org.specs2.specification.Stats.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package org.specs2
package specification
import main.Arguments
import execute._
import org.specs2.internal.scalaz.{ Scalaz, Monoid }
import Scalaz._
import org.specs2.execute.StandardResults
import text._
import Plural._
import org.specs2.control.Exceptions._
import org.specs2.time.SimpleTimer
import scala.xml._
* The Stats class store results for the number of:
* - successes
* - expectations
* - failures
* - errors
* - pending
* - skipped
* for each example
case class Stats(examples: Int = 0,
successes: Int = 0,
expectations: Int = 0,
failures: Int = 0,
errors: Int = 0,
pending: Int = 0,
skipped: Int = 0,
trend: Option[Stats] = None,
timer: SimpleTimer = new SimpleTimer) {
/** @return true if there are errors or failures */
def hasFailuresOrErrors = failures + errors > 0
/** @return true if there are expectations */
def hasExpectations = expectations > 0
/** @return an equivalent result for display */
def result =
if (failures + errors == 0)
if (successes > 0 || skipped + pending == 0) StandardResults.success
else if (pending > skipped) StandardResults.pending
else StandardResults.skipped
else if (errors > 0) StandardResults.anError
else StandardResults.failure
/** @return true if there are no issues at all */
def isSuccess = result.isSuccess
/** @return true if there are failures or errors */
def hasIssues = result.isFailure || result.isError
/** @return true if there are skipped or pending */
def hasSuspended = result.isSkipped || result.isPending
/** @return true if there are failures */
def hasFailures = result.isFailure
/** @return true if there are errors */
def hasErrors = result.isError
/** @return the execution time */
def time = timer.time
/** @return the same stats but with a started timer */
def startTimer = copy(timer = timer.start)
* @return the xml representation of the statistics. Omit the attributes with 0 as a value for conciseness
def toXml: Elem = {
val stats = {trend.map(t => {t.toXml} ).getOrElse(NodeSeq.Empty)}
val attributes = Map(
"examples" -> examples.toString,
"successes" -> successes.toString,
"expectations" -> expectations.toString,
"failures" -> failures.toString,
"errors" -> errors.toString,
"pending" -> pending.toString,
"skipped" -> skipped.toString,
"time" -> timer.totalMillis.toString)
(stats /: attributes) { (res, cur) =>
if (cur._2 == "0") res
else res % new UnprefixedAttribute(cur._1, cur._2, Null)
override def toString =
"Stats(examples = " + examples +", "+
"successes = " + successes +", "+
"expectations = "+ expectations +", "+
"failures = " + failures +", "+
"errors = " + errors +", "+
"pending = " + pending +", "+
"skipped = " + skipped +", "+
"time = " + timer.totalMillis+")"
* @return the "opposite" of this Stats object to be able to do subtractions
def negate =
examples = -examples,
successes = -successes,
expectations = -expectations,
failures = -failures,
errors = -errors,
pending = -pending,
skipped = -skipped
* @return this Statistics object with some trend if provided
def updateFrom(previous: Option[Stats]): Stats = (previous map updateFrom).getOrElse(this)
* @return this Statistics object with some trend if relevant
def updateFrom(previous: Stats): Stats = {
implicit val monoid = Stats.StatsMonoid
val newTrend = this |+| previous.negate
if (newTrend == monoid.zero) this
else copy(trend = Some(newTrend))
* display the statistics on 2 lines, with the time and trend
def display(implicit args: Arguments) = {
args.colors.stats("Finished in "+timer.time+"\n", args.color) +
* display the results on one line, always displaying examples/failures/errors
* and only displaying expectations/pending/skipped if necessary
def displayResults(implicit args: Arguments) = {
def trendIsDefined(f: Stats => Int) = trend map (t => f(t) != 0) getOrElse false
def displayTrendValue(f: Stats => Int): String = {
val i = trend map (t => f(t)) getOrElse 0
if (i == 0) "" else if (i > 0) " (+"+i+")" else " ("+i+")"
def displayValue(f: Stats => Int, label: String, optional: Boolean = false, invariant: Boolean = false): Option[String] = {
val base =
if (optional && invariant) f(this) optInvariantQty label
else if (optional) f(this) optQty label
else Some(f(this) qty label)
base map (_ + displayTrendValue(f))
Seq(displayValue((_:Stats).examples, "example"),
if (expectations != examples || trendIsDefined((_:Stats).expectations))
displayValue((_:Stats).expectations, "expectation")
displayValue((_:Stats).failures, "failure"),
displayValue((_:Stats).errors, "error"),
displayValue((_:Stats).pending, "pending", optional = true),
displayValue((_:Stats).skipped, "skipped", optional = true, invariant = true)
).flatten.mkString(", "), args.color)
* The Stats class store results for the number of:
* - successes
* - expectations
* - failures
* - errors
* - pending
* - skipped
* for each example
case object Stats {
implicit object StatsMonoid extends Monoid[Stats] {
def append(s1: Stats, s2: =>Stats) = {
examples = s1.examples + s2.examples,
successes = s1.successes + s2.successes,
expectations = s1.expectations + s2.expectations,
failures = s1.failures + s2.failures,
errors = s1.errors + s2.errors,
pending = s1.pending + s2.pending,
skipped = s1.skipped + s2.skipped,
trend = (s1.trend <**> s2.trend)(_ |+| _),
timer = s1.timer add s2.timer
val zero = Stats()
def apply(result: Result): Stats =
result match {
case s @ Success(_,_) => Stats(examples = 1, expectations = result.expectationsNb, successes = 1)
case f @ Failure(_,_,_,_) => Stats(examples = 1, expectations = result.expectationsNb, failures = 1)
case e @ Error(_,_) => Stats(examples = 1, expectations = result.expectationsNb, errors = 1)
case Pending(_) => Stats(examples = 1, expectations = result.expectationsNb, pending = 1)
case Skipped(_, _) => Stats(examples = 1, expectations = result.expectationsNb, skipped = 1)
case DecoratedResult(t, r) => Stats(r)
def fromXml(stats: scala.xml.Node): Option[Stats] = {
if (stats.label != Stats().toXml.label)
else {
val map = stats.attributes.asAttrMap
def asInt(key: String, defaultValue: Int = 0) = tryOrElse(Integer.parseInt(map(key)))(defaultValue)
Some(Stats(asInt("examples" ),
asInt("successes" ),
asInt("expectations", 1),
asInt("failures" ),
asInt("errors" ),
asInt("pending" ),
asInt("skipped" ),
(stats \ "trend" \ "stats").headOption.flatMap(fromXml),
map.get("time").map(SimpleTimer.fromString).getOrElse(new SimpleTimer)))
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