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org.specs2.specification.script.StepParsers.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.specs2
package specification
package script
import util.matching.Regex
import control.ImplicitParameters
import control.Exceptions._
import text.RegexExtractor
import RegexExtractor._
* StepParsers are using delimiters or regular expressions with groups to extract values from a piece of text
* and possibly strip it from delimiters if necessary
trait StepParsers extends ImplicitParameters {
implicit lazy val stepParserRegex = """\{([^}]+)\}""".r
def apply[T](f: String => T)(implicit fpr: Regex): DelimitedStepParser[T] = new DelimitedStepParser1[T](f).withRegex(fpr)
def apply[T](f: (String, String) => T)(implicit fpr: Regex): DelimitedStepParser[T] = new DelimitedStepParser2[T](f).withRegex(fpr)
def apply[T](f: (String, String, String) => T)(implicit fpr: Regex): DelimitedStepParser[T] = new DelimitedStepParser3[T](f).withRegex(fpr)
def apply[T](f: (String, String, String, String) => T)(implicit fpr: Regex): DelimitedStepParser[T] = new DelimitedStepParser4[T](f).withRegex(fpr)
def apply[T](f: (String, String, String, String, String) => T)(implicit fpr: Regex): DelimitedStepParser[T] = new DelimitedStepParser5[T](f).withRegex(fpr)
def apply[T](f: (String, String, String, String, String, String) => T)(implicit fpr: Regex): DelimitedStepParser[T] = new DelimitedStepParser6[T](f).withRegex(fpr)
def apply[T](f: (String, String, String, String, String, String, String) => T)(implicit fpr: Regex): DelimitedStepParser[T] = new DelimitedStepParser7[T](f).withRegex(fpr)
def apply[T](f: (String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) => T)(implicit fpr: Regex): DelimitedStepParser[T] = new DelimitedStepParser8[T](f).withRegex(fpr)
def apply[T](f: (String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) => T)(implicit fpr: Regex): DelimitedStepParser[T] = new DelimitedStepParser9[T](f).withRegex(fpr)
def apply[T](f:(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) => T)(implicit fpr: Regex): DelimitedStepParser[T] = new DelimitedStepParser10[T](f).withRegex(fpr)
def apply[T](f: Seq[String] => T)(implicit fpr: Regex, p: ImplicitParam): DelimitedStepParser[T] = new DelimitedStepParserSeq[T](f).withRegex(fpr)
/** factory method to create a Given or a Then element from a regex */
def readAs(regex: String) = new ReadAs(regex.r)
/** factory method to create a Given or a Then element from a regex, using a regex denoting groups to extract */
def groupAs(groupRegex: String) = new ReadAs(groups = s"($groupRegex)".r)
import RegexExtractor._
/** This class creates Given or Then extractors from a regular expression and a function */
class ReadAs(regex: Regex = "".r, groups: Regex = stepParserRegex) {
def apply(f: String => Unit) = and[Unit](f)
def apply(f: (String, String) => Unit) = and[Unit](f)
def apply(f: (String, String, String) => Unit) = and[Unit](f)
def apply(f: (String, String, String, String) => Unit) = and[Unit](f)
def apply(f: (String, String, String, String, String) => Unit) = and[Unit](f)
def apply(f: (String, String, String, String, String, String) => Unit) = and[Unit](f)
def apply(f: (String, String, String, String, String, String, String) => Unit) = and[Unit](f)
def apply(f: (String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) => Unit) = and[Unit](f)
def apply(f: (String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) => Unit) = and[Unit](f)
def apply(f: (String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) => Unit) = and[Unit](f)
def apply(f: Seq[String] => Unit)(implicit p: ImplicitParam) = and[Unit](f)(p,p)
private def value[T](t: =>T) = trye(t)(identity)
def and[T](f: String => T) = new StepParser[T] {
def parse(text: String) = value(f(extract1(text, regex, groups)))
