spire.math.poly.BigDecimalRootRefinement.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package spire
package math
package poly
import java.math.{ BigDecimal => JBigDecimal, RoundingMode, MathContext }
import spire.algebra._
import spire.std.bigDecimal._
import spire.syntax.signed._
case class BigDecimalRootRefinement(
context: BigDecimalRootRefinement.ApproximationContext,
approximation: BigDecimalRootRefinement.Approximation
) {
import BigDecimalRootRefinement._
def approximateValue: JBigDecimal = {
import context.{ floor, ceil }
approximation match {
case ExactRoot(root) => floor(root)
case Bounded(lb, _, _, _, n) => ceil(lb)
case BoundedLeft(_, ub) => floor(ub)
case BoundedRight(lb, _) => ceil(lb)
case Unbounded(lb, ub) => ceil(lb)
def refine(scale: Int): BigDecimalRootRefinement =
context match {
case AbsoluteContext(poly, oldScale) if oldScale >= scale =>
case _ =>
val newContext = AbsoluteContext(context.poly, scale)
BigDecimalRootRefinement(newContext, refineApproximation(newContext))
def refine(mc: MathContext): BigDecimalRootRefinement =
context match {
case RelativeContext(poly, oldmc) if oldmc.getPrecision >= mc.getPrecision =>
case _ =>
val newContext = RelativeContext(context.poly, mc)
BigDecimalRootRefinement(newContext, refineApproximation(newContext))
def refineApproximation(ctx: ApproximationContext): Approximation = approximation match {
case ExactRoot(_) =>
case Bounded(lb, lby, ub, uby, n) =>
QIR(ctx, lb, lby, ub, uby, n)
case BoundedLeft(lb, ubApprox) =>
val lbApprox = ctx.ceil(lb)
val ub = Rational(new BigDecimal(ubApprox, MathContext.UNLIMITED))
QIR(ctx, lb, ub, lbApprox, ubApprox)
case BoundedRight(lbApprox, ub) =>
val lb = Rational(new BigDecimal(lbApprox, MathContext.UNLIMITED))
val ubApprox = ctx.floor(ub)
QIR(ctx, lb, ub, lbApprox, ubApprox)
case Unbounded(lb, ub) =>
val lbApprox = ctx.ceil(lb)
val ubApprox = ctx.floor(ub)
QIR(ctx, lb, ub, lbApprox, ubApprox)
object BigDecimalRootRefinement {
def apply(poly: Polynomial[BigDecimal], lowerBound: Rational, upperBound: Rational): BigDecimalRootRefinement = {
// We expect the polynomial to evaluate with exact arithmetic, so we ditch
// whatever MathContext the user provided and use an UNLIMITED context. It
// would probably be best just to use JBigDecimal and avoid the unexpected
// precision loss inherent with using them.
