spire.std.seq.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package spire
package std
import scala.collection.SeqLike
import scala.collection.mutable.Builder
import scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom
import spire.algebra._
import spire.NoImplicit
class SeqModule[A, SA <: SeqLike[A, SA]](implicit val scalar: Ring[A], cbf: CanBuildFrom[SA,A,SA])
extends Module[SA, A] with Serializable {
def zero: SA = cbf().result
def negate(sa: SA): SA = sa map (scalar.negate)
def plus(x: SA, y: SA): SA = {
def add1(it: Iterator[A], b: Builder[A, SA]): SA = if (it.hasNext) {
b += it.next()
add1(it, b)
} else {
def add2(xi: Iterator[A], yi: Iterator[A], b: Builder[A, SA]): SA = {
if (!xi.hasNext) {
add1(yi, b)
} else if (!yi.hasNext) {
add1(xi, b)
} else {
b += scalar.plus(xi.next(), yi.next())
add2(xi, yi, b)
add2(x.toIterator, y.toIterator, cbf(x))
override def minus(x: SA, y: SA): SA = {
def subl(it: Iterator[A], b: Builder[A, SA]): SA = if (it.hasNext) {
b += it.next()
subl(it, b)
} else {
def subr(it: Iterator[A], b: Builder[A, SA]): SA = if (it.hasNext) {
b += scalar.negate(it.next())
subr(it, b)
} else {
def sub2(xi: Iterator[A], yi: Iterator[A], b: Builder[A, SA]): SA = {
if (!xi.hasNext) {
subr(yi, b)
} else if (!yi.hasNext) {
subl(xi, b)
} else {
b += scalar.minus(xi.next(), yi.next())
sub2(xi, yi, b)
sub2(x.toIterator, y.toIterator, cbf(x))
def timesl(r: A, sa: SA): SA = sa map (scalar.times(r, _))
class SeqVectorSpace[A, SA <: SeqLike[A, SA]](implicit override val scalar: Field[A], cbf: CanBuildFrom[SA,A,SA])
extends SeqModule[A, SA] with VectorSpace[SA, A] with Serializable
class SeqInnerProductSpace[A: Field, SA <: SeqLike[A, SA]](implicit cbf: CanBuildFrom[SA,A,SA])
extends SeqVectorSpace[A, SA] with InnerProductSpace[SA, A] with Serializable {
def dot(x: SA, y: SA): A = {
def loop(xi: Iterator[A], yi: Iterator[A], acc: A): A = {
if (xi.hasNext && yi.hasNext) {
loop(xi, yi, scalar.plus(acc, scalar.times(xi.next(), yi.next())))
} else {
loop(x.toIterator, y.toIterator, scalar.zero)
class SeqCoordinateSpace[A: Field, SA <: SeqLike[A, SA]](val dimensions: Int)(implicit cbf: CanBuildFrom[SA,A,SA])
extends SeqInnerProductSpace[A, SA] with CoordinateSpace[SA, A] with Serializable {
def coord(v: SA, i: Int): A = v(i)
override def dot(v: SA, w: SA): A = super[SeqInnerProductSpace].dot(v, w)
def axis(i: Int): SA = {
val b = cbf()
@tailrec def loop(j: Int): SA = if (i < dimensions) {
b += (if (i == j) scalar.one else scalar.zero)
loop(j + 1)
} else b.result
* The L_p norm is equal to the `p`-th root of the sum of each element to the
* power `p`. For instance, if `p = 1` we have the Manhattan distance. If you'd
* like the Euclidean norm (`p = 2`), then you'd probably be best to use an
* `InnerProductSpace` instead.
class SeqLpNormedVectorSpace[A: Field: NRoot: Signed, SA <: SeqLike[A, SA]](val p: Int)(implicit cbf: CanBuildFrom[SA,A,SA])
extends SeqVectorSpace[A, SA] with NormedVectorSpace[SA, A] with Serializable {
require(p > 0, "p must be > 0")
def norm(v: SA): A = {
def loop(xi: Iterator[A], acc: A): A = {
if (xi.hasNext) {
loop(xi, scalar.plus(acc, Signed[A].abs(scalar.pow(xi.next(), p))))
} else {
NRoot[A].nroot(acc, p)
loop(v.toIterator, scalar.zero)
* The norm here uses the absolute maximum of the coordinates (ie. the L_inf
* norm).
