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spire.example.kleene.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package spire.example

import Predef.{any2stringadd => _, intWrapper => _, _}

import spire.algebra._
import spire.std.BooleanIsRig
import spire.implicits._
import spire.math._

import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.annotation.tailrec

 * These examples are taken from
 * The goal is to try to do as direct a translation as possible from the
 * Haskell, to see how well we can do with Spire.
 * The original example is in literate Haskell with good comments, so consult
 * the link for more information.
object KleeneDemo {

   * Show is a type class we'll use to control how types should display.
  trait Show[A] {
    def show(a: A): String
  object Show {
    def apply[A](implicit ev: Show[A]) = ev
  implicit class ShowOps[A: Show](a: A) {
    def show: String = Show[A].show(a)

  // Show[A] instances for built-in types
  implicit object IntHasShow extends Show[Int] {
    def show(a: Int) = a.toString
  implicit object DoubleHasShow extends Show[Double] {
    def show(a: Double) = a.toString
  implicit object BooleanHasShow extends Show[Boolean] {
    def show(a: Boolean) = if (a) "x" else "."
  implicit def optionHasShow[A](implicit ev: Show[A]) = new Show[Option[A]] {
    def show(a: Option[A]) ="-")
  implicit def listHasShow[A](implicit ev: Show[A]) = new Show[List[A]] {
    def show(a: List[A]) ="[", ",", "]")
  implicit def streamHasShow[A](implicit ev: Show[A]) = new Show[Stream[A]] {
    def show(s: Stream[A]) =
      if (s.isEmpty) "[]" else "[%s,...]" format

   * StarRig[A] is a Rig[A] that also has an asteration operator: kstar.
   * Laws:
   * 1. = 1 + a * = 1 + * a
  trait StarRig[A] extends Rig[A] {
    // one of these must be overridden in any type class instance
    def kstar(a: A): A = plus(one, kplus(a))
    def kplus(a: A): A = times(a, kstar(a))
  object StarRig {
    def apply[A](implicit ev: StarRig[A]) = ev

  implicit def starRigHasRig[A](implicit ev: StarRig[A]): Rig[A] = ev

  implicit class StarRigOps[A: StarRig](a: A) {
    def kstar: A = StarRig[A].kstar(a)
    def kplus: A = StarRig[A].kplus(a)

  implicit def matrixHasStarRig[A](implicit dim: Dim, sr: StarRig[A], ct: ClassTag[A]) =
    new StarRig[Matrix[A]] {
      def zero: Matrix[A] =
      def one: Matrix[A] =
      def plus(x: Matrix[A], y: Matrix[A]) = x + y
      def times(x: Matrix[A], y: Matrix[A]) = x * y

      override def kplus(m: Matrix[A]) = {
        def f(k: Int, m: Matrix[A]) = Matrix[A] { (x, y) =>
          m(x, y) + m(k, y) * m(k, k).kstar * m(x, k)
        @tailrec def loop(m: Matrix[A], i: Int): Matrix[A] =
          if (i >= 0) loop(f(i, m), i - 1) else m
        loop(m, dim.n - 1)

   * A Kleene is a StarRig which obeys some additional laws.
   * Laws:
   * 1. a + a = a
   * 2. a * x + x = x  ==> a.kstar * x + x = x
   * 3. x * a + x = x  ==>  x * a.kstar + x = x
  trait Kleene[A] extends StarRig[A]
  object Kleene {
    def apply[A](implicit ev: Kleene[A]) = ev

  implicit def xyz[A](implicit ev: Kleene[A]): StarRig[A] = ev

  // Kleene[A] instances for built-in types
  implicit object BooleanHasKleene extends Kleene[Boolean] with BooleanIsRig {
    override def kstar(x: Boolean) = true

   * Dim is a cute little class that let's us have implicit size information.
   * This is to work around the fact that we don't currently have
   * implementations of Bounded[A] or Ix[A] like Haskell does.
   * Dim is probably not robust enough for real world use.
  case class Dim(n: Int)