def and[T](f: (String, String) => T) = new StepParser[T] {
def parse(text: String) = value(f.tupled(extract2(text, regex, groups)))
def and[T](f: (String, String, String) => T) = new StepParser[T] {
def parse(text: String) = value(f.tupled(extract3(text, regex, groups)))
def and[T](f: (String, String, String, String) => T) = new StepParser[T] {
def parse(text: String) = value(f.tupled(extract4(text, regex, groups)))
def and[T](f: (String, String, String, String, String) => T) = new StepParser[T] {
def parse(text: String) = value(f.tupled(extract5(text, regex, groups)))
def and[T](f: (String, String, String, String, String, String) => T) = new StepParser[T] {
def parse(text: String) = value(f.tupled(extract6(text, regex, groups)))
def and[T](f: (String, String, String, String, String, String, String) => T) = new StepParser[T] {
def parse(text: String) = value(f.tupled(extract7(text, regex, groups)))
def and[T](f: (String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) => T) = new StepParser[T] {
def parse(text: String) = value(f.tupled(extract8(text, regex, groups)))
def and[T](f: (String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) => T) = new StepParser[T] {
def parse(text: String) = value(f.tupled(extract9(text, regex, groups)))
def and[T](f: (String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) => T) = new StepParser[T] {
def parse(text: String) = value(f.tupled(extract10(text, regex, groups)))
def and[T](f: Seq[String] => T)(implicit p1: ImplicitParam, p2: ImplicitParam) = new StepParser[T] {
def parse(text: String) = value(f(extractAll(text, regex, groups)))
object StepParsers extends StepParsers
* a few delimited parsers (with `{}`) to extract ints, doubles and strings
trait StandardDelimitedStepParsers extends StepParsers {
def anInt = StepParser((_: String).trim.toInt)
def twoInts = StepParser((s1: String, s2: String) => (s1.trim.toInt, s2.trim.toInt))
def threeInts = StepParser((s1: String, s2: String, s3: String) => (s1.trim.toInt, s2.trim.toInt, s3.trim.toInt))
def aDouble = StepParser((_: String).trim.toDouble)
def twoDoubles = StepParser((s1: String, s2: String) => (s1.trim.toDouble, s2.trim.toDouble))
def threeDoubles = StepParser((s1: String, s2: String, s3: String) => (s1.trim.toDouble, s2.trim.toDouble, s3.trim.toDouble))
def aString = StepParser((s:String) => s)
def twoStrings = StepParser((s1:String, s2: String) => (s1, s2))
def threeStrings = StepParser((s1:String, s2: String, s3: String) => (s1, s2, s3))
object StandardDelimitedStepParsers extends StandardDelimitedStepParsers
* a few regular expression parsers to extract ints, doubles and strings (strings are delimited with `"`)
trait StandardRegexStepParsers extends StepParsers {
// definitions taken from the JavaTokenParsers trait
private val wholeNumber = """-?\d+"""
private val decimalNumber = """(\d+(\.\d*)?|\d*\.\d+)"""
private val string = """"[^"]*""""
def anInt = groupAs(wholeNumber).and((_: String).trim.toInt)
def twoInts = groupAs(wholeNumber).and((s1: String, s2: String) => (s1.trim.toInt, s2.trim.toInt))
def threeInts = groupAs(wholeNumber).and((s1: String, s2: String, s3: String) => (s1.trim.toInt, s2.trim.toInt, s3.trim.toInt))
def aDouble = groupAs("-?"+decimalNumber).and((_: String).trim.toDouble)
def twoDoubles = groupAs("-?"+decimalNumber).and((s1: String, s2: String) => (s1.trim.toDouble, s2.trim.toDouble))
def threeDoubles = groupAs("-?"+decimalNumber).and((s1: String, s2: String, s3: String) => (s1.trim.toDouble, s2.trim.toDouble, s3.trim.toDouble))
def aString = groupAs(string).and((s:String) => s)
def twoStrings = groupAs(string).and((s1:String, s2: String) => (s1, s2))
def threeStrings = groupAs(string).and((s1:String, s2: String, s3: String) => (s1, s2, s3))
object StandardRegexStepParsers extends StandardRegexStepParsers