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package org.specs2
package matcher
import control.Exceptions._
import org.specs2.execute.{Error, Result, ResultLogicalCombinators}
import MatchResultExecution._
* This trait provides logical operators to combine match results where potentially a MatchResult expression
* throws an Exception
private [specs2]
trait MatchResultCombinators extends MatchResultLogicalCombinators with ResultLogicalCombinators
object MatchResultCombinators extends MatchResultCombinators
private [specs2]
trait MatchResultLogicalCombinators {
implicit def combineMatchResult[T](m: =>MatchResult[T]): MatchResultCombinator[T] = new MatchResultCombinator[T](m)
class MatchResultCombinator[T](mr: =>MatchResult[T]) {
lazy val result = try Right(executeEither(mr)) catch { case e: Exception => Left(e): Either[Exception, Either[MatchResult[T], MatchResult[T]]] }
lazy val expectable = result.fold(e => throw e, _.fold(m1 => m1.expectable, m1 => m1.expectable))
/** @return the logical or of two results */
def or[S >: T](other: =>MatchResult[S]): MatchResult[S] = result.fold(_ => other, _.fold(m1 => other, m1 => new OrMatch(m1, other).evaluate))
/** @return the logical or of a MatchResult and a Result */
def or(other: =>Result): Result = result.fold(_ => other, _.fold(m1 => other, m1 => ResultLogicalCombinators.combineResult(m1.toResult) or other))
/** @return the logical and of two results */
def and[S >: T](other: =>MatchResult[S]): MatchResult[S] = result.fold(e => throw e, _.fold(m1 => expectable.check(m1), m1 => new AndMatch(m1, other).evaluate))
/** @return the logical and of a MatchResult and a Result */
def and(other: =>Result): Result = result.fold(e => throw e, _.fold(m1 => expectable.check(m1).toResult, m1 => ResultLogicalCombinators.combineResult(m1.toResult) and other))
/** apply the matcher and return the logical or of two results */
def or(other: Matcher[T]): MatchResult[T] =
tryOr {
result.fold(e => throw e, _.fold(m1 => m1.expectable.applyMatcher(other),
m1 => combineMatchResult(m1).or(execute(m1.expectable.applyMatcher(other)))))
} { e => Expectable({ throw e; expectable.value }).applyMatcher(other) }
/** apply the matcher and return the logical and of two results */
def and(other: Matcher[T]): MatchResult[T] =
result.fold(e => throw e, _.fold(m1 => m1,
m1 => combineMatchResult(m1).and(execute(m1.expectable.applyMatcher(other)))))
/** @return the negation of this result */
def not: MatchResult[T] = result.fold(e => throw e, _.fold(m1 => m1.negate, m1 => m1.negate))
/** only consider this result if the condition is true */
def when(b: Boolean, m: String= ""): MatchResult[T] = if (b) mr else MatchSuccess(m, m, expectable)
/** only consider this result if the condition is false */
def unless(b: Boolean, m: String= ""): MatchResult[T] = mr.when(!b, m)
/** when the condition is true the result it taken as is, when it's false, take its negation */
def iff(b: Boolean): MatchResult[T] = if (b) mr else mr.not
object MatchResultLogicalCombinators extends MatchResultLogicalCombinators
private [specs2]
trait MatchResultExecution {
* Get the value of a MatchResult expression which possibly throws a MatchResultException.
* @return either Left(result) if an exception was thrown, or Right(result) if no exception was thrown
def executeEither[T](result: =>MatchResult[T]): Either[MatchResult[T], MatchResult[T]] = {
val executed = trye(result)(identity)
executed match {
case Left(e: MatchResultException[_]) => Left(e.matchResult.asInstanceOf[MatchResult[T]])
case Left(e) => throw e
case Right(m) => Right(m)
* Get the value of a MatchResult expression which possibly throws a MatchResultException.
* @return either the result in Left or the result in right
def execute[T](result: =>MatchResult[T]): MatchResult[T] =
executeEither(result).fold(m1 => m1, m1 => m1)
object MatchResultExecution extends MatchResultExecution