spire.example.DataSets.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package spire.example
import spire.algebra._
import spire.math.Rational
import spire.implicits._
import scala.{ specialized => spec }
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.IterableLike
import scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom
import scala.collection.mutable.{ Builder, ListBuffer }
import java.io.{ BufferedReader, InputStreamReader }
import scala.util.Random.shuffle
final class DataSet[V, @spec(Double) F, @spec(Double) K](
val name: String,
val variables: List[Variable[F]],
val space: CoordinateSpace[V, F],
val data: List[(V, K)]) {
def describe: String = {
import Variable._
def varType(v: Variable[F]): String = v match {
case Ignored(_) => "ignored"
case Continuous(_, _) => "continuous"
case Categorical(_) => "categorical"
case Missing(v0, _) => s"${varType(v0)} with missing values"
val vars = variables.zipWithIndex map { case (v, i) =>
s" %2d. ${v.label} (${varType(v)})" format (i + 1)
} mkString "\n"
s"""$name - ${data.size} points with ${variables.size} variables (${space.dimensions} effective):
object DataSet {
private def withResource[A](path: String)(f: BufferedReader => A): A = {
val in = getClass.getResourceAsStream(path)
val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in))
val result = f(reader)
private def readDataSet(path: String): List[String] = withResource(path) { reader =>
Stream.continually(reader.readLine()).takeWhile(_ != null).toList
type Output[+K] = (Int, String => K)
protected def fromLines[CC[_], F, K](lines: List[List[String]],
variables: List[Variable[F]], out: Output[K])(implicit
cbf: CanBuildFrom[Nothing, F, CC[F]]): (Int, List[(CC[F], K)]) = {
// Perform our first pass, building the conversion functions.
val builders = variables map (_.apply())
lines foreach { fields =>
builders zip fields foreach { case (b, s) =>
b += s
// Perform our second pass, converting strings to variables.
val maps = builders map (_.result())
val (dimensions, datar) = lines.foldLeft((Int.MaxValue, List.empty[(CC[F], K)])) {
case ((dim, res), fields) =>
val bldr = cbf()
val vd = (maps zip fields).foldLeft(0) { case (acc, (f, s)) =>
val vars = f(s)
bldr ++= vars
acc + vars.size
(math.min(dim, vd), (bldr.result(), out._2(fields(out._1))) :: res)
(dimensions, datar.reverse)
def fromResource[CC[_], @spec(Double) F, @spec(Double) K](name: String, res: String, sep: Char,
variables: List[Variable[F]], out: Output[K])(
cs: Int => CoordinateSpace[CC[F], F])(implicit
cbf: CanBuildFrom[Nothing, F, CC[F]]): DataSet[CC[F], F, K] = {
val lines = readDataSet(res)
val (dimensions, data) = fromLines(lines map (_.split(sep).toList), variables, out)(cbf)
val space = cs(dimensions)
new DataSet[CC[F], F, K](name, variables, space, data)
import Variable._
private val IrisVars = List[Variable[Rational]](
Continuous("Sepal Length", Rational(_)),
Continuous("Sepal Width", Rational(_)),
Continuous("Petal Length", Rational(_)),
Continuous("Petal Width", Rational(_)),
def Iris = fromResource[Vector, Rational, String](
"Iris", "/datasets/iris.data", ',',
IrisVars, (4, identity))(CoordinateSpace.seq)
private val YeastVars = List[Variable[Double]](
Continuous("mcg", _.toDouble),
Continuous("gvh", _.toDouble),
Continuous("alm", _.toDouble),
Continuous("mit", _.toDouble),
Continuous("erl", _.toDouble),
Continuous("pox", _.toDouble),
Continuous("vac", _.toDouble),
Continuous("nuc", _.toDouble),
def Yeast = fromResource[Array, Double, String](
"Yeast", "/datasets/yeast.data", ',',
YeastVars, (9, identity))(CoordinateSpace.array)
private val MpgVars = List[Variable[Double]](
Categorical[Double]("# of Cylinders"),
Continuous("Displacement", _.toDouble),
Continuous("Horsepower", _.toDouble).missing("?"),
Continuous("Weight", _.toDouble),
Continuous("Acceleration", _.toDouble),
Continuous("Model Year", _.toDouble),
Categorical[Double]("Country of Origin"),
Ignored("Model Name"))
def MPG = fromResource[Array, Double, Double](