   * Naive matrix trait.
  trait Matrix[A] { lhs =>
    def dim: Dim
    def apply(x: Int, y: Int): A
    def map[B: ClassTag](f: A => B): Matrix[B]
    def +(rhs: Matrix[A])(implicit rig: Rig[A]): Matrix[A]
    def *(rhs: Matrix[A])(implicit rig: Rig[A]): Matrix[A]

  object Matrix {
     * Builds a Matrix[A] given a function (Int, Int) => A and an implicit Dim
     * to provide the dimensions over which to run the function.
    def apply[A: ClassTag](f: (Int, Int) => A)(implicit dim: Dim): Matrix[A] = {
      val n = dim.n
      val arr = new Array[A](n * n)
      cfor(0)(_ < n, _ + 1) { y =>
        cfor(0)(_ < n, _ + 1) { x =>
          arr(y * n + x) = f(x, y)
      new ArrayMatrix(arr)

     * Given an implicit Dim, builds the zero matrix (all zeros).
    def zero[A: Rig: ClassTag](implicit dim: Dim): Matrix[A] =
      apply((x, y) => Rig[A].zero)

     * Given an implicit Dim, builds the identity matrix (diagonal ones).
    def one[A: Rig: ClassTag](implicit dim: Dim): Matrix[A] =
      apply((x, y) => if (x == y) Rig[A].one else Rig[A].zero)

   * Mutable ArrayMatrix implementation.
   * The mutability should only be used to initialize a matrix. Once it's built
   * it will be typed as Matrix[A] with no interface for further mutation.
   * The matrix also has naive implementations of addition and multiplication.
   * These are not optimized--do not use this class in the wild!
  case class ArrayMatrix[A](arr: Array[A])(implicit val dim: Dim, ct: ClassTag[A]) extends Matrix[A] { lhs =>
    def apply(x: Int, y: Int): A = arr(y * dim.n + x)

    def update(x: Int, y: Int, a: A): Unit = arr(y * dim.n + x) = a

    def map[B: ClassTag](f: A => B): Matrix[B] =

    def +(rhs: Matrix[A])(implicit rig: Rig[A]): Matrix[A] =
      Matrix((x, y) => lhs(x, y) + rhs(x, y))

    def *(rhs: Matrix[A])(implicit rig: Rig[A]): Matrix[A] =
      Matrix { (x, y) =>
        var total =
        cfor(0)(_ < dim.n, _ + 1)(j => total += lhs(j, y) * rhs(x, j))

  // type class instance for Show[Matrix[A]]
  implicit def matrixHasShow[A](implicit ev: Show[A]) = new Show[Matrix[A]] {
    def show(m: Matrix[A]): String = {
      val s = Show[A]
      val n = m.dim.n
      val lines = Array.fill(n)("")
      cfor(0)(_ < n, _ + 1) { x =>
        cfor(0)(_ < n, _ + 1)(y => lines(y) +=, y)) + " ")
        val len = lines.foldLeft(0)(_ max _.length)
        cfor(0)(_ < n, _ + 1)(y => lines(y) += " " * (len - lines(y).length))
      lines.mkString("\n") + "\n"

  // type class instance for Kleene[Matrix[A]]
  implicit def matrixHasKleene[A](implicit dim: Dim, ka: Kleene[A], ct: ClassTag[A]) =
    new Kleene[Matrix[A]] {
      def zero: Matrix[A] =
      def one: Matrix[A] =
      def plus(x: Matrix[A], y: Matrix[A]) = x + y
      def times(x: Matrix[A], y: Matrix[A]) = x * y

      override def kplus(m: Matrix[A]) = {
        def f(k: Int, m: Matrix[A]) = Matrix[A] { (x, y) =>
          m(x, y) + m(k, y) * m(k, k).kstar * m(x, k)
        @tailrec def loop(m: Matrix[A], i: Int): Matrix[A] =
          if (i >= 0) loop(f(i, m), i - 1) else m
        loop(m, dim.n - 1)

   * Edge is a simple class used to construct adjacency matrices.
   * It's important to remember that edges go: y -> x.
   * Thus from is the y-coordinate and to is the x-coordinate.
  case class Edge(from: Int, to: Int)

  // type class instance for Show[Edge]
  implicit object EdgeHasShow extends Show[Edge] {
    def show(e: Edge) = "(%c%c)" format ('A' + e.from, 'A' +

