org.specs2.matcher.AnyMatchers.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package org.specs2
package matcher
import text.Trim._
import text.Quote._
import text.NotNullStrings._
import execute._
* This trait provides matchers which are applicable to any type of value
trait AnyMatchers extends AnyBaseMatchers with AnyBeHaveMatchers
object AnyMatchers extends AnyMatchers
trait AnyBaseMatchers {
/** matches if a == true */
def beTrue = new BeTrueMatcher
/** matches if a == false */
def beFalse = beTrue.not
/** matches if a eq b */
def beTheSameAs[T <: AnyRef](t: =>T) = new BeTheSameAs(t)
/** alias for beTheSameAs */
def be[T <: AnyRef](t: =>T) = beTheSameAs(t)
/** matches if a == b */
def be_==[T](t: =>T) = beEqualTo(t)
/** matches if a != b */
def be_!=[T](t: =>T) = be_==(t).not
/** matches if a == b */
def be_===[T](t: =>T) = beTypedEqualTo(t)
/** matches if a == b */
def ===[T](t: =>T) = be_===(t)
/** matches if a != b */
def be_!==[T](t: =>T) = be_===(t).not
/** matches if a != b */
def !==[T](t: =>T) = be_!==(t)
/** matches if a == b */
def beEqualTo[T](t: =>T) = new BeEqualTo(t)
/** matches if a == b */
def equalTo[T](t: =>T) = beEqualTo(t)
/** matches if a == b */
def beTypedEqualTo[T](t: =>T, equality: (T, T) => Boolean = (t1:T, t2:T) => t1 == t2) =
new BeTypedEqualTo(t, equality)
/** matches if a == b */
def typedEqualTo[T](t: =>T, equality: (T, T) => Boolean = (t1:T, t2:T) => t1 == t2) =
beTypedEqualTo(t, equality)
/** matches if a == b after an implicit conversion */
def be_==~[T, S](s: =>S)(implicit convert: S => T): Matcher[T] = new BeTypedEqualTo(convert(s)).
adapt(identity, (_:String)+" [original object is: "+q(s)+"]", (_:String)+" [original object is: "+q(s)+"]")
/** matches if a == b after an implicit conversion */
def ==~[T, S](s: =>S)(implicit convert: S => T): Matcher[T] = be_==~(s)(convert)
/** negate a matcher */
def not[T](m: Matcher[T]) = m.not
/** matches if a.isEmpty */
def beEmpty[T <% Any { def isEmpty: Boolean }] = new Matcher[T] {
def apply[S <: T](iterable: Expectable[S]) = {
iterable.description + " is empty",
iterable.description + " is not empty", iterable)
/** matches if the value is null */
def beNull[T] = new BeNull[T]
/** matches if a is null when v is null and a is not null when v is not null */
def beAsNullAs[T](a: =>T) = new Matcher[T](){
def apply[S <: T](y: Expectable[S]) = {
val x = a
result(x == null && y.value == null || x != null && y.value != null,
"both values are null",
if (x == null) y.description + " is not null" else q(x) + " is not null" +
y.optionalDescription.map(" but " + _ + " is null").getOrElse(""),
/** matches if t.toSeq.exists(_ == v) */
def beOneOf[T](t: T*): Matcher[T] = new Matcher[T] {
def apply[S <: T](y: Expectable[S]) = {
val x = t.toSeq
result(x.exists(_ == y.value),
y.description + " is one of " + q(x.mkString(", ")),
y.description + " is not one of " + q(x.mkString(", ")),
/** matches if the value returns a successful result when applied to a PartialFunction */
def beLike[T](pattern: PartialFunction[T, MatchResult[_]]) = new Matcher[T] {
def apply[S <: T](a: Expectable[S]) = {
val r = if (pattern.isDefinedAt(a.value)) pattern.apply(a.value) else MatchFailure("", "", a)
a.description + " matches the given pattern " + r.message,
a.description + " doesn't match the expected pattern " + r.message,
/** matches if v.getClass == c */
def haveClass[T : ClassManifest] = new Matcher[Any] {
