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org.specs2.specification.script.Specification.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package org.specs2
package specification
package script

import collection.Seqx._
import text.Trim._
import TagFragments.{Tag, Section}
import execute.AsResult

 * This Specification trait is using a Script (`GroupScript`) and a default template `BulletedExamplesTemplate`
 * to associate extracted examples text (where there are `+` signs) to example bodies coming from a `Group`.
 * tod
abstract class Specification extends SpecificationLike

 * Trait for the script.Specification abstract class
trait SpecificationLike extends org.specs2.SpecificationLike with Scripts with GroupsLike { outer =>

  /** analyse the fragments and extract examples from pieces of text */
  override def map(fs: =>Fragments) = GroupsScript(groups = outer)(BulletedExamplesTemplate(), exampleFactory).lines(

 * This script associates lines extracted by a template to example bodies defined by a GroupsLike trait.
 * It can be called several times with a groupIndex and exampleIndex to know exactly which groups and examples it should
 * start associating
case class GroupsScript(title: String = "groups", isStart: Boolean = true, groups: GroupsLike)
                       (implicit template: ScriptTemplate[GroupsScript, FragmentsScriptLines], exampleFactory: ExampleFactory) extends Script {

  val groupTemplate = template

  def fragments(text: String): Fragments = createExamples(template.lines(text, this), 0, 0)._1

   * Go through the list of all fragments. For each piece of text, try to parse it with the template
   * and replace it with new fragments containing examples by associating the marked text with groups examples
  def lines(fs: Fragments) = {
    fs.compact.middle.foldLeft((fs.copy(middle = Seq()), 0, 0)) { (res, cur) =>
      val (resultFragments, previousGroupIndex, previousExampleIndex) = res
      val (fragments, newGroupIndex, newExampleIndex) =
        cur match {
          case t: Text => createExamples(groupTemplate.lines(t.text.raw, this), previousGroupIndex, previousExampleIndex)
          case other   => (Fragments.createList(other), previousGroupIndex, previousExampleIndex)
      (resultFragments append fragments.compact, newGroupIndex, newExampleIndex)

  /** match input fragments and group examples */
  private def createExamples(fragmentLines: FragmentsScriptLines, groupIndex: Int, exampleIndex: Int) = {
    fragmentLines.blocks.foldLeft((Fragments.createList(), groupIndex, exampleIndex)) { (res, block) =>
      val (fragments, g, e) = res
      (fragments append createExamplesForBlock(block, g, e), if (block.middle.exists(Fragments.isExample)) g + 1 else g, 0)

  private def createExamplesForBlock(block: Fragments, groupIndex: Int, exampleIndex: Int) = {
    groupTagsFor(groupIndex) ++
    block.middle.foldLeft((Seq[Fragment](), exampleIndex)) { (res, cur) =>
      val (fragments, e) = res

      cur match {
        case ex: Example => (fragments ++ (indentation(ex.desc.toString) +: exampleTagsFor(groupIndex, e) :+ createExample(ex.desc.toString, groupIndex, e) :+ Text("\n")), e + 1)
        case other      => (fragments :+ other, e)
    }._1 ++

  private def group(i: Int) =

  private def exampleTagsFor(g: Int, e: Int) = Seq(Tag(exampleName(g, e)))

  private def groupTagsFor(i: Int) = {
    val name = group(i).groupName
    if (name.matches("g\\d\\d?\\.e\\d\\d?")) Seq(Section(name))
    else                                     Seq(Section(name.removeEnclosing("'"), s"g${i+1}"))

  private def exampleName(i: Int, j: Int) = s"g${i+1}.e${j+1}"
  private def createExample(line: String, i: Int, j: Int) = exampleFactory.newExample(line, (group(i).example(j).t()).mapMessage(_ + " - " + exampleName(i, j)))
  private def indentation(line: String) = Text(line.takeWhile(_ == ' ').mkString)

  def start = this
  def end = copy(isStart = false)

case class FragmentsScriptLines(blocks: Seq[Fragments]) extends ScriptLines

trait GroupTemplateParameters {
  def isExample(line: String): Boolean
  def isGroupStart(line: String, nextLine: String): Boolean
  def stripExample(line: String): String
  def stripGroup(line: String): String
case class BulletedExamplesTemplateParameters() extends GroupTemplateParameters {
  def isExample(line: String) = line.trim.startsWith("+")

  def isGroupStart(line: String, nextLine: String) =
    Seq("====", "----").exists(nextLine.trim.startsWith) ||
    line.trim.matches("#+.*")                            ||
    line.trim.matches(".*")                       ||

  def stripExample(line: String) = line.trim.removeFirst(s"\\s*\\+ ")
  def stripGroup(line: String) = line

case class BulletedExamplesTemplate(implicit params: GroupTemplateParameters = BulletedExamplesTemplateParameters()) extends ScriptTemplate[GroupsScript, FragmentsScriptLines] {

  def lines(text: String, script: GroupsScript): FragmentsScriptLines = {
    val lines = text.split("\n").toSeq
    val linesWithNewLines = + "\n").updateLast(_.removeLast("\n"))

    val fragmentLines = linesWithNewLines.zipWithIndex.foldLeft(Seq(Fragments.createList())) { (res, linei) =>
      val (line, index) = linei
      val nextLine = if (index + 1 < linesWithNewLines.size) linesWithNewLines(index + 1) else ""

      val blocks = if (startNewBlock(line, nextLine, res.lastOption)) (res :+ Fragments.createList()) else res
      blocks.updateLast(fs => (fs append createFragments(line)).compact)

  private def startNewBlock(line: String, nextLine: String, lastBlock: Option[Fragments]) = params.isGroupStart(line, nextLine) &&

  private def createFragments(line: String) =
    if (params.isExample(line)) Fragments.createList(Text(line.takeWhile(_ == ' ')), Example(params.stripExample(line), execute.Pending()))
    else                        Fragments.createList(Text(params.stripGroup(line)))

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