org.specs2.reporter.JUnitDescriptions.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package org.specs2
package reporter
import _root_.org.junit.runner._
import org.specs2.data.Trees._
import org.specs2.internal.scalaz._
import org.specs2.internal.scalaz.Scalaz._
import org.specs2.internal.scalaz.Traverse._
import main.Arguments
import specification._
import control.{ExecutionOrigin, Stacktraces}
* The JUnit descriptions class transforms a list of fragments
* to:
* - a Description object having children Descriptions. It is used by the JUnitRunner
* to display the suites and tests to execute
* - a Map of Fragments to execute, or executed fragments, indexed by Description: Description -> Fragment
* The Description object creation works by using the Levels reducer to build a Tree[Description].
* That Tree is then folded bottom-up to create the necessary associations between the
* Description objects.
abstract class JUnitDescriptions[F](className: String)(implicit reducer: Reducer[F, Levels[F]]) extends JUnitDescriptionMaker[F] {
import Levels._
* @return fragment that must be used as the root description if the specification is empty
def initialFragment(className: String): F
private implicit lazy val initial = initialFragment(className) -> specificationDescription
private lazy val defaultDescription = (f: F) => Description.createSuiteDescription("fragment not found:" + f)
def foldAll(fs: Seq[F])(implicit args: Arguments) = {
val leveledFragments = Levels.foldAll(fs)
if (leveledFragments.isEmpty)
DescriptionAndExamples(specificationDescription, Map(initial).withDefault(defaultDescription))
else {
val descriptionTree = leveledFragments.toTree[DescribedFragment](mapper(className))
val removeDanglingText = (t: Tree[DescribedFragment]) => {
t.rootLabel match {
case (Text(_), desc) if t.subForest.isEmpty => (None:Option[DescribedFragment])
case other => Some(t.rootLabel)
val prunedDescriptionTree = descriptionTree.prune(removeDanglingText)
DescriptionAndExamples(asOneDescription(prunedDescriptionTree), Map(prunedDescriptionTree.flatten.toSeq:_*).withDefault(defaultDescription))
lazy val specificationDescription = createDescription(className, className)
trait JUnitDescriptionMaker[F] extends ExecutionOrigin {
type DescribedFragment = (F, Description)
* This function is used to map each node in a Tree[Fragment] to a pair of
* (Description, Fragment)
* The Int argument is the numeric label of the current TreeNode being mapped.
* It is used to create a unique description of the example to executed which is required
* by JUnit
def mapper(className: String): (F, Seq[DescribedFragment], Int) => Option[DescribedFragment]
* @return a Description with parent-child relationships to other Description objects
* from a Tree[Description]
def asOneDescription(descriptionTree: Tree[DescribedFragment])(implicit args: Arguments = Arguments()): Description = {
if (args.noindent)
* unfolding function attaching children descriptions their parent
private val addChildren = (desc: (F, Description), children: Stream[DescribedFragment]) => {
children.foreach { child => desc._2.addChild(child._2) }
* unfolding function attaching children descriptions the root
private def flattenChildren = (result: DescribedFragment, current: DescribedFragment) => {
/** @return a sanitized description */
def createDescription(className: String, suiteName: String = "", testName: String = "", label: String = "") = {
val origin =
if (isExecutedFromAnIDE && !label.isEmpty) label
else className
val desc=
if (testName.isEmpty) (if (suiteName.isEmpty) className else suiteName)
else sanitize(testName)+"("+origin+")"
import text.Trim._
/** @return a seq containing the path of an example without the root name */
def parentPath(parentNodes: Seq[DescribedFragment]) = parentNodes.drop(1).map(_._2.getDisplayName)
/** @return a test name with no newlines */
def testName(s: String, parentNodes: Seq[String] = Seq()): String = {
(if (parentNodes.isEmpty || isExecutedFromAnIDE) "" else parentNodes.mkString("", "::", "::")) +
(if (isExecutedFromAnIDE) Trimmed(s).removeNewLines else Trimmed(s).trimNewLines)
/** @return replace () with [] because it cause display issues in JUnit plugins */
private def sanitize(s: String) = {
val trimmed = Trimmed(s).trimReplace("(" -> "[", ")" -> "]")
if (trimmed.isEmpty) " "
else trimmed
* Utility class grouping the total description + map of each fragment to its description
case class DescriptionAndExamples[T](description: Description, descriptions: Map[T, Description])
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