org.specs2.text.Split.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.specs2
package text
import Trim._
import collection.Seqx._
trait Split {
implicit def makeSplitted(s: String) = new Splitted(s)
class Splitted(s: String) {
def splitToSize(n: Int): List[String] = splitToSize(s, n, Nil)
private def splitToSize(string: String, n: Int, result: List[String]): List[String] = {
if (string.size <= n) (string :: result).reverse
// new Strings are necessary to avoid memory errors because substring is just a view on the underlying string
splitToSize(new String(string.drop(n)), n, new String(string.take(n)) :: result)
private val quoted = "\"[^\"]*\"|[^\\s]+".r
def splitQuoted = quoted.findAllIn(s)"\""))
* split a string along some names which start with a dash:
* "-include hello world -with me".splitDashed(Seq("include", "with")) === ("include", "hello world", "with", "me")
def splitDashed(names: Seq[String]) = {
val dashedNames ="-"+_.toLowerCase)
def isDashedName(name: String) = dashedNames.contains(name.toLowerCase)
val grouped = s.split("\\s").foldLeft(Seq[(String, Seq[String])]()) { (res, cur) =>
if (isDashedName(cur) || cur == "--") (res :+ (cur -> Seq[String]()))
else res.updateLastOr { case (name, values) => (name, values :+ cur) }((cur, Seq[String]()))
grouped.flatMap {
case (name, values) if isDashedName(name) => Seq(name.trimStart("-"), values.mkString(" ").splitQuoted.mkString(" "))
case (name, values) if name == "--" => values
case (name, values) => Seq(name) ++ values
object Split extends Split