spire.math.interval.Bound.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package spire.math
package interval
import spire.syntax.order._
import spire.syntax.field._
import spire.algebra._
sealed trait Bound[A] { lhs =>
def map[B](f: A => B): Bound[B] = this match {
case Open(a) => Open(f(a))
case Closed(a) => Closed(f(a))
case Unbound() => Unbound()
case EmptyBound() => EmptyBound()
def combine[B](rhs: Bound[A])(f: (A, A) => A): Bound[A] = (lhs, rhs) match {
case (EmptyBound(), _) => lhs
case (_, EmptyBound()) => rhs
case (Unbound(), _) => lhs
case (_, Unbound()) => rhs
case (Closed(a), Closed(b)) => Closed(f(a, b))
case (Closed(a), Open(b)) => Open(f(a, b))
case (Open(a), Closed(b)) => Open(f(a, b))
case (Open(a), Open(b)) => Open(f(a, b))
def unary_-()(implicit ev: AdditiveGroup[A]): Bound[A] =
def reciprocal()(implicit ev: MultiplicativeGroup[A]): Bound[A] =
def +(a: A)(implicit ev: AdditiveSemigroup[A]): Bound[A] = map(_ + a)
def -(a: A)(implicit ev: AdditiveGroup[A]): Bound[A] = map(_ - a)
def *(a: A)(implicit ev: MultiplicativeSemigroup[A]): Bound[A] = map(_ * a)
def /(a: A)(implicit ev: MultiplicativeGroup[A]): Bound[A] = map(_ / a)
def +(rhs: Bound[A])(implicit ev: AdditiveSemigroup[A]): Bound[A] =
lhs.combine(rhs)(_ + _)
def -(rhs: Bound[A])(implicit ev: AdditiveGroup[A]): Bound[A] =
lhs.combine(rhs)(_ - _)
def *(rhs: Bound[A])(implicit ev: MultiplicativeSemigroup[A]): Bound[A] =
lhs.combine(rhs)(_ * _)
def /(rhs: Bound[A])(implicit ev: MultiplicativeGroup[A]): Bound[A] =
lhs.combine(rhs)(_ / _)
object Bound {
private[spire] def minLower[A: Order](lhs: Bound[A], rhs: Bound[A], emptyIsMin: Boolean): Bound[A] =
(lhs, rhs) match {
case (EmptyBound(), _) => if (emptyIsMin) lhs else rhs
case (_, EmptyBound()) => if (emptyIsMin) rhs else lhs
case (Unbound(), _) | (_, Unbound()) => Unbound()
case (Closed(lv), Closed(rv)) if lv <= rv => lhs
case (Closed(_), Closed(_)) => rhs
case (Open(lv), Open(rv)) if lv <= rv => lhs
case (Open(_), Open(_)) => rhs
case (Closed(lv), Open(rv)) if lv <= rv => lhs
case (Closed(_), Open(_)) => rhs
case (Open(lv), Closed(rv)) if rv <= lv => rhs
case (Open(_), Closed(_)) => lhs
private[spire] def maxLower[A: Order](lhs: Bound[A], rhs: Bound[A], emptyIsMax: Boolean): Bound[A] =
(lhs, rhs) match {
case (EmptyBound(), _) => if (emptyIsMax) lhs else rhs
case (_, EmptyBound()) => if (emptyIsMax) rhs else lhs
case (Unbound(), _) => rhs
case (_, Unbound()) => lhs
case (Closed(lv), Closed(rv)) if lv >= rv => lhs
case (Closed(_), Closed(_)) => rhs
case (Open(lv), Open(rv)) if lv >= rv => lhs
case (Open(_), Open(_)) => rhs
case (Closed(lv), Open(rv)) if rv >= lv => rhs
case (Closed(_), Open(_)) => lhs
case (Open(lv), Closed(rv)) if lv >= rv => lhs
case (Open(_), Closed(_)) => rhs
private[spire] def minUpper[A: Order](lhs: Bound[A], rhs: Bound[A], emptyIsMin: Boolean): Bound[A] =
(lhs, rhs) match {