class SeqMaxNormedVectorSpace[A: Field: Order: Signed, SA <: SeqLike[A, SA]](implicit cbf: CanBuildFrom[SA,A,SA])
extends SeqVectorSpace[A, SA] with NormedVectorSpace[SA, A] with Serializable {
def norm(v: SA): A = {
def loop(xi: Iterator[A], acc: A): A = {
if (xi.hasNext) {
val x = Signed[A].abs(xi.next())
loop(xi, if (Order[A].gt(x, acc)) x else acc)
} else {
loop(v.toIterator, scalar.zero)
private object SeqSupport {
final def forall[A](x: Iterator[A], y: Iterator[A])(f: (A, A) => Boolean, g: A => Boolean): Boolean = {
if (x.hasNext && y.hasNext) {
f(x.next(), y.next()) && forall(x, y)(f, g)
} else if (x.hasNext) {
g(x.next()) && forall(x, y)(f, g)
} else if (y.hasNext) {
g(y.next()) && forall(x, y)(f, g)
} else {
private val falsef: Any => Boolean = _ => false
@inline final def forall[A, SA <: SeqLike[A, SA]](x: SA, y: SA)(
f: (A, A) => Boolean, g: A => Boolean = falsef): Boolean = {
forall(x.toIterator, y.toIterator)(f, g)
import SeqSupport._
class SeqEq[A: Eq, SA <: SeqLike[A, SA]] extends Eq[SA] with Serializable {
def eqv(x: SA, y: SA): Boolean = forall[A, SA](x, y)(Eq[A].eqv(_, _))
class SeqOrder[A: Order, SA <: SeqLike[A, SA]] extends SeqEq[A, SA] with Order[SA] with Serializable {
override def eqv(x: SA, y: SA): Boolean = super[SeqEq].eqv(x, y)
def compare(x: SA, y: SA): Int = {
def loop(xi: Iterator[A], yi: Iterator[A]): Int = {
if (xi.hasNext && yi.hasNext) {
val cmp = Order[A].compare(xi.next(), yi.next())
if (cmp == 0) loop(xi, yi) else cmp
} else if (xi.hasNext) {
} else if (yi.hasNext) {
} else {
loop(x.toIterator, y.toIterator)
class SeqVectorEq[A: Eq, SA <: SeqLike[A, SA]](implicit scalar: AdditiveMonoid[A])
extends Eq[SA] with Serializable {
def eqv(x: SA, y: SA): Boolean =
forall[A, SA](x, y)(Eq[A].eqv(_, _), Eq[A].eqv(_, scalar.zero))
class SeqVectorOrder[A: Order, SA <: SeqLike[A, SA]](implicit scalar: AdditiveMonoid[A])
extends SeqVectorEq[A, SA] with Order[SA] with Serializable {
override def eqv(x: SA, y: SA): Boolean = super[SeqVectorEq].eqv(x, y)
def compare(x: SA, y: SA): Int = {
def loop(xi: Iterator[A], yi: Iterator[A]): Int = {
if (xi.hasNext && yi.hasNext) {
val cmp = Order[A].compare(xi.next(), yi.next())
if (cmp == 0) loop(xi, yi) else cmp
} else if (xi.hasNext) {
if (Order[A].eqv(xi.next(), scalar.zero)) loop(xi, yi) else 1
} else if (yi.hasNext) {
if (Order[A].eqv(yi.next(), scalar.zero)) loop(xi, yi) else -1
} else {
loop(x.toIterator, y.toIterator)
trait SeqInstances0 {
implicit def SeqModule[A, CC[A] <: SeqLike[A, CC[A]]](implicit
ring0: Ring[A], cbf0: CanBuildFrom[CC[A], A, CC[A]],
ev: NoImplicit[VectorSpace[CC[A], A]]): SeqModule[A, CC[A]] = new SeqModule[A, CC[A]]
trait SeqInstances1 extends SeqInstances0 {
implicit def SeqVectorSpace[A, CC[A] <: SeqLike[A, CC[A]]](implicit field0: Field[A],
cbf0: CanBuildFrom[CC[A], A, CC[A]],
ev: NoImplicit[NormedVectorSpace[CC[A], A]]): SeqVectorSpace[A, CC[A]] = new SeqVectorSpace[A, CC[A]]
implicit def SeqEq[A, CC[A] <: SeqLike[A, CC[A]]](implicit A0: Eq[A]): SeqEq[A, CC[A]] =
new SeqEq[A, CC[A]]
trait SeqInstances2 extends SeqInstances1 {
implicit def SeqInnerProductSpace[A, CC[A] <: SeqLike[A, CC[A]]](implicit field0: Field[A],
cbf0: CanBuildFrom[CC[A], A, CC[A]]): SeqInnerProductSpace[A, CC[A]] = new SeqInnerProductSpace[A, CC[A]]
implicit def SeqOrder[A, CC[A] <: SeqLike[A, CC[A]]](implicit A0: Order[A]): SeqOrder[A, CC[A]] =
new SeqOrder[A, CC[A]]
trait SeqInstances3 extends SeqInstances2 {
implicit def SeqNormedVectorSpace[A, CC[A] <: SeqLike[A, CC[A]]](implicit field0: Field[A],
nroot0: NRoot[A], cbf0: CanBuildFrom[CC[A], A, CC[A]]): NormedVectorSpace[CC[A], A] = SeqInnerProductSpace[A, CC].normed
trait SeqInstances extends SeqInstances3
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