def apply[S <: Any](x: Expectable[S]) = {
val c = implicitly[ClassManifest[T]].erasure
val xClass = x.value.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Object].getClass
result(xClass == c,
x.description + " has class " + q(c.getName),
x.description + " doesn't have class " + q(c.getName) + " but " + q(xClass.getName),
/** matches if c.isAssignableFrom(v.getClass.getSuperclass) */
def haveSuperclass[T : ClassManifest] = new Matcher[Any] {
def apply[S <: Any](x: Expectable[S]) = {
val c = implicitly[ClassManifest[T]].erasure
val xClass = x.value.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Object].getClass
x.description + " has super class " + q(c.getName),
x.description + " doesn't have super class " + q(c.getName) + " but " + q(xClass.getSuperclass.getName),
/** matches if x.getClass.getInterfaces.contains(T) */
def haveInterface[T : ClassManifest] = new Matcher[Any] {
def apply[S <: Any](x: Expectable[S]) = {
val c = implicitly[ClassManifest[T]].erasure
val xClass = x.value.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Object].getClass
x.description + " has interface " + q(c.getName),
x.description + " doesn't have interface " + q(c.getName) + " but " + xClass.getInterfaces.mkString(", "),
/** matches if v.isAssignableFrom(c) */
def beAssignableFrom[T : ClassManifest] = new Matcher[Class[_]] {
def apply[S <: Class[_]](x: Expectable[S]) = {
val c = implicitly[ClassManifest[T]].erasure
x.description + " is assignable from " + q(c.getName),
x.description + " is not assignable from " + q(c.getName),
def beAnInstanceOf[T: ClassManifest] = new Matcher[Any] {
def apply[S <: Any](x: Expectable[S]) = {
val c = implicitly[ClassManifest[T]].erasure
val xClass = x.value.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Object].getClass
x.description + " is an instance of " + q(c.getName),
x.description + " is not an instance of " + q(c.getName),
* Matcher for a boolean value which must be true
class BeTrueMatcher extends Matcher[Boolean] {
def apply[S <: Boolean](v: Expectable[S]) = {
result(v.value, v.description + " is true", v.description + " is false", v)
* Typed equality Matcher
class BeTypedEqualTo[T](t: =>T, equality: (T, T) => Boolean = (t1:T, t2:T) => t1 == t2) extends AdaptableMatcher[T] { outer =>
import AnyMatchers._
protected val ok: String => String = identity
protected val ko: String => String = identity
def adapt(f: T => T, okFunction: String => String, koFunction: String => String) = {
val newMatcher = new BeTypedEqualTo(f(t), equality) {
override protected val ok: String => String = okFunction compose outer.ok
override protected val ko: String => String = koFunction compose outer.ko
newMatcher.^^((t: T) => f(t))
def apply[S <: T](b: Expectable[S]): MatchResult[S] = {
val a = t
def isEqual =
(b.value, a) match {
case (arr: Array[_], arr2: Array[_]) => arr.toSeq == arr2.toSeq
case other => equality(b.value, a)
lazy val (db, qa) =
(b.description, q(a)) match {
case (x, y) if (!isEqual && x == y) => (b.describe(b.value.notNullWithClass), q(a.notNullWithClass))
case other => other
def print(b: String, msg: String, a: String) = Seq(b, msg, a).mkString("\n".unless((Seq(a, b).exists(_.size <= 40))))
result(isEqual, ok(print(db, " is equal to ", qa)), ko(print(db, " is not equal to ", qa)), b, a.notNull, b.value.notNull)
* Equality Matcher
class BeEqualTo(t: =>Any) extends BeTypedEqualTo(t)
* This matcher always matches any value of type T
