org.specs2.runner.TestInterfaceRunner.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.specs2
package runner
import main.Arguments
import control.Throwablex._
import reporter._
import specification._
import control.Exceptions._
import runner.Fingerprints._
import specification.ExecutedSpecification
import reflect.Classes
import io.ConsoleOutput
import internal.scalaz.Scalaz._
* Implementation of the Framework interface for the sbt tool.
* It declares the classes which can be executed by the specs2 library.
class SpecsFramework extends Framework {
def name = "specs2"
def tests = Array[Fingerprint](fp1, fp2, fp3, fp4)
def testRunner(classLoader: ClassLoader, loggers: Array[Logger]) = new TestInterfaceRunner(classLoader, loggers)
object Fingerprints {
val fp1 = new Specs2Fingerprint { def isModule = false }
val fp2 = new Specs2Fingerprint { def isModule = true }
val fp3 = new FilesRunnerFingerprint { def isModule = false }
val fp4 = new FilesRunnerFingerprint { def isModule = true }
trait Specs2Fingerprint extends TestFingerprint {
def superClassName = "org.specs2.specification.SpecificationStructure"
trait FilesRunnerFingerprint extends TestFingerprint {
def superClassName = "org.specs2.runner.FilesRunner"
* Runner for TestInterface.
* It creates a Specification class with the given classLoader the classes which can be executed by the specs2 library.
* Then it uses a NotifierRunner to notify the EventHandler of the test events.
class TestInterfaceRunner(val loader: ClassLoader, val loggers: Array[Logger]) extends
with HandlerEvents with TestLoggers with Exporters {
import reflect.Classes._
def run(className: String, fingerprint: TestFingerprint, handler: EventHandler, args: Array[String]) =
fingerprint match {
case f if f.superClassName == fp3.superClassName => runFilesRunner(className, handler, args)
case other => runSpecification(className, handler, args)
def runSpecification(className: String, handler: EventHandler, args: Array[String]): Any = {
implicit val commandLineArguments = Arguments(args:_*)
SpecificationStructure.createSpecificationEither(className, loader) match {
case Left(e) => handleClassCreationError(className, handler, e)
case Right(s) => reporter(handler)(args).report(s)(s.content.arguments.overrideWith(commandLineArguments))
def runFilesRunner(className: String, handler: EventHandler, args: Array[String]) {
toRun[FilesRunner](className, handler).right.toOption.toSeq.flatMap( { issue =>
private def toRun[T <: AnyRef : Manifest](className: String, handler: EventHandler): Either[Throwable, T] = {
val runner: Either[Throwable, T] = create[T](className + "$", loader) match {
case Right(s) => Right(s)
case Left(e) => create[T](className, loader)
} { e => handleClassCreationError(className, handler, e) }
* Notify sbt that the specification could not be created
private def handleClassCreationError(className: String, handler: EventHandler, e: Throwable) {
handler.handle(error(className, e))
logError("Could not create an instance of "+className+"\n")
(e :: e.chainedExceptions) foreach { s =>
logError(" caused by " + s.toString)
s.getStackTrace.foreach(t => logError(" " + t.toString))
protected def reporter(handler: EventHandler)(args: Array[String]): Reporter =
new TestInterfaceConsoleReporter(consoleExporter(args, handler), (a: Arguments) => otherExporters(args, handler)(a))
/** @return true if the console must report the results */
private def isConsole(args: Array[String]) = !Seq("html", "junitxml", "markup").exists(args.contains) || args.contains("console")
private def consoleExporter(args: Array[String], handler: EventHandler) = exporter(isConsole(args))(new TestInterfaceReporter(handler, loggers))
protected def finalExporter(handler: EventHandler) = FinalResultsReporter(handler, loggers)
def otherExporters(args: Array[String], handler: EventHandler)(implicit arguments: Arguments): Seq[Exporting] = {
val exportFinalStats = exporter(!isConsole(args))(finalExporter(handler))
super.exporters((args.filterNot(_ == "console")).contains) ++ exportFinalStats.toSeq
/** @return the list of all the exporters depending on the arguments passed on the command line */
def exporters(args: Array[String], handler: EventHandler)(implicit arguments: Arguments): Seq[Exporting] = {
consoleExporter(args, handler).toSeq ++ otherExporters(args, handler)
* This reporter will just notify the test interface about test results for the end statistics
* It is only used if we are not using the Console exporter
case class FinalResultsReporter(override val handler: EventHandler,
override val loggers: Array[Logger]) extends TestInterfaceReporter(handler, loggers) {
override def export(implicit args: Arguments): ExecutingSpecification => ExecutedSpecification = (spec: ExecutingSpecification) => {
val executed = spec.execute
executed.fragments foreach handleFragment(args)
class TestInterfaceConsoleReporter(consoleExporter: Option[Exporting], otherExporters: Arguments => Seq[Exporting]) extends ConsoleReporter with Exporters {
override def report(spec: SpecificationStructure)(implicit arguments: Arguments): ExecutedSpecification = {
// if the results need to be exported to the console, we first do that making sure that the storing of statistics occurs in
// parallel to the export. This way, the results are displayed as soon as executed
// then we take the result of storing the stats, which sets up more information on the SpecStart/SpecEnd, and pass it
// to other exporters like the html exporter for example. This exporter needs this additional information to properly display
// index pages and total statistics
consoleExporter match {
case Some(e) => {
val storeAndExport = (spec: ExecutingSpecification) => Seq(store, e.export)[ExecutingSpecification]
val executed = spec |> select |> sequence |> execute |> storeAndExport
val args = arguments <| executed.arguments
case None => {
val executed = spec |> select |> sequence |> execute |> store
val args = arguments <| executed.arguments
* This object can be used to debug the behavior of the TestInterfaceRunner
object testInterface extends TestInterfaceRunner(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader, Array(ConsoleLogger)) with Classes with SystemExit with ConsoleOutput {
def main(arguments: Array[String]) {
protected val errorHandler: PartialFunction[Throwable, Unit] = { case e =>
println("\nAn error occurred. " +
"Please create an issue on the website with the stacktrace below. Thanks.")
def start(arguments: String*): Option[ExecutedSpecification] = {
if (arguments.length == 0)
println("The first argument should at least be the specification class name")
implicit val commandLineArgs = Arguments(arguments.drop(1):_*)
val testInterfaceReporter = reporter(NullEventHandler)(arguments.toArray)
execute(testInterfaceReporter, createSpecification(arguments(0))).headOption
private def execute(testInterfaceReporter: Reporter, specification: SpecificationStructure)(implicit args: Arguments = Arguments()): Option[ExecutedSpecification] = {
private def createSpecification(className: String)(implicit args: Arguments) = SpecificationStructure.createSpecification(className, loader)
object NullEventHandler extends EventHandler {
def handle(event: Event) {}
object ConsoleLogger extends Logger {
def ansiCodesSupported = false
def error(message: String) = println("error: " + message)
def info(message: String) = println("info: " + message)
def warn(message: String) = println("warn: " + message)
def debug(message: String) = println("debug: " + message)
def trace(t: Throwable) = println("trace: " + t)
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