   * Graph provides functions for constructing an adjacency matrices.
  object Graph {
    def apply(edges: Edge*)(implicit dim: Dim): Matrix[Boolean] = {
      val m = ArrayMatrix(Array.fill[Boolean](dim.n * dim.n)(false))
      edges.foreach { case Edge(from, to) => m(to, from) = true }
  object LabeledGraph {
    def apply(m: Matrix[Boolean])(implicit dim: Dim) = Matrix[Option[Edge]] { (x, y) =>
      if (m(x, y)) Some(Edge(y, x)) else None

   * Expr[A] implements an AST for regular expressions.
   * Basic regular consist of the following:
   *  1. the empty set (Nul)        -- a set with no strings
   *  2. the empty string (Empty)   -- set containing the empty string
   *  3. literal strings (Var(a))   -- set containing a
   *  4. concatenation (Then(a, b)) -- set of all xy, for x in a, y in b
   *  5. alternation (Or(a, b))     -- union set of a and b
   *  6. kleene star (Star(a))      -- set produced by 0+ concatenations from a
   * For example, (a|bc)* includes "", "a", "bc", "abcaaaabc" but not "bc".
  sealed trait Expr[A]
  case class Var[A](a: A) extends Expr[A]
  case class Or[A](lhs: Expr[A], rhs: Expr[A]) extends Expr[A]
  case class Then[A](lhs: Expr[A], rhs: Expr[A]) extends Expr[A]
  case class Star[A](lhs: Expr[A]) extends Expr[A]
  case class Empty[A]() extends Expr[A]
  case class Nul[A]() extends Expr[A]
  object Expr {
    def apply[A](a: A): Expr[A] = Var(a)

  // type class instance for Show[Expr[A]]
  implicit def exprHasShow[A](implicit ev: Show[A]) = new Show[Expr[A]] {
    def show(e: Expr[A]) = e match {
      case Var(a) =>
      case Empty() => "ε"
      case Nul() => "∅"
      case Star(x) => "(" + show(x) + ")*"
      case Or(x, y) => "(" + show(x) + "|" + show(y) + ")"
      case Then(x, y) => show(x) + show(y)

  // type class instance for Kleene[Expr[A]]
  implicit def exprHasKleene[A] = new Kleene[Expr[A]] {
    def zero: Expr[A] = Nul()
    def one: Expr[A] = Empty()
    def plus(x: Expr[A], y: Expr[A]): Expr[A] = (x, y) match {
      case (Nul(), e) => e
      case (e, Nul()) => e
      case (Empty(), Empty()) => Empty()
      case (Empty(), Star(e)) => Star(e)
      case (Star(e), Empty()) => Star(e)
      case (e1, e2) => Or(e1, e2)
    def times(x: Expr[A], y: Expr[A]): Expr[A] = (x, y) match {
      case (Nul(), _) => Nul()
      case (_, Nul()) => Nul()
      case (Empty(), e) => e
      case (e, Empty()) => e
      case (e1, e2) => Then(e1, e2)
    override def kstar(x: Expr[A]): Expr[A] = x match {
      case Nul() => Empty()
      case Empty() => Empty()
      case Star(e) => kstar(e)
      case _ => Star(x)

   * Tropical represents a finite quantity between zero and infinity.
  sealed trait Tropical[A]
  case class Finite[A](a: A) extends Tropical[A]
  case class Infinity[A]() extends Tropical[A]

  object Tropical {
    def apply[A](a: A): Tropical[A] = Finite(a)
    def inf[A]: Tropical[A] = Infinity()

  implicit def tropicalHasShow[A: Show] = new Show[Tropical[A]] {
    def show(t: Tropical[A]) = t match {
      case Finite(a) => Show[A].show(a)
      case Infinity() => "∞"

  implicit def tropicalHasOrder[A](implicit ord: Order[A]) = new Order[Tropical[A]] {
    def compare(x: Tropical[A], y: Tropical[A]) = (x, y) match {
      case (Infinity(), Infinity()) => 0
      case (Infinity(), _) => 1
      case (_, Infinity()) => -1
      case (Finite(a1), Finite(a2)) =>, a2)

  implicit def TropicalHasKleene[A: Order: Rig] = new Kleene[Tropical[A]] {
    def zero: Tropical[A] = Infinity()
    def one: Tropical[A] = Tropical(Rig[A].zero)
    def plus(x: Tropical[A], y: Tropical[A]): Tropical[A] = (x, y) match {
      case (Infinity(), t) => t
      case (t, Infinity()) => t
      case (Finite(a1), Finite(a2)) => Tropical(a1 min a2)
    def times(x: Tropical[A], y: Tropical[A]): Tropical[A] = (x, y) match {
      case (Infinity(), _) => Infinity()
      case (_, Infinity()) => Infinity()
      case (Finite(a1), Finite(a2)) => Tropical(a1 + a2)
    override def kstar(x: Tropical[A]): Tropical[A] = one