val upoly = poly.map { n => new BigDecimal(n.bigDecimal, MathContext.UNLIMITED) }
BigDecimalRootRefinement(AbsoluteContext(upoly), Unbounded(lowerBound, upperBound))
def apply(poly: Polynomial[BigDecimal], lowerBound: Rational, upperBound: Rational, scale: Int): BigDecimalRootRefinement =
apply(poly, lowerBound, upperBound).refine(scale)
def apply(poly: Polynomial[BigDecimal], lowerBound: Rational, upperBound: Rational, mc: MathContext): BigDecimalRootRefinement =
apply(poly, lowerBound, upperBound).refine(mc)
private implicit object JBigDecimalOrder extends Signed[JBigDecimal] with Order[JBigDecimal] {
def signum(a: JBigDecimal): Int = a.signum
def abs(a: JBigDecimal): JBigDecimal = a.abs
def compare(x: JBigDecimal, y: JBigDecimal): Int = x compareTo y
private val bits2dec: Double = log(2, 10)
sealed abstract class Approximation
case class ExactRoot(root: JBigDecimal) extends Approximation
case class Bounded(lowerBound: JBigDecimal, lowerBoundValue: JBigDecimal, upperBound: JBigDecimal, upperBoundValue: JBigDecimal, n: Int) extends Approximation
case class BoundedLeft(lowerBound: Rational, upperBound: JBigDecimal) extends Approximation
case class BoundedRight(lowerBound: JBigDecimal, upperBound: Rational) extends Approximation
case class Unbounded(lowerBound: Rational, upperBound: Rational) extends Approximation
sealed abstract class ApproximationContext {
def poly: Polynomial[BigDecimal]
def getEps(x: JBigDecimal): Int
def evalExact(x: JBigDecimal): JBigDecimal
def floor(x: Rational): JBigDecimal
def ceil(x: Rational): JBigDecimal
def floor(x: JBigDecimal): JBigDecimal
def ceil(x: JBigDecimal): JBigDecimal
case class AbsoluteContext private[poly] (poly: Polynomial[BigDecimal], scale: Int = Int.MinValue) extends ApproximationContext {
def getEps(x: JBigDecimal): Int = scale
def evalExact(x: JBigDecimal): JBigDecimal =
poly(new BigDecimal(x, MathContext.UNLIMITED))
.setScale(scale, RoundingMode.UP)
def floor(x: Rational): JBigDecimal =
x.toBigDecimal(scale, RoundingMode.FLOOR).bigDecimal
def ceil(x: Rational): JBigDecimal =
x.toBigDecimal(scale, RoundingMode.CEILING).bigDecimal
def floor(x: JBigDecimal): JBigDecimal =
x.setScale(scale, RoundingMode.FLOOR)
def ceil(x: JBigDecimal): JBigDecimal =
x.setScale(scale, RoundingMode.CEILING)
case class RelativeContext private[poly] (poly: Polynomial[BigDecimal], mc: MathContext = new MathContext(0)) extends ApproximationContext {
def getEps(x: JBigDecimal): Int =
x.scale - spire.math.ceil(x.unscaledValue.bitLength * bits2dec).toInt + mc.getPrecision + 1
def evalExact(x: JBigDecimal): JBigDecimal =
poly(new BigDecimal(x, MathContext.UNLIMITED))
def floor(x: Rational): JBigDecimal =
x.toBigDecimal(new MathContext(mc.getPrecision, RoundingMode.FLOOR)).bigDecimal
def ceil(x: Rational): JBigDecimal =
x.toBigDecimal(new MathContext(mc.getPrecision, RoundingMode.CEILING)).bigDecimal
def floor(x: JBigDecimal): JBigDecimal =
x.round(new MathContext(mc.getPrecision, RoundingMode.FLOOR))
def ceil(x: JBigDecimal): JBigDecimal =
x.round(new MathContext(mc.getPrecision, RoundingMode.CEILING))
* An implementation of "Quadratic Interval Refinement for Real Roots" by
* John Abbot for `BigDecimal`.
private def QIR(
context: ApproximationContext,
lowerBound: Rational,
upperBound: Rational,
lb: JBigDecimal,
ub: JBigDecimal
): Approximation = {
import context._
// We avoid rational arithmetic by using the fact:
// poly.compose(x + a/b) == poly.compose(x/b).compose(b*x + a)
// If we first scale the polynomial by b^poly.degree, then the roots
// remain the same, but the first composition will partially cancel with
// b^poly.degree, leaving an integer.
def shift(poly: Polynomial[BigDecimal], h: Rational): Polynomial[BigDecimal] = {
val n = poly.degree
.mapTerms { case Term(coeff, k) =>
val a = BigDecimal(h.denominator.toBigInteger.pow(n - k), MathContext.UNLIMITED)
Term(coeff * a, k)
.compose(Polynomial.linear[BigDecimal](BigDecimal(h.denominator.toBigInteger, MathContext.UNLIMITED), BigDecimal(h.numerator.toBigInteger, MathContext.UNLIMITED)))
// Returns a polynomial with the same roots as
// `poly.compose(Polynomial.linear(s))`, but without using any Rational
// arithmetic to compute it.
def mult(poly: Polynomial[BigDecimal], s: Rational): Polynomial[BigDecimal] = {
// Let s = a/b and n = poly.degree. The idea here is that we can scale
// poly by b^n, before composing this with the polynomial (1/b)x,
// followed by composing the result with the polynomial ax. The first 2
// steps, scaling + composition with (1/b)x, can be simulated by
// multiplying each term coefficient a_i by b^(n-i) (ie b^n/b^k=b^(n-k)).
