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package org.specs2
package specification
import collection.Iterablex._
import execute.Executable
import main.Arguments
import scalaz.Monoid
import Fragments._
import specification.StandardFragments.{End, Br}
import io.Paths._
import org.specs2.specification.TagFragments._
* A Fragments object is a list of fragments with a SpecStart and a SpecEnd
case class Fragments(specTitle: Option[SpecName] = None, middle: Seq[Fragment] = Stream().toSeq,
arguments: Arguments = Arguments(), linked: Linked = Linked()) {
def fragments: Seq[Fragment] = if (isZero) Stream().toSeq else specStart +: middle :+ specEnd
def isZero = this == Fragments()
def specTitleIs(name: SpecName): Fragments = copy(specTitle = specTitle.filterNot(_.title.isEmpty).map(_.overrideWith(name)).orElse(Some(name)))
def add(e: Fragment): Fragments = append(e)
def add(fs: Seq[Fragment]): Fragments = copy(middle = middle ++ fs)
def add(fs: Fragments): Fragments = add(fs.fragments)
def add(a: Arguments): Fragments = copy(arguments = arguments.overrideWith(a))
/** append the fragments from fs, appending the text fragments if this object ends with Text and fs starts with Text */
def append(fs: Fragments): Fragments =
(middle, fs.middle) match {
case (begin :+ (txt1: Text), (txt2: Text) +: rest) if !fs.isLink && txt1.text.formatting == txt2.text.formatting =>
new FragmentsFragment(this.copy(middle = Seq())) ^ fs.copy(middle = begin ++ (txt1.add(txt2) +: rest))
case _ => new FragmentsFragment(this) ^ fs
/** append the fragments from fs, appending the text fragments if this object ends with a TaggingFragment and fs starts with a TaggingFragment */
def appendTags(fs: Fragments): Fragments =
(middle, fs.middle) match {
case (begin :+ (section1: AsSection), (section2: AsSection) +: rest) => new FragmentsFragment(this.copy(middle = Seq())) ^ fs.copy(middle = begin ++ (section1.overrideWith(section2) +: rest))
case (begin :+ (section1: Section), (section2: Section) +: rest) => new FragmentsFragment(this.copy(middle = Seq())) ^ fs.copy(middle = begin ++ (section1.overrideWith(section2) +: rest))
case (begin :+ (tag1: TaggedAs), (tag2: TaggedAs) +: rest) => new FragmentsFragment(this.copy(middle = Seq())) ^ fs.copy(middle = begin ++ (tag1.overrideWith(tag2) +: rest))
case (begin :+ (tag1: Tag), (tag2: Tag) +: rest) => new FragmentsFragment(this.copy(middle = Seq())) ^ fs.copy(middle = begin ++ (tag1.overrideWith(tag2) +: rest))
case _ => new FragmentsFragment(this) ^ fs
/** append the fragments from fs, appending the text fragments if this object ends with Text and fs starts with Text */
def append(fs: Seq[Fragment]): Fragments =
/** recreate the Fragments so that 2 consecutive Text fragments are aggregated into one */
def compact = middle.foldLeft(copy(middle = Seq())) { (res, cur) => res append Seq(cur) }
/** recreate the Fragments so that 2 consecutive Tagging fragments are aggregated into one */
def compactTags = middle.foldLeft(copy(middle = Seq())) { (res, cur) => res appendTags Fragments.createList(cur) }
def middleDrop(n: Int) = copy(middle = Stream(middle:_*).drop(n))
def middleDropRight(n: Int) = copy(middle = Stream(middle:_*).dropRight(n))
def middleDropWhile(p: Fragment => Boolean) = copy(middle = Stream(middle:_*).dropWhile(p))
def insert(e: Fragment): Fragments = prepend(e)
def insert(fs: Seq[Fragment]): Fragments = copy(middle = fs ++ middle)
def insert(fs: Fragments): Fragments = insert(fs.fragments)
private def prepend(e: Fragment) = copy(middle = e +: middle)
private def append(e: Fragment) = copy(middle = middle :+ e)
def urlIs(url: String) = copy(specTitle =, linked = linked.urlIs(url))
def baseDirIs(dir: String) = copy(specTitle =, linked = linked.baseDirIs(dir))
def linkIs(htmlLink: HtmlLink) = copy(linked = linked.linkIs(htmlLink))
def seeIs(htmlLink: HtmlLink) = copy(middle = Stream(), linked = linked.seeIs(htmlLink))
def hide = copy(linked = linked.linkIs(HtmlLink(this)).hide)
def isLink = linked.isLink
def executables: Seq[Executable] = middle.collect { case e: Executable => e }
def examples: Seq[Example] = middle.collect(isAnExample)
def texts: Seq[Text] = middle.collect(isSomeText)
def starts: Seq[SpecStart] = middle.collect(isASpecStart)
def tags: Seq[TagFragment] = middle.collect(isSomeTag)
def linkMarkdown = linked.markdown
def linkHtml = linked.html
def overrideArgs(args: Arguments) = copy(arguments = arguments.overrideWith(args))
def map(function: Fragment => Fragment) = copy(middle =
def flatMap(function: Fragment => Seq[Fragment]) = copy(middle = middle.flatMap(function))
override def toString = fragments.mkString("\n")
def specName = specStart.specName
def name =
lazy val specStart: SpecStart = SpecStart(specTitle.getOrElse(SpecName("")), arguments, linked)
lazy val specEnd: SpecEnd = SpecEnd(specName)
* Utility methods for fragments
object Fragments {
def apply(t: SpecName): Fragments = Fragments().specTitleIs(t)
* @return a Fragments object containing only a seq of Fragments.
