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package org.specs2
package matcher
import scalaz.Scalaz._
import control.Exceptions._
import execute._
import Expectable._
import text.Quote._
import text.Plural._
import text.Sentences._
import text.NotNullStrings._
import reflect.ClassName._
import MatchResultMessages._
import time.Duration
import MatchResultLogicalCombinators._
* The `Matcher` trait is the base trait for any Matcher.
* This trait can be extended to provide an appropriate `apply` method that
* will check an expectable value `a: Expectable[T]`.
* The result of a match is a MatchResult object (@see MatchResult).
* Matchers can be composed.
* Implementation notes:
* - the parameter to the apply method must be a by-name parameter.
* This allows some values to be evaluated only when necessary.
* - However in the implementation of the apply function, it must be taken care of not
* evaluating the parameter twice. Assigning it to a val is the solution to this issue.
trait Matcher[-T] { outer =>
* apply this matcher to an Expectable
* @return a MatchResult describing the outcome of the match
def apply[S <: T](t: Expectable[S]): MatchResult[S]
* @return a MatchResult with an okMessage, a koMessage and the expectable value
protected def result[S <: T](test: =>Boolean, okMessage: =>String, koMessage: =>String, value: Expectable[S]): MatchResult[S] = {
Matcher.result(test, okMessage, koMessage, value)
* @return a MatchResult with an okMessage, a koMessage and the expectable value
protected def result[S <: T](triplet: =>(Boolean, String, String), value: Expectable[S]): MatchResult[S] = {
Matcher.result(triplet._1, triplet._2, triplet._3, value)
* @return a MatchResult with an okMessage, a koMessage, the expectable value and the expected/actual values as string
* to display a failure comparison if necessary
protected def result[S <: T](test: =>Boolean, okMessage: =>String, koMessage: =>String, value: Expectable[S], expected: String, actual: String): MatchResult[S] = {
Matcher.result(test, okMessage, koMessage, value, expected, actual)
* @return a MatchResult with an okMessage, a koMessage, the expectable value and details about the failure if any
protected def result[S <: T](test: =>Boolean, okMessage: =>String, koMessage: =>String, value: Expectable[S], details: Details): MatchResult[S] = {
Matcher.result(test, okMessage, koMessage, value, details)
/** This method can be used to create a successful match result */
protected def success[S <: T](message: =>String, value: Expectable[S]): MatchResult[S] =
Matcher.success(message, value)
/** This method can be used to create a failed match result */
protected def failure[S <: T](message: =>String, value: Expectable[S]): MatchResult[S] =
Matcher.failure(message, value)
* @return a MatchResult copied on another one, but with a different expectable
protected def result[S <: T](other: MatchResult[_], value: Expectable[S]): MatchResult[S] = {
other match {
case MatchSuccess(ok, ko, _) => Matcher.result(true, ok(), ko(), value)
case MatchFailure(ok, ko, _, _, FailureDetails(actual, expected)) => Matcher.result(false, ok(), ko(), value, expected, actual)
case MatchFailure(ok, ko, _, _, _) => Matcher.result(false, ok(), ko(), value)
case _ => Matcher.result(other.isSuccess, other.message, value)
/** @return a Match Result from another result */
protected def result[S <: T](other: Result, value: Expectable[S]): MatchResult[S] =
Matcher.result(other, value)
* @return a MatchResult using the messages embedded in a MatchResultMessage (i.e. an accumulation of messages from other matches)
protected def result[S <: T](other: MatchResultMessage, value: Expectable[S]): MatchResult[S] = {
lazy val messages = other match {
case SuccessMessage(ok, ko) => (ok(), ko())
case FailureMessage(ok, ko) => (ok(), ko())
case NeutralMessage(message) => (message, message)
case EmptySuccessMessage() => ("", "")
Matcher.result(other.isSuccess, messages._1, messages._2, value)
* Adapt a matcher to another.
* ex: `be_==("message") ^^ (_.getMessage)` can be applied to an exception
def ^^[S](f: S => T) = new Matcher[S] {
def apply[U <: S](a: Expectable[U]) = {
val result = outer( => a.value)
* Adapt a matcher to another.
* ex: `be_==("message") ^^ (_.getMessage aka "trimmed")` can be applied to an exception
* The dummy value is used to help to disambiguate with the overloaded ^^ function
def ^^[S](f: S => Expectable[T], dummy: Int = 0) = new Matcher[S] {
def apply[U <: S](a: Expectable[U]) = {
val result = outer(a.flatMap(f)) => a.value)
* negate a Matcher
* @see MatchResult.not
def not = new Matcher[T] {
def apply[U <: T](a: Expectable[U]) = outer(a).not
* the logical and between 2 matchers
* @see MatchResult.and
def and[S <: T](m: =>Matcher[S]): Matcher[S] = new Matcher[S] {
def apply[U <: S](a: Expectable[U]) = outer(a).and(m(a))
* the logical or between 2 matchers
* @see MatchResult.or
def or[S <: T](m: =>Matcher[S]) = new Matcher[S] {
def apply[U <: S](a: Expectable[U]) = outer(a).or(m(a))
* @return a Skip MatchResult if this matcher fails
def orSkip: Matcher[T] = orSkip("")
* @return a Skip MatchResult if this matcher fails, prefixing the failure message with a skip message.
