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org.specs2.specification.SpecificationStringContext.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.specs2
package specification
import main.{Arguments, ArgumentsArgs}
import execute._
import text.NotNullStrings._
import reflect.Macros._
import reflect.Compat210._
import text.Interpolated
import text.NotNullStrings._
import control.Exceptions._
import specification.TagFragments._
* Allow to use fragments inside interpolated strings starting with s2 in order to build the specification content
trait SpecificationStringContext { outer: FragmentsBuilder with ArgumentsArgs with FormattingTags =>
implicit def stringIsSpecPart(s: =>String): SpecPart = new SpecPart {
def append(fs: Fragments, text: String, expression: String = "") = {
val s1 = tryOr(s)(e => s"[${e.getMessage.notNull}]")
fs append createTextFragment(text+s1).fragments
implicit def exampleIsSpecPart(e: Example): SpecPart = new SpecPart {
def append(fs: Fragments, text: String, expression: String = "") = fs.append(createTextFragment(text)).append(e)
implicit def asResultIsSpecPart[R : AsResult](r: =>R): SpecPart = new SpecPart {
def append(fs: Fragments, text: String, expression: String = "") = {
val texts = text.split("\n")
val spaces =' ', '\n').contains)).getOrElse("")
val indent = spaces.mkString
val first = texts.dropRight(1).mkString("", "\n", "\n")
val autoExample = texts.lastOption.exists(_.trim.isEmpty)
val description =
if (autoExample) FormattedString.code(expression).withFlow
else FormattedString("")).withFlow
val before = first + indent
val result =
implicitly[AsResult[R]] match {
case v : AnyValueAsResult[_] => AsResult(r) match {
case DecoratedResult(t, e: Error) => createTextFragment(before).append(exampleFactory.newExample(description, e))
case DecoratedResult(t, _) => createTextFragment(text).append(createTextFragment(t.notNull).fragments)
case other => createTextFragment(before).append(exampleFactory.newExample(description, AsResult(r)))
fs append result.middle
implicit def anyAsResultIsSpecPart(r: =>Function0Result): SpecPart = new SpecPart {
def append(fs: Fragments, text: String, expression: String = "") = asResultIsSpecPart(AsResult(r)).append(fs, text, expression)
implicit def fragmentIsSpecPart(f: Fragment): SpecPart = new SpecPart {
def append(fs: Fragments, text: String, expression: String = "") = f match {
// in the case of a tag which applies to the example just before,
// if the tag is just separated by some empty text, append the tag close to the example
case t: TaggedAs if text.trim.isEmpty => fs.append(t).append(createTextFragment(text))
case other => fs.append(createTextFragment(text)).add(other)
implicit def fragmentsIsSpecPart(fragments: Fragments): SpecPart = new SpecPart {
def append(fs: Fragments, text: String, expression: String = "") = fs.append(createTextFragment(text)).append(fragments)
implicit def fragmentsFragmentIsSpecPart(ffs: FragmentsFragment): SpecPart = new SpecPart {
def append(fs: Fragments, text: String, expression: String = "") = fs.append(createTextFragment(text)).append(ffs.fragments)
implicit def argumentsIsSpecPart(a: Arguments): SpecPart = new SpecPart {
def append(fs: Fragments, text: String, expression: String = "") = fs.append(createTextFragment(text)).add(a)
implicit def specStructureIsSpecPart(s: SpecificationStructure): SpecPart = new SpecPart {
def append(fs: Fragments, text: String, expression: String = "") = fs.append(createTextFragment(text)).append(s.content)
implicit def markdownLinkIsSpecPart(link: MarkdownLink): SpecPart = stringIsSpecPart(link.toString)
implicit class specificationInStringContext(sc: StringContext) {
def s2(variables: SpecPart*): Fragments = macro S2Macro.s2Implementation
* based on the interpolated variables and the expressions captured with the macro, create the appropriate fragments
* if the Yrangepos scalac option is not set then we use an approximated method to find the expressions texts
def s2(content: String, Yrangepos: Boolean, texts: Seq[String], variables: Seq[SpecPart], rangeExpressions: Seq[String]) = {
val expressions = if (Yrangepos) rangeExpressions else new Interpolated(content, texts).expressions
val fragments = (texts zip variables zip expressions).foldLeft(Fragments.createList()) { (res, cur) =>
val ((text, variable), expression) = cur
// always provide the latest full piece of text to the spec part for the append method
val (res1, text1) = res.middle.lastOption.collect { case t: Text =>
(res.middleDropRight(1), t.t+text)
}.getOrElse((res, text))
variable.append(res1, text1, expression)
formatSection(flow = true, markdown = true) ^ => fragments append createTextFragment(t).fragments).getOrElse(fragments) ^ formatSection(flow = true, markdown = true)
private[specs2] def createTextFragment(s: String): FragmentsFragment = fragments(Text.create(FormattedString(s)))
object S2Macro {
import scala.reflect.macros._
def s2Implementation(c: blackbox.Context)(variables: c.Expr[SpecPart]*) : c.Expr[Fragments] = {
import c.{universe => u}; import u.{ Position => _, _ }
val texts = c.prefix.tree match { case Apply(_, List(Apply(_, ts))) => ts }
val macroPos = c.macroApplication.pos
val fileContent = macroPos.source.content.mkString
def contentFrom(pos: c.Position) = fileContent.split("\n").drop(pos.line - 1).mkString("\n").drop(pos.column-1)
val content = contentFrom(macroPos).drop("s2\"\"\"".size)
val Yrangepos = macroPos.isRange
val result =
trait SpecPart {
def append(fs: Fragments, text: String, expression: String = ""): Fragments