case class AlwaysMatcher[T]() extends Matcher[T] {
def apply[S <: T](e: Expectable[S]) = result(true, "ok", "ko", e)
* This matcher never matches any value of type T
case class NeverMatcher[T]() extends Matcher[T] {
def apply[S <: T](e: Expectable[S]) = result(false, "ok", "ko", e)
* This trait allows to write expressions like
* `1 must be equalTo(1)`
trait AnyBeHaveMatchers { outer: AnyMatchers =>
implicit def anyBeHaveMatcher[T](result: MatchResult[T]) = new AnyBeHaveMatchers(result)
class AnyBeHaveMatchers[T](result: MatchResult[T]) {
def be_==(t: T) = result(outer.be_==(t))
def be_!=(t: T) = result(outer.be_!=(t))
def be_===(t: T) = result(outer.be_===(t))
def be_!==(t: T) = result(outer.be_!==(t))
def be_==~[S](s: =>S)(implicit convert: S => T) = result(outer.be_==~(s))
def equalTo(t: T) = result(outer.be_==(t))
def asNullAs[T](a: =>T) = result(outer.beAsNullAs(a))
def oneOf(t: T*) = result(beOneOf(t:_*))
def beNull = result(outer.beNull)
def anInstanceOf[T : ClassManifest] = result(beAnInstanceOf[T])
implicit def toAnyRefMatcherResult[T <: AnyRef](result: MatchResult[T]) = new AnyRefMatcherResult(result)
class AnyRefMatcherResult[T <: AnyRef](result: MatchResult[T]) {
def beTheSameAs(t: T) = result(outer.beTheSameAs(t))
implicit def toAnyMatcherResult(result: MatchResult[Any]) = new AnyMatcherResult(result)
class AnyMatcherResult(result: MatchResult[Any]) {
def haveClass[T : ClassManifest] = result(outer.haveClass[T])
implicit def toClassMatcherResult(result: MatchResult[Class[_]]) = new ClassMatcherResult(result)
class ClassMatcherResult(result: MatchResult[Class[_]]) {
def assignableFrom = result(outer.beAssignableFrom)
implicit def anyWithEmpty[T <% Any { def isEmpty: Boolean }](result: MatchResult[T]) =
new AnyWithEmptyMatchers(result)
class AnyWithEmptyMatchers[T <% Any { def isEmpty: Boolean }](result: MatchResult[T]) {
def empty = result(outer.beEmpty[T])
def beEmpty = result(outer.beEmpty[T])
implicit def toBeLikeResultMatcher[T](result: MatchResult[T]) = new BeLikeResultMatcher(result)
class BeLikeResultMatcher[T](result: MatchResult[T]) {
def like(pattern: =>PartialFunction[T, MatchResult[_]]) = result(outer.beLike(pattern))
def likeA(pattern: =>PartialFunction[T, MatchResult[_]]) = result(outer.beLike(pattern))
def asNullAs[T](a: =>T) = beAsNullAs(a)
def like[T](pattern: =>PartialFunction[T, MatchResult[_]]) = beLike(pattern)
def beLikeA[T](pattern: =>PartialFunction[T, MatchResult[_]]) = beLike(pattern)
def likeA[T](pattern: =>PartialFunction[T, MatchResult[_]]) = beLike(pattern)
def empty[T <: Any { def isEmpty: Boolean }] = beEmpty[T]
def oneOf[T](t: T*) = (beOneOf(t:_*))
def klass[T : ClassManifest]: Matcher[Any] = outer.haveClass[T]
def superClass[T : ClassManifest]: Matcher[Any] = outer.haveSuperclass[T]
def interface[T : ClassManifest]: Matcher[Any] = outer.haveInterface[T]
def assignableFrom[T : ClassManifest] = outer.beAssignableFrom[T]
def anInstanceOf[T : ClassManifest] = outer.beAnInstanceOf[T]
class BeTheSameAs[T <: AnyRef](t: =>T) extends Matcher[T] {
def apply[S <: T](a: Expectable[S]) = {
val b = t
result(a.value eq b, a.description + " is the same as " + q(b), a.description + " is not the same as " + q(b), a)
class BeNull[T] extends Matcher[T] {
def apply[S <: T](value: Expectable[S]) = {
result(value.value == null,
value.description + " is null",
value.description + " is not null", value)
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