* If the skip message is empty, only the failure message is printed
def orSkip(m: String): Matcher[T] = orSkip((ko: String) => m prefix(": ", ko))
* @return a Skip MatchResult if this matcher fails, modifying the failure message with a skip message.
def orSkip(message: String => String): Matcher[T] = new Matcher[T] {
def apply[U <: T](a: Expectable[U]) = {
tryOr(outer(a)) { (e: Exception) => MatchSkip(message(e.getMessage.notNull), a) } match {
case MatchFailure(_,ko,_,_,_) => MatchSkip(message(ko()), a)
case other => other
* @return a Pending MatchResult if this matcher fails
def orPending: Matcher[T] = orPending("")
* @return a Pending MatchResult if this matcher fails, prefixing the failure message with a pending message.
* If the pending message is empty, only the failure message is printed
def orPending(m: String): Matcher[T] = orPending((ko: String) => m prefix(": ", ko))
* @return a Pending MatchResult if this matcher fails, modifying the failure message with a pending message.
def orPending(message: String => String): Matcher[T] = new Matcher[T] {
def apply[U <: T](a: Expectable[U]) = {
tryOr(outer(a)) { (e: Exception) => MatchPending(message(e.getMessage.notNull), a) } match {
case MatchFailure(_,ko,_,_,_) => MatchPending(message(ko()), a)
case other => other
/** only apply this matcher if the condition is true */
def when(b: Boolean, m: String= ""): Matcher[T] = new Matcher[T] {
def apply[U <: T](a: Expectable[U]) = if (b) outer(a) else MatchSuccess(m, "ko", a)
/** only apply this matcher if the condition is false */
def unless(b: Boolean, m: String= ""): Matcher[T] = when(!b, m)
/** when the condition is true the matcher is applied, when it's false, the matcher must fail */
def iff(b: Boolean): Matcher[T] = new Matcher[T] {
def apply[U <: T](a: Expectable[U]) = if (b) outer(a) else outer(a).not
* The `lazily` operator returns a Matcher which will match a function returning the expected value
def lazily = new Matcher[() => T]() {
def apply[S <: () => T](function: Expectable[S]) = {
val r = outer(Expectable(function.value()))
result(r, function)
* @return a matcher that needs to eventually match, after 40 retries and a sleep time
* of 100 milliseconds
def eventually: Matcher[T] = EventuallyMatchers.eventually(this)
* @return a matcher that needs to eventually match, after a given number of retries
* and a sleep time
def eventually(retries: Int, sleep: Duration): Matcher[T] = EventuallyMatchers.eventually(retries, sleep)(this)
* @return a Matcher with no messages
def mute = new Matcher[T] {
def apply[S <: T](s: Expectable[S]) = outer.apply(s).mute
* @return update the failure message of a matcher
def updateMessage(f: String => String) = new Matcher[T] {
def apply[S <: T](s: Expectable[S]) = outer.apply(s).updateMessage(f)
* @return set a new failure message of a matcher
def setMessage(message: String) = updateMessage((s: String) => message)
* @return a test function corresponding to this matcher
def test = (t: T) => apply(Expectable(t)).isSuccess
object Matcher {
/** @return a MatchResult[T] from a condition, 2 messages and details */
def result[T](test: Boolean, okMessage: =>String, koMessage: =>String, value: Expectable[T], details: Details): MatchResult[T] = {
if (test) MatchSuccess(okMessage, koMessage, value)
else MatchFailure.create(okMessage, koMessage, value, details)
/** @return a MatchResult[T] from a condition and 2 messages */
def result[T](test: Boolean, okMessage: =>String, koMessage: =>String, value: Expectable[T]): MatchResult[T] =
result(test, okMessage, koMessage, value, NoDetails)
/** @return a MatchResult[T] from a condition, 2 messages and expected/actual values */
def result[T](test: Boolean, okMessage: =>String, koMessage: =>String, value: Expectable[T], expected: String, actual: String): MatchResult[T] =
result(test, okMessage, koMessage, value, FailureDetails(actual, expected))
/** @return a MatchResult[T] from a result */
def result[T](r: Result, value: Expectable[T]): MatchResult[T] =
result(r.isSuccess, r.message, r.message, value, details(r))
/** @return a MatchResult[T] from a condition and just one message */
def result[T](test: Boolean, message: =>String, value: Expectable[T]): MatchResult[T] =
result(test, message, message, value)
def success[T](message: =>String, value: Expectable[T]): MatchResult[T] =
result(true, message, negateSentence(message), value)
/** This method can be used to create a failed match result */
def failure[T](message: =>String, value: Expectable[T]): MatchResult[T] =
result(false, negateSentence(message), message, value)
/** extract failure details from a Result if it is a Failure */
def details(r: Result): Details = r match {
case f : Failure => f.details
case _ => NoDetails