"MPG", "/datasets/auto-mpg.data", ',',
MpgVars, (0, _.toDouble))(CoordinateSpace.array)
sealed trait Variable[+F] extends CanBuildFrom[Nothing, String, String => List[F]] {
def label: String
def apply(n: Nothing): Builder[String, String => List[F]] = apply()
def missing(sentinel: String): Variable[F] = Variable.Missing(this, sentinel)
object Variable {
protected val Unlabeled = "unnamed variable"
case class Ignored(label: String = Unlabeled) extends Variable[Nothing] {
def apply() = new Builder[String, String => List[Nothing]] {
def += (s: String) = this
def clear() { }
def result() = s => Nil
case class Continuous[+F](label: String = Unlabeled, f: String => F) extends Variable[F] {
def apply() = new Builder[String, String => List[F]] {
def += (s: String) = this
def clear() { }
def result() = { s => f(s) :: Nil }
case class Categorical[+F: Ring](label: String = Unlabeled) extends Variable[F] {
def apply() = new Builder[String, String => List[F]] {
var categories: Set[String] = Set.empty
def += (s: String) = {
categories += s
def clear() { categories = Set.empty }
def result() = {
val orderedCategories = categories.toList
{ s => orderedCategories map (cat => if (cat == s) Ring[F].one else Ring[F].zero) }
case class Missing[+F](default: Variable[F], sentinel: String) extends Variable[F] {
def label = default.label
def apply() = new Builder[String, String => List[F]] {
val defaultBuilder = default.apply()
val values: ListBuffer[String] = new ListBuffer[String]
def += (s: String) = {
if (s != sentinel) {
defaultBuilder += s
values += s
def clear() { values.clear(); defaultBuilder.clear() }
def result() = {
val real = defaultBuilder.result()
val occurences = values.foldLeft(Map.empty[List[F], Int]) { (acc, v) =>
val k = real(v)
acc + (k -> (acc.getOrElse(k, 0) + 1))
val mostCommon = occurences.maxBy(_._2)._1
{ s => if (s == sentinel) mostCommon else real(s) }
object CrossValidation {
case class Result[V, K](input: V, output: K, predicted: K)
* Generic cross-validator that can be provided an arbitrary method to score
* predictor results.
def crossValidate[V, @spec(Double) F, K](dataset: DataSet[V, F, K], k: Int = 10)(
train: CoordinateSpace[V, F] => List[(V, K)] => (V => K))(
score: List[Result[V, K]] => F): F = {
implicit val field = dataset.space.scalar
def loop(left: List[(V, K)], right0: List[(V, K)], n: Int, sum: F): F = {
if (n <= 0) {
sum / k
} else {
val len = (right0.size + n - 1) / n
val (removed, right) = right0.splitAt(len)
val predict = train(dataset.space)(left ++ right)
val results = removed map { case (in, out) =>
Result(in, out, predict(in))
loop(left ++ removed, right, n - 1, sum + score(results))
loop(Nil, shuffle(dataset.data), k, dataset.space.scalar.zero)
* For cross-validating classification, we use the accuracy to score the
* predictor.
def crossValidateClassification[V, @spec(Double) F, K](dataset: DataSet[V, F, K], k: Int = 10)(
train: CoordinateSpace[V, F] => List[(V, K)] => (V => K)): F = {
implicit val field = dataset.space.scalar
def accuracy(results: List[Result[V, K]]): F = {
results.foldLeft(field.zero) { case (acc, Result(_, output, predicted)) =>
acc + (if (predicted == output) field.one else field.zero)
} / results.size
crossValidate(dataset, k)(train)(accuracy)
* For cross-validating regression, we use the R^2 to score the predictor.
def crossValidateRegression[V, @spec(Double) F](dataset: DataSet[V, F, F], k: Int = 10)(
train: CoordinateSpace[V, F] => List[(V, F)] => (V => F)): F = {
implicit val field = dataset.space.scalar
def rSquared(results: List[Result[V, F]]): F = {
val mean = results.foldLeft(field.zero)(_ + _.output) / results.size
val sumSq = results.foldLeft(field.zero) { (acc, result) =>
acc + (result.output - mean) ** 2
val error = results.foldLeft(field.zero) { (acc, result) =>
acc + (result.output - result.predicted) ** 2
field.one - error / sumSq
crossValidate(dataset, k)(train)(rSquared)
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