   * ShortestPath is a data structure which will track two things:
   *  1. the path's cost, as Tropical[A]
   *  2. the path itself, as B
   * Any impossible path will have Infinity() as its cost.
  case class ShortestPath[A, B](a: Tropical[A], b: B) {
    def map[C](f: B => C) = ShortestPath[A, C](a, f(b))

  // type class instance for Show[ShortestPath[A, B]]
  implicit def spHasShow[A: Show, B: Show] = new Show[ShortestPath[A, B]] {
    def show(p: ShortestPath[A, B]) = "%s[%s]" format (,

  // type class instance for Kleene[ShortestPath[A, B]]
  implicit def shortestPathHasKleene[A, B](implicit rig: Rig[Tropical[A]], ord: Order[Tropical[A]], kb: Kleene[B]) =
    new Kleene[ShortestPath[A, B]] {
      def zero = ShortestPath(,

      def one = ShortestPath(,

      def plus(x: ShortestPath[A, B], y: ShortestPath[A, B]) = (x.a compare y.a) match {
        case -1 => x
        case 0 => ShortestPath(x.a + y.a, x.b + y.b)
        case 1 => y

      def times(x: ShortestPath[A, B], y: ShortestPath[A, B]) =
        ShortestPath(x.a * y.a, x.b * y.b)

      override def kstar(x: ShortestPath[A, B]) =
        ShortestPath(, if (x.a === x.b.kstar else

   * Language represents the set of every valid string in a regular
   * language. Each W is a valid character, each Stream[W] is a (lazy)
   * string, and SS[W] (e.g. Stream[Stream[W]]) is the complete set of
   * all strings.
  case class Language[W](wss: SS[W]) {
    def someWord: Option[List[W]] =
  object Language {
    def letter[W](w: W): Language[W] = Language(Stream(Stream(w)))

  // handy type alias
  type SS[W] = Stream[Stream[W]]

  // type class instance for Show[Language[W]]
  implicit def languageHasShow[W: Show] = new Show[Language[W]] {
    def show(l: Language[W]) = Show[SS[W]].show(l.wss)

  // type class instance for Kleene[Language[W]]
  implicit def languageHasKleene[W] = new Kleene[Language[W]] {
    def zero: Language[W] = Language(Stream.empty[Stream[W]])
    def one: Language[W] = Language(Stream(Stream.empty[W]))

    def plus(x: Language[W], y: Language[W]): Language[W] = {
      def interleave(ws1: SS[W], ws2: SS[W]): SS[W] =
        if (ws1.isEmpty) ws2 else ws1.head #:: interleave(ws2, ws1)
      Language(interleave(x.wss, y.wss))

    def times(x: Language[W], y: Language[W]): Language[W] =
      Language(x.wss.flatMap(ws1 => => ws1 #::: ws2)))

    override def kstar(x: Language[W]): Language[W] = {
      def plusList(z: Language[W]): Language[W] =
        if (z.wss.isEmpty) zero else Language(z.wss #::: kstar(z).wss)
      plus(one, plusList(x))

  trait Compact[A] {
    def map[B: Field](f: A => B): Compact[B] = this match {
      case CompactReal(a) => CompactReal(f(a))
      case _ => CompactInf()
  case class CompactInf[A]() extends Compact[A]
  case class CompactReal[A: Field](a: A) extends Compact[A]
  object Compact {
    def apply[A: Field](a: A): Compact[A] = CompactReal(a)

  implicit def compactHasShow[A: Show] = new Show[Compact[A]] {
    def show(c: Compact[A]) = c match {
      case CompactReal(a) =>
      case _ => "∞"

