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package org.specs2
package reporter
import scalaz.{Tree, Reducer, Scalaz}
import Scalaz._
import Tree._
import data.Reducerx._
import collection.Iterablex._
import html._
import xml.Nodex._
import data.Trees._
import data.Tuples._
import TableOfContents._
import main.Arguments
import specification._
import Statistics._
import Levels._
import SpecsArguments._
import scala.xml.NodeSeq
import io.Paths._
* The Html printer is used to create an Html report of an executed specification.
* To do this, it uses a reducer to prepare print blocks with:
* - the text to print
* - the indentation level
* - the statistics
* - the current arguments to use
trait HtmlPrinter {
* print a sequence of executed fragments for a given specification class into a html file
* the name of the html file is the full class name
def print(spec: ExecutedSpecification)(implicit args: Arguments) = {
(createHtmlLinesFiles(spec) |> addToc).map(printHtml(output))
* map the executed fragments to HtmlLines and sort them by destination file, one file per specification
* @return a Tree of HtmlLinesFile where the root is the parent specification and children are the included specifications
def createHtmlLinesFiles(spec: ExecutedSpecification)(implicit args: Arguments): Tree[HtmlLinesFile] =
reduce(spec) |> sortByFile(, spec.arguments, parentLink = HtmlLink(, "",
* a function printing html lines to a file given:
* - the list of lines to print
* - an output object responsible for printing each HtmlLine as xhtml
def printHtml(output: =>HtmlReportOutput)(implicit args: Arguments): HtmlLinesFile => HtmlFile = (file: HtmlLinesFile) => {
HtmlFile(, file.print(output).xml)
/** @return a new HtmlReportOutput object creating html elements */
def output(implicit args: Arguments): HtmlReportOutput = new HtmlResultOutput
* @return add a toc to each HtmlFile where relevant
def addToc(implicit args: Arguments): Tree[HtmlLinesFile] => Seq[HtmlLinesFile] = (htmlFiles: Tree[HtmlLinesFile]) => {
val root = htmlFiles.rootLabel
def tocItems(tree: Tree[HtmlLinesFile]): NodeSeq = {
val current = tree.rootLabel
tocItemList(body = current.printLines(output).xml,
rootUrl =,
url =,
id = current.specId,
subTocs = Map( => (subSpec.rootLabel.specId, tocItems(subSpec))):_*))
// add a toc only where a parent file defines it
// and propagate the same toc to the children
if ((args <| root.args).report.hasToc) {
val rootToc = TreeToc(root.specId, tocItems(htmlFiles))
root.copy(toc = rootToc) +: htmlFiles.subForest.flatMap(_.flatten).map(_.copy(toc = rootToc)).toSeq
root +: htmlFiles.subForest.flatMap(addToc).toSeq
* Organize the fragments into blocks of html lines to print, grouping all the fragments found after a link
* into a single block that will be reported on a different html page
* This works by using a List of HtmlLines as a stack where the head of the list is the current block of lines
* @return the HtmlLines to print
def reduce(spec: ExecutedSpecification)(implicit args: Arguments): Seq[HtmlLine] =
flatten( => FinishedExecutingFragment(f): ExecutingFragment).reduceWith(reducer))
* Sort HtmlLines into a Tree of HtmlLinesFile object where the tree represents the tree of included specifications
* The goal is to create a file per included specification and to use the Tree of files to create a table of contents for the root specification
def sortByFile(specName: SpecName, arguments: Arguments, parentLink: HtmlLink) = (lines: Seq[HtmlLine]) => {
lazy val start = HtmlLinesFile(specName, arguments, parentLink)
lines.foldLeft (leaf(start).loc) { (res, cur) =>
val updated = res.updateLabel(_.add(cur))
// html lines for an included specification are placed into HtmlSpecStart and HtmlSpecEnd fragments
cur match {
case start @ HtmlSpecStart(s, st, l, a) if start.isIncludeLink =>
updated.insertDownLast(leaf(HtmlLinesFile(s.specName, s.args,, List(start.unlink), Some(updated.getLabel))))
case HtmlSpecEnd(e, _, _, _) if e.specName == res.getLabel.specName => updated.getParent
case other => updated
/** flatten the results of the reduction to a seq of Html lines */
private def flatten(results: (((Seq[HtmlLine], SpecStats), Levels[Fragment]), SpecsArguments[ExecutingFragment])): Seq[HtmlLine] = {
val (prints, stats, levels, args) = results.flatten
(prints zip stats.stats zip levels.levels zip args.nestedArguments) map {
case (((t, s), l), a) => t.set(s, l.level, a)
private def reducer(implicit args: Arguments) =
HtmlReducer &&&
StatsReducer &&&
Levels.LevelsReducer &&&
implicit lazy val HtmlReducer: Reducer[ExecutingFragment, Stream[HtmlLine]] = {
/** print an ExecutedFragment and its associated statistics */
def print(fragment: ExecutingFragment): HtmlLine = fragment.get match {
case start @ ExecutedSpecStart(_,_,_) => HtmlSpecStart(start)
case result @ ExecutedResult(_,_,_,_,_) => HtmlResult(result)
case text @ ExecutedText(s, _) => HtmlText(text)
case par @ ExecutedBr(_) => HtmlBr()
case end @ ExecutedSpecEnd(_,_,s) => HtmlSpecEnd(end, s)
case fragment => HtmlOther(fragment)
Reducer.unitReducer { fragment: ExecutingFragment => Stream(print(fragment)) }
case class HtmlFile(url: String, xml: NodeSeq) {
def nonEmpty = xml.nonEmpty
* Table of contents, represented as a NodeSeq
case class TreeToc(rootCode: SpecId, toc: NodeSeq = NodeSeq.Empty) {
/** @return a "tree" div to be used with jstree, focusing on the current section */
def toTree = (currentCode: SpecId) =>