org.specs2.reporter.ExecutionStrategy.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.specs2
package reporter
import java.util.concurrent.Executors
import org.specs2.internal.scalaz._
import Scalaz._
import concurrent._
import Strategy._
import specification._
import control.NamedThreadFactory
import main.{ArgumentsArgs, Arguments}
import ExecutedFragment._
* Generic trait for executing Fragments, which are sorted according to their dependencies
trait ExecutionStrategy {
def execute(implicit arguments: Arguments): ExecutableSpecification => ExecutingSpecification
* This trait uses Scalaz promises to execute Fragments concurrently
* It uses a Fixed thread pool with a number of threads to execute the fragments.
* The default number is the number of available threads by default but this can be overriden by providing different Arguments
trait DefaultExecutionStrategy extends ExecutionStrategy with FragmentExecution {
import ArgumentsArgs._
* execute sequences of Fragments.
* If the stopOnFail argument is true, we check that the execution is ok before executing the next sequence.
def execute(implicit arguments: Arguments) = (spec: ExecutableSpecification) => {
implicit val executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(spec.arguments.threadsNb, new NamedThreadFactory("specs2.DefaultExecutionStrategy"))
try {
val executing = spec.fs.foldLeft(ExecutingFragments()) { (res, fs) =>
val fsArgs = arguments <| fs.arguments
val executing = executeSequence(fs, res.barrier())(executionArgs(fsArgs, res.nextMustSkip), Executor(executor))
res.addExecutingFragments(executing, res.lastSequence, fsArgs)
ExecutingSpecification(, spec.arguments, executing.fragments, executor)
} catch {
// just in case something bad happens, or if there's an InterruptedException, shutdown the executor
case e => executor.shutdown; throw e
* This class:
* - collect the list of executing fragments
* - keeps a "barrier": that's a function containing a group of executing fragments which must terminate before a new group of
* fragments starts being executed. This makes sure that Steps will only start after a group of concurrent examples has finished
* executing (and vice-versa)
* - keeps the status of the previous executions to be able to stop the execution when "stopOnFail" is true and one execution failed
private case class ExecutingFragments(fragments: Seq[ExecutingFragment] = Seq[ExecutingFragment](),
lastSequence: Seq[ExecutingFragment] = Seq[ExecutingFragment](),
barrier: () => Any = () => 1,
nextMustSkip: Boolean = false) {
def addExecutingFragments(fs: Seq[ExecutingFragment], previousSequence: Seq[ExecutingFragment], arguments: Arguments) =
copy(fragments = fragments ++ fs,
lastSequence = fs,
barrier = () =>,
nextMustSkip = nextMustSkip || nextSequenceMustSkipped(fs, arguments, previousSequence))
def nextSequenceMustSkipped(fs: Seq[ExecutingFragment], arguments: Arguments, previousSequence: Seq[ExecutingFragment]) =
skipAllAfterSkipped(fs, arguments.stopOnSkip) ||
skipAllAfterFailure(fs, arguments.stopOnFail) ||
skipAllAfterStopOnFailStep(fs, previousSequence)
def skipAllAfterFailure(fs: Seq[ExecutingFragment], stopOnFail: Boolean) =
stopOnFail && fs.exists(f => !isOk(f.get))
def skipAllAfterSkipped(fs: Seq[ExecutingFragment], stopOnSkip: Boolean) =
stopOnSkip && fs.exists(f => isSkipped(f.get))
def skipAllAfterStopOnFailStep(fs: Seq[ExecutingFragment], previousSequence: Seq[ExecutingFragment]) =
(fs.toList match {
case LazyExecutingFragment(_, Step(_, stopOnFail)) :: _ => stopOnFail
case FinishedExecutingFragment(_, Step(_, stopOnFail)) :: _ => stopOnFail
case other => false
}) && previousSequence.exists(f => !isOk(f.get))
private def executionArgs(arguments: Arguments, nextMustSkip: Boolean = false) =
if (nextMustSkip) arguments <| args(skipAll=true)
else arguments
private def executeSequence(fs: FragmentSeq, barrier: =>Any)(implicit args: Arguments, strategy: Strategy): Seq[ExecutingFragment] = {
if (!args.sequential) executeConcurrently(fs, barrier, args)(strategy)
else => FinishedExecutingFragment(executeFragment(args)(f), f))
private def executeConcurrently(fs: FragmentSeq, barrier: =>Any, args: Arguments)(implicit strategy: Strategy) = {
def executeWithBarrier(f: Fragment) = { barrier; executeFragment(args)(f) } {
case f: Example => PromisedExecutingFragment(promise(executeWithBarrier(f))(strategy), f)
case f: Action => PromisedExecutingFragment(promise(executeWithBarrier(f))(strategy), f)
case f: Step => FinishedExecutingFragment(executeWithBarrier(f), f)
case f: SpecEnd => FinishedExecutingFragment(executeWithBarrier(f), f)
case f => FinishedExecutingFragment(executeFragment(args)(f), f)
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