  implicit def compactIsStarRig[A: Field] = new StarRig[Compact[A]] {
    val zero: Compact[A] = Compact(Field[A].zero)
    val one: Compact[A] = Compact(Field[A].one)
    def plus(x: Compact[A], y: Compact[A]): Compact[A] = (x, y) match {
      case (CompactInf(), _) => CompactInf()
      case (_, CompactInf()) => CompactInf()
      case (CompactReal(a), CompactReal(b)) => Compact(a + b)
    def times(x: Compact[A], y: Compact[A]): Compact[A] = (x, y) match {
      case (`zero`, _) => zero
      case (_, `zero`) => zero
      case (CompactInf(), _) => CompactInf()
      case (_, CompactInf()) => CompactInf()
      case (CompactReal(a), CompactReal(b)) => Compact(a * b)
    override def kstar(x: Compact[A]): Compact[A] = x match {
      case `one` => CompactInf()
      case CompactInf() => CompactInf()
      case CompactReal(a) => CompactReal((Field[A].one - a).reciprocal)

  def graphExample() {
    // our example graph will be 5x5
    implicit val dim = Dim(5)

    // edges for this example
    val edges = List(
      Edge(0, 1),
      Edge(1, 2),
      Edge(2, 3), Edge(2, 4),
      Edge(3, 1),
      Edge(4, 3)

    // build the example graph
    val example: Matrix[Boolean] = Graph(edges:_*)

    // examine the graph
    println("adjacency matrix:\n%s" format
    println("reflexive-transitive closure:\n%s" format
    println("transitive closure:\n%s" format

    val labeled = LabeledGraph(example)
    println("labels:\n%s" format

    val expred =
    println("exprs:\n%s" format
    println("path exprs:\n%s" format

  def pathExample() {
    // our example graph will be 5x5
    implicit val dim = Dim(6)

    val edges = List(
      (Edge(0, 1), 7), (Edge(0, 2), 9), (Edge(0, 5), 14),
      (Edge(1, 2), 10), (Edge(1, 3), 15),
      (Edge(2, 3), 11), (Edge(2, 5), 2),
      (Edge(3, 4), 6),
      (Edge(4, 5), 9)

    val weighted: Matrix[Tropical[Int]] = {
      val m = ArrayMatrix(Array.fill(dim.n * dim.n)(Tropical.inf[Int]))
      edges.foreach { case (Edge(y, x), n) =>
        m(x, y) = Tropical(n)
        m(y, x) = Tropical(n)

    println("weights:\n%s" format
    println("least-cost:\n%s" format

    val annotated = Matrix[ShortestPath[Int, Expr[Edge]]] { (x, y) =>
      weighted(x, y) match {
        case Infinity() => ShortestPath(Infinity(), Kleene[Expr[Edge]].zero)
        case Finite(n) => ShortestPath(Finite(n), Var(Edge(y, x)))

    println("annotated-re:\n" +
    println("shortest-path-re:\n" +

    val langed = Matrix[ShortestPath[Int, Language[Edge]]] { (x, y) =>
      weighted(x, y) match {
        case Infinity() => ShortestPath(Infinity(), Kleene[Language[Edge]].zero)
        case Finite(n) => ShortestPath(Finite(n), Language.letter(Edge(y, x)))

    println("l-annotated:\n" +
    println("l-shortest-path:\n" +

    def evalExpr[A, B: Kleene](expr: Expr[A])(f: A => B): B = expr match {
      case Nul() => Kleene[B].zero
      case Empty() => Kleene[B].one
      case Var(a) => f(a)
      case Star(x) => evalExpr(x)(f).kstar
      case Or(x, y) => evalExpr(x)(f) + evalExpr(y)(f)
      case Then(x, y) => evalExpr(x)(f) * evalExpr(y)(f)

    val costExprs: Matrix[Expr[Int]] = {
      case ShortestPath(Infinity(), _) => Nul()
      case ShortestPath(Finite(n), _) => Expr(n)
    val leastCostExprs: Matrix[Tropical[Int]] = => evalExpr(a)(Tropical.apply))

    println("least-cost via evalExpr:\n" +

  def solvingExample() {
    // our example matrix is 2x2
    implicit val dim = Dim(2)

    val m: Matrix[Compact[Double]] = ArrayMatrix(Array(2.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2.0)).map(n => Compact(n))
    println("2x2 matrix:\n" +
    println("2x2 asteration:\n" +

    def negate(m: Matrix[Compact[Double]]) =
    val one =[Compact[Double]]
    def inverse(m: Matrix[Compact[Double]]) = (one + negate(m)).kstar
    println("2x2 inverse:\n" + inverse(m).show)

  def main(args: Array[String]) {

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