org.specs2.io.FileWriter.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.specs2
package io
import main.SystemProperties._
import java.io._
import java.nio.charset.Charset
import scala.xml._
* The FileWriter trait provides functions to write files
* It can be overriden if necessary to mock that behaviour
trait FileWriter {
* writes some content to a file and take care of closing the file.
* Usage:
* write("./dir/hello.txt") { out =>
* out.write("content")
* }
* @param path path of the file to write
def write(path: String)(function: Writer => Unit): Unit = {
* append some content to a file and take care of closing the file.
* Usage:
* write("./dir/hello.txt") { out =>
* out.write("content")
* }
* @param path path of the file to write
def append(path: String)(function: Writer => Unit): Unit = {
if (!exists(path)) createFile(path)
writeToPath(path, append = true)(function)
private def writeToPath(path: String, append: Boolean = false)(function: Writer => Unit): Unit = {
val out = getWriter(path, append)
try {
} finally {
try { out.close() }
catch { case _ => }
* creates a file for a given path. Create the parent directory if necessary.
def createFile(path: String) = {
if (new File(path).getParentFile != null && !new File(path).getParentFile.exists)
mkdirs(new File(path).getParent)
if (!exists(path))
new File(path).createNewFile
/** @return true if the file exists */
def exists(path: String) = path != null && new File(path).exists
/** creates a new directory */
def mkdirs(path: String) = new File(path).mkdirs
/** delete a file */
def delete(path: String) = new File(path).delete
* writes some content to a file.
* @param path path of the file to read
* @param content content of the file to write
def writeFile(path: String, content: =>String): Unit = write(path) { out => out.write(content) }
* writes some xml content to a file.
* @param path path of the file to read
* @param content content of the file to write
def writeXmlFile(path: String, content: =>NodeSeq): Unit = writeFile(path, Xhtml.toXhtml(content))
* writes some content to a file.
* @param path path of the file to read
* @param content content of the file to write
def appendToFile(path: String, content: =>String): Unit = append(path) { out => out.write(content) }
* writes some xml content to a file.
* @param path path of the file to read
* @param content content of the file to write
def appendToXmlFile(path: String, content: =>NodeSeq): Unit = appendToFile(path, Xhtml.toXhtml(content))
* The getWriter function can be overriden to provide a mock writer writing to the console for example
* @return a Writer object opened on the file designated by path
def getWriter(path: String, append: Boolean = false): Writer =
new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(path, append), Charset.forName(getOrElse("specs2.file.encoding", "UTF-8"))))
object FileWriter extends FileWriter
trait MockFileWriter extends FileWriter {
override def createFile(path: String) = {}
override def delete(path: String) = true
private val writer = new MockWriter {}
def getWriter: MockWriter = writer
override def getWriter(path: String, append: Boolean = false): Writer = writer