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package org.specs2
package reporter
import scalaz._
import Scalaz._
import specification._
import NestedBlocks._
import collection.Iterablex._
import main.Arguments
* This trait stores the results of an executed specification
* It also updates the statistics of:
* - SpecStart fragments from SpecEnd fragments
trait Storing {
/** @return a function storing ExecutedFragments */
def store(implicit args: Arguments): ExecutingSpecification => ExecutingSpecification
trait DefaultStoring extends Storing with Statistics with WithDefaultStatisticsRepository {
def store(implicit args: Arguments): ExecutingSpecification => ExecutingSpecification = (spec: ExecutingSpecification) => {
if ( repository.resetStatistics
val fragmentsWithSpecStartUpdatedWithStatistics =
associateStartEnd(statisticsTotals(spec.execute.fragments), updateStatsOnSpecStart) |> storeStatistics
spec.copy(fs =
private def statisticsTotals(fragments: Seq[ExecutedFragment])(implicit args: Arguments) = {
val totals = fragments zip fragments.reduceWith(ExecutedStatisticsReducer).totals
totals map (setStatsOnSpecEndFragments andThen executedFragmentsToSpecBlock)
* set the statistics on SpecEndFragments after they've been computed by the StatisticsReducer
* Those statistics are updated from previously executed statistics to calculate trends
def setStatsOnSpecEndFragments(implicit args: Arguments) = (fs: (ExecutedFragment, Stats)) => fs match {
case (ExecutedSpecEnd(n, l, s), stats) if ! => ExecutedSpecEnd(n, l, stats.updateFrom(repository.getStatistics(n.specName)))
case (other, s) => other
* "associate" function to set up the statistics on the SpecStart fragments after they've been computed and set on SpecEnd fragments.
private def updateStatsOnSpecStart = (start: ExecutedFragment, end: ExecutedFragment) => {
(start, end) match {
case (ExecutedSpecStart(ns, ss, ls), ExecutedSpecEnd(ne, se, le)) => (ExecutedSpecStart(ns, se, le), ExecutedSpecEnd(ne.seeOnlyLinkIs(ns.isSeeOnlyLink), se, le))
case other => (start, end)
private def storeStatistics(implicit args: Arguments) = (fragments: Seq[ExecutedFragment]) => {
if ( fragments
else {
val fn = SpecsArguments.foldAll(fragments).fragmentAndSpecNames
val results = fn collect { case (r @ ExecutedResult(_, _, _, _, _), name) => (name, r) } groupBy (_._1)
results map storeResults
// toList is called to "force" the view
// the result of storeStats is returned because SpecStarts might have been updated from the repository
fn.toList map storeStats
* store the statistics:
* - for SpecEnd -> put the stats in the repository
* - for a SpecStart that's a link -> read the status of the previous execution
protected def storeStats = (fn: (ExecutedFragment, SpecName)) => {
fn match {
case (ExecutedSpecStart(start: SpecStart, loc, st), _) if start.isSeeOnlyLink =>
ExecutedSpecStart(start, loc, repository.getStatistics(start.specName).getOrElse(st))
// if the specification is see-only don't store the stats
// otherwise the index page will think that the last execution was successful
case (f @ ExecutedSpecEnd(end: SpecEnd, loc, st), _) if !end.isSeeOnlyLink => repository.storeStatistics(end.specName, st); f
case (other, name) => other
* store the results by spec name
protected def storeResults = (r: (SpecName, Seq[(SpecName, ExecutedResult)])) => {
val (name, results) = r