org.specs2.form.Row.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package org.specs2
package form
import org.specs2.internal.scalaz.{ NonEmptyList, Scalaz }
import Scalaz.nel
import execute._
import StandardResults._
import ResultLogicalCombinators._
* A Row is a non-empty list of Cells
* A Row can be executed by executing each Cell and collecting the results.
case class Row(private val cellList: NonEmptyList[Cell]) extends Executable {
/** @return all the cells */
def cells = cellList.list.toSeq
/** @return a Row where every cell is executed with a Success */
def setSuccess = new Row(cellList.map(_.setSuccess))
/** @return a Row where every cell is executed with a Failure */
def setFailure = new Row(cellList.map(_.setFailure))
* execute all cells
* @return a logical `and` on all results
def execute = cellList.list.foldLeft(success: Result) { (res, cur) => res and cur.execute }
* execute the row
* @return a new Row with executed cells
def executeRow = Row(cellList.map(_.executeCell))
/** @return print the row with a padding space size to use for each cell, given cell by cell */
def text(maxSizes: Seq[Int]) = {
def pad(cells: Seq[Cell], sizes: Seq[Int], result: Seq[String]): Seq[String] = {
cells.toList match {
case Nil => result
case c :: Nil => (result :+ c.text.padTo(sizes.sum + (sizes.size - 1)*3, ' ')).toList
case c :: rest => sizes match {
case Nil => (result :+ c.text).toList
case s :: Nil => pad(rest, Nil, (result :+ c.text.padTo(s, ' ')).toList)
case s :: ss => pad(rest, ss, (result :+ c.text.padTo(s, ' ')).toList)
pad(cells, maxSizes, Nil).mkString("| ", " | ", " |")
/** append a new Cell */
def add(cell: Cell) = copy(cellList = cellList :::> List(cell))
override def equals(a: Any) = a match {
case Row(c) => cells == c.list
case other => false
override def hashCode = cells.map(_.hashCode).sum
* Companion object of a Row to create a Row with at least one cell
case object Row {
* create a row from cells
def tr(c1: Cell, cs: Cell*) = Row(nel(c1, cs:_*))
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