// This rigamarole let's us avoid rational arithmetic. Most importantly,
// we avoid division, which we cannot do exactly with BigDecimal.
val n = poly.degree
.mapTerms { case Term(coeff, k) =>
val a = BigDecimal(s.denominator.toBigInteger.pow(n - k), MathContext.UNLIMITED)
Term(coeff * a, k)
.compose(Polynomial.linear[BigDecimal](BigDecimal(s.numerator.toBigInteger, MathContext.UNLIMITED)))
// Returns true if there is a root in the open sub-interval (l, r).
def hasRoot(l: Rational, r: Rational): Boolean =
if (l != r) {
// Use Descartes' rule of signs to see if the root in the open interval
// is actually in the sub interval (l, r). Since Descartes' rule of
// signs only reports positive roots, we need to first transform the
// polynomial by mapping the open interval (l, r) to (0, inf). This
// will ensure that the only positive roots are those in the open
// interval (l, r). This is accomplished with following
// transformations:
// 1) shifting the polynomial by l by composing it with (x + l)
// 2) mapping (0, (r - l)) to (0, 1) by composing 1) with (r - l)
// 3) mapping (0, 1) to (1, inf) by taking the reciprocal of 2)
// 4) mapping (1, inf) to (0, inf) by composing 3) by x + 1.
val poly0 = mult(shift(poly, l), r - l).reciprocal.shift(1).removeZeroRoots
poly0.signVariations % 2 == 1
} else {
// QIR expects that (lx,rx) contain exactly 1 root and that they evaluate
// to different, non-zero signs. However, we may find 1 or both of the
// bounds to be 0, or to have "overshot" the root, so we have to either
// find a good (lx, rx) or return an approximation early.
def adjust(lx: JBigDecimal, lyOpt: Option[JBigDecimal], rx: JBigDecimal, ryOpt: Option[JBigDecimal]): Approximation = {
def qlx = Rational(new BigDecimal(lx, MathContext.UNLIMITED))
def qrx = Rational(new BigDecimal(rx, MathContext.UNLIMITED))
if (lx.compareTo(rx) < 0) {
val ly = lyOpt.getOrElse(evalExact(lx))
val ry = ryOpt.getOrElse(evalExact(rx))
if (ly.signum == 0) {
if (qlx > lowerBound) {
// We've "bumped" the lowerbound up to an exact root, coincidentally.
} else {
// We try to push lx up a bit to get the sign to change.
adjust(lx.add(JBigDecimal.valueOf(1, getEps(lx))), None, rx, Some(ry))
} else if (ry.signum == 0) {
if (qrx < upperBound) {
// We've "bumped" the lowerbound up to an exact root, coincidentally.
} else {
// We try to push rx down a bit to get the sign to change.
adjust(lx, Some(ly), rx.subtract(JBigDecimal.valueOf(1, getEps(rx))), None)
} else if (ry.signum == ly.signum) {
// We've managed to overshoot the actual root, but since we're still
// "in-bounds", we know it's in either the left cut off bit or the
// right.
if (hasRoot(lowerBound, qlx)) {
BoundedLeft(lowerBound, lx)
} else {
BoundedRight(rx, upperBound)
} else {
// Yay! We've successfully approximated the lower/upper bounds with
// big decimal, while keeping the root within (lx, rx).
QIR(context, lx, ly, rx, ry)
} else {
// We overshot a root.
