Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.specs2
package io
* The FileSystem trait abstracts file system operations to allow easier mocking of file system related functionalities.
* It mixes the FileReader
and FileWriter
traits to provide easy read/write operations.
trait FileSystem extends with {
* @param path glob expression, for example: ./dir/**/*.xml
* @return the list of paths represented by the "glob" definition path
def filePaths(basePath: String = ".", path: String = "*", verbose: Boolean = false): Seq[String] = {
val found = recurse(new File(basePath))
if (verbose) found.foreach { f => println("found file: "+f) }
val pattern = globToPattern(path) + (if (isDir(path)) "/*.*" else "")
if (verbose) println("\nThe pattern used to match files is: "+pattern)
val collected = found.collect { case f if fileMatchesPattern(f, pattern, verbose) => f.getPath }.toSeq
private def isVersionFile(f: File) = Seq(".svn", ".cvs").exists(f.getPath.contains(_))
private def fileMatchesPattern(f: File, pattern: String, verbose: Boolean = false) = {
val filePath = "./"+f.getPath.replace("\\", "/")
if (verbose && f.isFile) println(filePath+" matches pattern: "+(filePath matches pattern))
f.isFile && (filePath matches pattern)
* @param file start file
* @return a Stream with all the recursively accessible files
private def recurse(file: File): Stream[File] = {
import Stream._
cons(file, if (file.listFiles == null) empty else file.listFiles.toStream.filterNot(isVersionFile).flatMap(recurse(_)))
* @return the regular expression equivalent to a glob pattern (see the specs for Fragments)
def globToPattern(glob: String): String = {
val star = ""
val authorizedNamePattern = "[^\\/\\?<>\\|\\" + star + ":\"]" + star
var pattern = glob.replace("\\", "/")
.replace(".", "\\.")
.replace("**/", "(" + authorizedNamePattern + "/)" + star)
.replace("*", authorizedNamePattern)
.replace(star, "*")
if (!pattern.startsWith("\\./"))
pattern = "\\./" + pattern
* @return true if the File represented by this path is a directory
def isDir(path: String) = isDirectory(path)
* creates a directory for a given path
def createDir(path: String) = (new File(path)).mkdirs
* deletes the directory and all directory content at the specified path and return the parent path of that directory
def removeDir(path: String): String = {
val dir = new File(path)
if (dir.isDirectory) {
if (dir.listFiles == null || dir.listFiles.isEmpty)
else {
dir.listFiles.foreach { file =>
if (file.isFile)
/** @return true if the file can be read */
def canRead(path: String) = path != null && new File(path).canRead
/** @return true if the file can be written */
def canWrite(path: String) = path != null && new File(path).canWrite
/** @return true if the file is absolute */
def isAbsolute(path: String) = path != null && new File(path).isAbsolute
/** @return true if the file is a file */
def isFile(path: String) = path != null && new File(path).isFile
/** @return true if the file is a directory */
def isDirectory(path: String) = path != null && new File(path).isDirectory
/** @return true if the file is hidden */
def isHidden(path: String) = path != null && new File(path).isHidden
/** @return the file name */
def getName(path: String) = new File(path).getName
/** @return the file absolute path */
def getAbsolutePath(path: String) = new File(path).getAbsolutePath
/** @return the file canonical path */
def getCanonicalPath(path: String) = new File(path).getCanonicalPath
/** @return the file parent path */
def getParent(path: String) = new File(path).getParent
/** @return the files of that directory */
def listFiles(path: String): List[String] = if (new File(path).list == null) List() else new File(path).list.toList
* copy the content of a directory to another.
* @param url url of the directory to copy
* @param dest destination directory path
def copyDir(url: URL, dest: String) { copyDir(new File(url.toURI).getPath, dest) }
* copy the content of a directory to another.
* @param path path of the directory to copy
* @param dest destination directory path
def copyDir(src: String, dest: String) {
listFiles(src).filterNot(_.contains(".svn")).foreach { name =>
val path = src + "/" + name
if (new File(path).isDirectory) copyDir(path, dest) else copyFile(path, dest)
* Copy the content of a directory to another.
* @param path path of the file to copy
* @param dest destination directory path
def copyFile(path: String, dest: String) {
val destFilePath = dest + "/" + new File(path).getName
new File(destFilePath).createNewFile
val input = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(path))
val output = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(destFilePath), 2048)
copy(input, output)
* Unjar the jar (or zip file) specified by "path" to the "dest" directory.
* @param path path of the jar file
* @param dest destination directory path
def unjar(path: String, dest: String) { unjar(path, dest, ".*") }
* Unjar the jar (or zip file) specified by "path" to the "dest" directory.
* Filters files which shouldn't be extracted with a regular expression.
* @param path path of the jar file
* @param dest destination directory path
* @param regexFilter regular expression filtering files which shouldn't be extracted
def unjar(path: String, dirPath: String, regexFilter: String) {
val fis = new FileInputStream(path)
val zis = new ZipInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(fis))
var entry: ZipEntry = null
def extractEntry(entry: ZipEntry) {
if (entry != null) {
if (entry.getName.matches(regexFilter)) {
if (entry.isDirectory()){
createDir(dirPath + "/" + entry.getName)
} else {
createFile(dirPath + "/" + entry.getName)
val fos = new FileOutputStream(dirPath + "/" + entry.getName)
val dest = new BufferedOutputStream(fos, 2048)
copy(zis, dest)
* Copy an input stream to an output stream.
* @param input input stream
* @param output output stream
def copy(input: InputStream, output: OutputStream) {
val data = new Array[Byte](2048)
def readData(count: Int): Unit = {
if (count != -1) {
output.write(data, 0, count)
readData(, 0, 2048))
readData(, 0, 2048))
* Copy specs resources found either in the specs jar or in the classpath directories to an output directory
* @param src name of the resource directory to copy
* @param outputDir output directory where to copy the files to
def copySpecResourcesDir(src: String, outputDir: String) {
val jarUrl = Thread.currentThread.getContextClassLoader.getResource(getClass.getName.replace(".", "/")+".class")
for (url <- Option(jarUrl) if url.toString.startsWith("jar"))
unjar(getPath(url).takeWhile(_ != '!').mkString, outputDir, ".*" + src + "/.*")
val folderUrl = Thread.currentThread.getContextClassLoader.getResource(src)
for (url <- Option(folderUrl) if !folderUrl.toString.startsWith("jar"))
copyDir(url, outputDir + src)
/** @return true if 2 paths are the same according to their canonical representation */
def samePath(p1: String, p2: String) = new File(p1).getCanonicalPath == new File(p2).getCanonicalPath
* @return a path that should be valid on all plateforms (@see issue 148 of the specs project)
private def getPath(url: URL) = {
val path = if (sys.props("file.separator") == "\\") url.getPath.replace("\\", "/").replace("file:/", "")
else url.getPath.replace("file:", "")
path.replace("%20", " ")
* The fs object offers a simple interface to the file system (see the description of the FileSystem trait)
object fs extends FileSystem