def createList(fs: Fragment*) = Fragments(middle = fs)
* @return a Fragments object, where the SpecStart might be provided by the passed fragments
def create(fs: Fragment*) = {
fs match {
case (s @ SpecStart(n, a, l, _)) +: rest :+ SpecEnd(_,_,_) => Fragments(Some(n), rest, a, l)
case (s @ SpecStart(n, a, l, _)) +: rest => Fragments(Some(n), rest, a, l)
case _ => createList(fs:_*)
/** @return true if the Fragment is a Text */
def isText: Function[Fragment, Boolean] = { case t: Text => true; case _ => false }
/** @return the text if the Fragment is a Text */
def isSomeText: PartialFunction[Fragment, Text] = { case t: Text => t }
/** @return true if the Fragment is an Example */
def isExample: Function[Fragment, Boolean] = { case e: Example => true; case _ => false }
/** @return the example if the Fragment is an Example */
def isAnExample: PartialFunction[Fragment, Example] = { case e: Example => e }
/** @return true if the Fragment is a step */
def isStep: Function[Fragment, Boolean] = { case s: Step => true; case _ => false }
/** @return true if the Fragment is a SpecStart or a SpecEnd */
def isSpecStartOrEnd: Function[Fragment, Boolean] = { case s1: SpecStart => true; case s2: SpecEnd => true; case _ => false }
/** @return the spec start if the Fragment is a SpecStart */
def isASpecStart: PartialFunction[Fragment, SpecStart] = { case s: SpecStart => s }
/** @return the spec end if the Fragment is a SpecEnd */
def isASpecEnd: PartialFunction[Fragment, Fragment] = { case s: SpecEnd => s }
/** @return true if the Fragment is a SpecStart */
def isSpecStart: Function[Fragment, Boolean] = { case s: SpecStart => true; case _ => false }
/** @return true if the Fragment is a SpecEnd */
def isSpecEnd: Function[Fragment, Boolean] = { case s: SpecEnd => true; case _ => false }
/** @return true if the Fragment is an Example or a Step */
def isExampleOrStep: Function[Fragment, Boolean] = (f: Fragment) => isExample(f) || isStep(f)
/** @return the step if the Fragment is a Step */
def isAStep: PartialFunction[Fragment, Step] = { case s: Step => s }
/** @return the action if the Fragment is an Actino */
def isAnAction: PartialFunction[Fragment, Action] = { case a: Action => a }
/** @return the step if the Fragment is a Br fragment */
def isABr: PartialFunction[Fragment, Fragment] = { case br: Br => br }
/** @return the step if the Fragment is a Br fragment */
def isBr: Fragment => Boolean = { case br: Br => true; case _ => false }
/** @return the step if the Fragment is an End fragment */
def isAnEnd: PartialFunction[Fragment, Fragment] = { case e: End => e }
/** @return the text if the Fragment is a TaggingFragment */
def isSomeTag: PartialFunction[Fragment, TagFragment] = { case t: TagFragment => t }
/** @return a Fragments object with the appropriate name set on the SpecStart fragment */
def withSpecName(fragments: Fragments, name: SpecName): Fragments = fragments.specTitleIs(name)
* @return a Fragments object with the appropriate name set on the SpecStart fragment
* That name is derived from the specification structure name
def withSpecName(fragments: Fragments, s: SpecificationStructure): Fragments = withSpecName(fragments, SpecName(s))
* @return a Fragments object with creation paths set on Examples and Actions
* The path of a Fragment is either:
* - set at construction time when it comes from a mutable specification
* - its index in the sequence of fragments for an acceptance specification
def withCreationPaths(fragments: Fragments): Fragments = fragments.copy(middle = {
case (e: Example, i) => e.creationPathIs(AcceptanceCreationPath(Seq(i+1)))
case (a: Action, i) => a.creationPathIs(AcceptanceCreationPath(Seq(i+1)))
case (other, i) => other
* Fragments can be added as a monoid
implicit def fragmentsIsMonoid = new Monoid[Fragments] {
val zero = new Fragments()
def append(s1: Fragments, s2: => Fragments) = {
if (s1.isZero) s2
else if (s2.isZero) s1
else Fragments.createList((s1.fragments ++ s2.fragments):_*)
/** encapsulation of the linking behaviour */
case class Linked(link: Option[HtmlLink] = None, seeOnly: Boolean = false, hidden: Boolean = false) {
def isSeeOnlyLink = isLink && seeOnly
def isIncludeLink = isLink && !seeOnly
def isLink = link.isDefined
def urlIs(url: String) = copy(link =
def baseDirIs(dir: String) = copy(link =
def linkIs(htmlLink: HtmlLink) = copy(link = Some(htmlLink))
def seeIs(htmlLink: HtmlLink) = copy(link = Some(htmlLink), seeOnly = true)
def hide = copy(hidden = true)
def linkToString = => ", link:"+l.toString+", seeOnly:"+seeOnly).getOrElse("")
def html = => s"""${l.beforeText} ${l.linkText} ${l.afterText}""".trim).getOrElse("")
def markdown = => s"""${l.beforeText} [${l.linkText}](${l.url.fromTop}${if (l.tip.isEmpty) "" else (" "+l.tip)}) ${l.afterText}""".trim).getOrElse("")