Unbounded(lowerBound, upperBound)
adjust(lb, None, ub, None)
* An implementation of "Quadratic Interval Refinement for Real Roots" by
* John Abbot for `BigDecimal`.
// scalastyle:off method.length
private def QIR(
context: ApproximationContext,
lowerBound: JBigDecimal, lowerBoundValue: JBigDecimal,
upperBound: JBigDecimal, upperBoundValue: JBigDecimal,
n0: Int = 0
): Approximation = {
import context._
def loop(
lx: JBigDecimal,
ly: JBigDecimal,
rx: JBigDecimal,
ry: JBigDecimal,
n: Int
): Approximation = {
val dx = rx.subtract(lx)
val scale = max(getEps(lx), getEps(rx))
val eps = JBigDecimal.valueOf(1, scale)
if (dx.compareTo(eps) <= 0) {
Bounded(lx, ly, rx, ry, n)
} else {
val dy = ly.subtract(ry)
val s = ly.divide(dy, n, RoundingMode.HALF_UP) // BAM!
val delta = dx.multiply(s.ulp)
val k = s.unscaledValue
val x1 = lx.add(delta.multiply(new JBigDecimal(k))) // BAM!
val y1 = evalExact(x1)
val s1 = y1.sign
if (s1 == ly.sign) {
val x2 = x1.add(delta)
val y2 = evalExact(x2)
val s2 = y2.sign
if (s2 == s1) loop0(lx, ly, rx, ry)
else if (s2 == ry.sign) loop(x1, y1, x2, y2, 2 * n)
else ExactRoot(x2)
} else if (s1 == ry.sign) {
val x0 = x1.subtract(delta)
val y0 = evalExact(x0)
val s0 = y0.sign
if (s0 == s1) loop0(lx, ly, rx, ry)
else if (s0 == ly.sign) loop(x0, y0, x1, y1, 2 * n)
else ExactRoot(x0)
} else {
def bisect(
x0: JBigDecimal,
y0: JBigDecimal,
x1: JBigDecimal,
y1: JBigDecimal,
x2: JBigDecimal,
y2: JBigDecimal
): Approximation = {
if (y0.signum == 0) ExactRoot(x0)
else if (y1.signum == 0) ExactRoot(x1)
else if (y2.signum == 0) ExactRoot(x2)
else if (y0.sign != y1.sign) loop(x0, y0, x1, y1, 1)
else loop(x1, y1, x2, y2, 1)
def loop0(
x0: JBigDecimal,
y0: JBigDecimal,
x5: JBigDecimal,
y5: JBigDecimal
): Approximation = {
val dy = y0.subtract(y5)
val k = y0
.divide(dy, 1, RoundingMode.HALF_UP)
val eps = x5.subtract(x0).divide(new JBigDecimal(5))
def eval(k: Int): (JBigDecimal, JBigDecimal) = {
val x = new JBigDecimal(k).multiply(eps).add(x0)
val y = evalExact(x)
(x, y)
if (k < 5) {
val (x2, y2) = eval(2)
if (y2.sign != y0.sign) {
val (x1, y1) = eval(1)
bisect(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2)
} else {
val (x3, y3) = eval(3)
if (y3.sign == y5.sign) {
loop(x2, y2, x3, y3, 1)
} else {
val (x4, y4) = eval(4)
bisect(x3, y3, x4, y4, x5, y5)
} else {
val (x3, y3) = eval(3)
if (y3.sign != y5.sign) {
val (x4, y4) = eval(4)
bisect(x3, y3, x4, y4, x5, y5)
} else {
val (x2, y2) = eval(2)
if (y2.sign == y0.sign) {
loop(x2, y2, x3, y3, 1)
} else {
val (x1, y1) = eval(1)
bisect(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2)
val lx = lowerBound
val ly = lowerBoundValue
val rx = upperBound
val ry = upperBoundValue
if (n0 <= 0) {
loop0(lx, ly, rx, ry)
} else {
loop(lx, ly, rx, ry, n0)
// scalastyle:on method.length
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