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package org.specs2
package reporter
import scalaz._
import Scalaz._
import collection.Seqx._
import main.Arguments
import specification._
* The SpecsArguments trait allows to fold a list of Fragments into the list of applicable arguments for each fragment
case class SpecsArguments[T](argumentsFragments: Seq[ApplicableArguments[T]] = Vector()) {
def append(s2: SpecsArguments[T]) = SpecsArguments(argumentsFragments ++ s2.argumentsFragments)
lazy val nestedArguments: Seq[Arguments] = {
import NestedBlocks._
def toBlock(a: ApplicableArguments[T]) = a match {
case StartOfArguments(_, _, args) => BlockStart(args)
case NoStartOfArguments(_) => BlockBit(Arguments())
case EndOfArguments(_, _) => BlockEnd(Arguments())
import Arguments._
lazy val last = nestedArguments.lastOption.getOrElse(Arguments())
* @return the list of all applicable spec names
lazy val nestedSpecNames: Seq[SpecName] = {
import NestedBlocks._
def toBlock(a: ApplicableArguments[T]) = a match {
case StartOfArguments(_, name, _) => BlockStart(name)
case NoStartOfArguments(_) => BlockBit[SpecName](SpecName(""))
case EndOfArguments(_, name) => BlockEnd(name)
import SpecName._
* filter the fragments with 2 functions:
* - one working on the whole fragment list
* - one working on each individual fragment
def filter(fs: Seq[(T, Arguments, SpecName)] => Seq[T]): Seq[T] = fragmentAndApplicableArgumentsAndSpecNames |> fs
* @return a list of pairs (fragment, argument) where argument is the applicable arguments for the current fragment)
lazy val fragmentAndApplicableArguments: Seq[(T, Arguments)] = { case (ApplicableArguments(value), args) => (value, args) }
* @return a list of pairs (fragment, specName) where specName is the parent specification
lazy val fragmentAndSpecNames: Seq[(T, SpecName)] = { case (ApplicableArguments(value), name) => (value, name) }
* @return a list of triplets (fragment, argument, specName) where
* argument is the applicable arguments for the current fragment and specName is the parent specification
lazy val fragmentAndApplicableArgumentsAndSpecNames: Seq[(T, Arguments, SpecName)] = { case ((ApplicableArguments(value), args), name) => (value, args, name) }
* @return a list of fragments without their corresponding arguments
lazy val fragments: Seq[T] = argumentsFragments.collect { case (ApplicableArguments(value)) => value }
case object SpecsArguments {
def apply[T](s: ApplicableArguments[T]) = new SpecsArguments(Vector(s))
* filter the fragments with 2 functions:
* - one working on the whole fragment list
* - one working on each individual fragment
def filter[T](ts: Seq[T])(fs: Seq[(T, Arguments, SpecName)] => Seq[T])(implicit r: Reducer[T, SpecsArguments[T]]): Seq[T] =
implicit def SpecsArgumentsMonoid[T] = new Monoid[SpecsArguments[T]] {
def append(a1: SpecsArguments[T], a2: =>SpecsArguments[T]) = a1 append a2
val zero = new SpecsArguments[T]()
def foldAll[T](fs: Seq[T])(implicit reducer: Reducer[T, SpecsArguments[T]]): SpecsArguments[T] = {
implicit val FragmentSpecsArgumentsReducer: Reducer[Fragment, SpecsArguments[Fragment]] = Reducer.unitReducer {
f: Fragment => f match {
case s: SpecStart => SpecsArguments(StartOfArguments(f, s.specName, s.arguments))
case e: SpecEnd => SpecsArguments(EndOfArguments(f, e.specName))
case _ => SpecsArguments(NoStartOfArguments(f))
implicit val SpecsArgumentsReducer: Reducer[ExecutingFragment, SpecsArguments[ExecutingFragment]] =
Reducer.unitReducer { (f: ExecutingFragment) => f.original match {
case s: SpecStart => SpecsArguments(StartOfArguments(f, s.specName, f.get match { case e: ExecutedSpecStart => e.start.arguments; case other => Arguments() }))
case s: SpecEnd => SpecsArguments(EndOfArguments(f, s.specName))
case _ => SpecsArguments(NoStartOfArguments(f))
implicit val SpecsArgumentsReducer2: Reducer[ExecutingFragment, Arguments] =
Reducer.unitReducer { (f: ExecutingFragment) => f.original match {
case s: SpecStart => s.arguments
case _ => Arguments()
implicit val ExecutedSpecsArgumentsReducer: Reducer[ExecutedFragment, SpecsArguments[ExecutedFragment]] =
Reducer.unitReducer { (f: ExecutedFragment) => f match {
case s: ExecutedSpecStart => SpecsArguments(StartOfArguments(f, s.specName, s.start.arguments))
case s: ExecutedSpecEnd => SpecsArguments(EndOfArguments(f, s.specName))
case _ => SpecsArguments(NoStartOfArguments(f))
sealed trait ApplicableArguments[T] {
val value: T
object ApplicableArguments {
def unapply[T](a: ApplicableArguments[T]): Option[T] = Some(a.value)
case class StartOfArguments[T](value: T, name: SpecName, args: Arguments) extends ApplicableArguments[T]
case class EndOfArguments[T](value: T, name: SpecName) extends ApplicableArguments[T]
case class NoStartOfArguments[T](value: T) extends ApplicableArguments[T]