return a unique namer adding + and an id if a name has already been used */
private def uniqueNamer = UniqueNames()
/** @return the href urls in elements */
def urls(ns: NodeSeq, filePath: String = ""): Seq[String] = {
def decode(href: String) = {
val splitted = href.split("#").toSeq
val url = URLDecoder.decode(splitted(0), "UTF-8").unrelativeTo(filePath)
val anchor = splitted.drop(1) => "#"+anchor).getOrElse("")
url + anchor
(ns \\ "a").flatMap(a => a.attribute("href").map(href => decode(href.mkString)))
object Htmlx extends Htmlx
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