spire.math.real.Expr.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package spire.math.real
import spire.math.fpf.MaybeDouble
import spire.math._
import language.implicitConversions
* An `Expr` describes a simple structure for algebraic expressions. Generally,
* a type `Expr[A]` indicates that `A` has some structure that mirrors `Expr`.
* To get at this symmetry, you must use the type class `Coexpr[A]`. This let's
* us switch between types `A` and `Expr[A]`, giving us the ability to extract
* structure from a type `A`, traverse, and construct the expression tree of
* `A`, without having to deal with `A` as a concrete type.
* Using `Coexpr` let's us provide further general constructors and pattern
* matchers. These are defined as the same name as the case class, but without
* the `Expr` appended. So, we can, for example, pattern match on an instance
* `a` of the generic type `A`. Suppose we wanted to map patterns like ab + ac
* to a(b + c), then we could do the following:
* a match {
* case Add(Mul(a, b), Mul(c, d)) if a == c => Mul(a, Add(b, d))
* case _ => a
* }
sealed trait Expr[A]
case class IntExpr[A](n: Int) extends Expr[A]
case class BigIntExpr[A](n: BigInt) extends Expr[A]
case class NegExpr[A](sub: A) extends Expr[A]
case class KRootExpr[A](sub: A, k: Int) extends Expr[A]
case class AddExpr[A](lhs: A, rhs: A) extends Expr[A]
case class SubExpr[A](lhs: A, rhs: A) extends Expr[A]
case class MulExpr[A](lhs: A, rhs: A) extends Expr[A]
case class DivExpr[A](lhs: A, rhs: A) extends Expr[A]
object Expr {
def apply[A: Coexpr](n: Int): A = IntLit(n)
def apply[A: Coexpr](n: Long): A = apply(BigInt(n))
def apply[A: Coexpr](n: BigInt): A = if (n.isValidInt) {
} else {
def apply[A: Coexpr](n: Rational): A = Div(apply[A](n.numerator), apply[A](n.denominator))
def apply[A: Coexpr](n: Double): A = apply[A](Rational(n.toString))
def apply[A: Coexpr](n: BigDecimal): A = apply[A](Rational(n))
def toExprString[A: Coexpr](a: A): String = a match {
case IntLit(n) => n.toString
case BigIntLit(n) => n.toString
case Add(a, b) => "%s + %s" format (toExprString(a), toExprString(b))
case Sub(a, b) => "%s - %s" format (toExprString(a), toExprString(b))
case Mul(a, b) => "(%s) * (%s)" format (toExprString(a), toExprString(b))
case Div(a, b) => "(%s) / (%s)" format (toExprString(a), toExprString(b))
case Neg(a) => "-%s" format toExprString(a)
case KRoot(a, k) =>
if (k == 2) {
"sqrt(%s)" format (toExprString(a))
} else {
"%d-root(%s)" format (k, toExprString(a))
* A type class that indicates that the type `A` has a structure that can be
* modelled by an `Expr[A]`. The type class let's us switch between the 2 types,
* so that we can both traverse the type `A` as an `Expr` and also construct an
* `A` from an `Expr[A]`.
* If `ce` is an instance of `Coexpr[A]`, then ce.coexpr(ce.expr(a)) == a.
trait Coexpr[A] {
def expr(a: A): Expr[A]
def coexpr(e: Expr[A]): A
object Coexpr {
def apply[A](implicit ev: Coexpr[A]): Coexpr[A] = ev
implicit def CoexprOps[A: Coexpr](a: A) = new {
def expr: Expr[A] = Coexpr[A].expr(a)
implicit def ExprOps[A: Coexpr](e: Expr[A]) = new {
def coexpr: A = Coexpr[A].coexpr(e)
def mirror[A: Coexpr, B: Coexpr](a: A): B = a match {
case IntLit(n) => IntLit[B](n)
case BigIntLit(n) => BigIntLit[B](n)
case Neg(a) => Neg[B](mirror[A,B](a))
case KRoot(a, k) => KRoot[B](mirror[A,B](a), k)
case Add(a, b) => Add[B](mirror[A,B](a), mirror[A,B](b))
case Sub(a, b) => Sub[B](mirror[A,B](a), mirror[A,B](b))
case Mul(a, b) => Mul[B](mirror[A,B](a), mirror[A,B](b))
case Div(a, b) => Div[B](mirror[A,B](a), mirror[A,B](b))
object IntLit {
def apply[A: Coexpr](n: Int): A = Coexpr[A].coexpr(IntExpr[A](n))
def unapply[A: Coexpr](e: A): Option[Int] = Coexpr[A].expr(e) match {
case IntExpr(n) => Some(n)
case _ => None
object BigIntLit {
def apply[A: Coexpr](n: BigInt): A = Coexpr[A].coexpr(BigIntExpr[A](n))
def unapply[A: Coexpr](e: A): Option[BigInt] = Coexpr[A].expr(e) match {
case BigIntExpr(n) => Some(n)
case _ => None
object Neg {
def apply[A: Coexpr](a: A): A = Coexpr[A].coexpr(NegExpr[A](a))
def unapply[A: Coexpr](e: A): Option[A] = Coexpr[A].expr(e) match {
case NegExpr(s) => Some(s)
case _ => None
object KRoot {
def apply[A: Coexpr](a: A, k: Int): A = Coexpr[A].coexpr(KRootExpr[A](a, k))
def unapply[A: Coexpr](e: A): Option[(A,Int)] = Coexpr[A].expr(e) match {
case KRootExpr(a, k) => Some((a, k))
case _ => None
object Add {
def apply[A: Coexpr](a: A, b: A): A = Coexpr[A].coexpr(AddExpr(a, b))
def unapply[A: Coexpr](e: A): Option[(A,A)] = Coexpr[A].expr(e) match {
case AddExpr(a, b) => Some((a, b))
case _ => None
object Sub {
def apply[A: Coexpr](a: A, b: A): A = Coexpr[A].coexpr(SubExpr(a, b))
def unapply[A: Coexpr](e: A): Option[(A,A)] = Coexpr[A].expr(e) match {
case SubExpr(a, b) => Some((a, b))
case _ => None
object Mul {
def apply[A: Coexpr](a: A, b: A): A = Coexpr[A].coexpr(MulExpr(a, b))
def unapply[A: Coexpr](e: A): Option[(A,A)] = Coexpr[A].expr(e) match {
case MulExpr(a, b) => Some((a, b))
case _ => None
object Div {
def apply[A: Coexpr](a: A, b: A): A = Coexpr[A].coexpr(DivExpr(a, b))
def unapply[A: Coexpr](e: A): Option[(A,A)] = Coexpr[A].expr(e) match {
case DivExpr(a, b) => Some((a, b))
case _ => None
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