org.specs2.runner.ClassRunner.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.specs2
package runner
import reflect._
import io._
import main.Arguments
import control.Exceptions._
import specification._
import reporter._
* This class can be used to executed a Specification in the Console
* by specifying its name as the first argument on the command line
* @see
* @see org.specs2.main.Arguments for other command line options
class ClassRunner extends Classes with ConsoleOutput with SystemExit {
lazy val reporter: Reporter = new ConsoleReporter {}
protected val errorHandler = ClassRunner.errorHandler
def main(arguments: Array[String]) {
def start(arguments: String*): Option[ExecutedSpecification] = {
if (arguments.length == 0)
println("The first argument should at least be the specification class name")
implicit val commandLineArgs = Arguments(arguments.drop(1):_*)
* This method can be called directly from the console with the object:
* >, spec2)
* or > import specs2._
* > run(spec1, spec2)
* If you want to pass specific arguments you can pass:
* > import specs2.args._
* >
* Or you can set specific default with an implicit value:
* > import specs2.args._
* > implicit val myargs = nocolor
* >
def apply(specifications: SpecificationStructure*)(implicit args: Arguments = Arguments()): Seq[ExecutedSpecification] = {
specifications flatMap { specification =>
protected def createSpecification(className: String, classLoader: ClassLoader = Thread.currentThread.getContextClassLoader)
(implicit args: Arguments = Arguments()) =
SpecificationStructure.createSpecification(className, classLoader)
object ClassRunner {
val errorHandler: PartialFunction[Throwable, Unit] = { case e =>
println(s"""|\nAn error occurred: ${e.getMessage} during the creation of the specification.
|This might be cause by failing variable initializations. If this is the case you should consider transforming those
|variables into `lazy val`s instead of `val`s.
|Otherwise please create an issue on with the stacktrace below. Thanks.""".stripMargin)