case (EmptyBound(), _) => if (emptyIsMin) lhs else rhs
case (_, EmptyBound()) => if (emptyIsMin) rhs else lhs
case (Unbound(), _) => rhs
case (_, Unbound()) => lhs
case (Closed(lv), Closed(rv)) if lv <= rv => lhs
case (Closed(_), Closed(_)) => rhs
case (Open(lv), Open(rv)) if lv <= rv => lhs
case (Open(_), Open(_)) => rhs
case (Closed(lv), Open(rv)) if rv <= lv => rhs
case (Closed(_), Open(_)) => lhs
case (Open(lv), Closed(rv)) if lv <= rv => lhs
case (Open(_), Closed(_)) => rhs
private[spire] def maxUpper[A: Order](lhs: Bound[A], rhs: Bound[A], emptyIsMax: Boolean): Bound[A] =
(lhs, rhs) match {
case (EmptyBound(), _) => if (emptyIsMax) lhs else rhs
case (_, EmptyBound()) => if (emptyIsMax) rhs else lhs
case (Unbound(), _) | (_, Unbound()) => Unbound()
case (Closed(lv), Closed(rv)) if lv >= rv => lhs
case (Closed(_), Closed(_)) => rhs
case (Open(lv), Open(rv)) if lv >= rv => lhs
case (Open(_), Open(_)) => rhs
case (Closed(lv), Open(rv)) if lv >= rv => lhs
case (Closed(_), Open(_)) => rhs
case (Open(lv), Closed(rv)) if rv >= lv => rhs
case (Open(_), Closed(_)) => lhs
case class EmptyBound[A]() extends Bound[A]
case class Unbound[A]() extends Bound[A]
sealed trait ValueBound[A] extends Bound[A] { lhs =>
def a: A
def isClosed: Boolean
override def unary_-()(implicit ev: AdditiveGroup[A]): ValueBound[A] =
if (isClosed) Closed(-a) else Open(-a)
override def reciprocal()(implicit ev: MultiplicativeGroup[A]): ValueBound[A] =
if (isClosed) Closed(a.reciprocal) else Open(a.reciprocal)
def +~(rhs: ValueBound[A])(implicit ev: AdditiveSemigroup[A]): ValueBound[A] = {
val m = lhs.a + rhs.a
if (lhs.isClosed && rhs.isClosed) Closed(m) else Open(m)
def -~(rhs: ValueBound[A])(implicit ev: AdditiveGroup[A]): ValueBound[A] = {
val m = lhs.a - rhs.a
if (lhs.isClosed && rhs.isClosed) Closed(m) else Open(m)
def *~(rhs: ValueBound[A])(implicit ev: MultiplicativeSemigroup[A]): ValueBound[A] = {
val m = lhs.a * rhs.a
if (lhs.isClosed && rhs.isClosed) Closed(m) else Open(m)
def /~(rhs: ValueBound[A])(implicit ev: MultiplicativeGroup[A]): ValueBound[A] = {
val m = lhs.a / rhs.a
if (lhs.isClosed && rhs.isClosed) Closed(m) else Open(m)
case class Open[A](a: A) extends ValueBound[A] {
def isClosed: Boolean = false
case class Closed[A](a: A) extends ValueBound[A] {
def isClosed: Boolean = true
/** Companion object for open/closed bounds, used to construct intervals from
* a set of bounds.
* In the comments, we write
* - [v, (v or ?v when the bound is interpreted as a lower bound,
* - v], v), v? when the bound is interpreted as an upper bound.
* The symbols [], (), ? correspond to closed, open or unknown bounds.
object ValueBound {
def unapply[A](b: Bound[A]): Option[A] = b match {
case Open(a) => Some(a)
case Closed(a) => Some(a)
case _ => None
/** Returns the interval containing the two given bounds. */
@inline def union2[A: Order](v1: ValueBound[A], v2: ValueBound[A]): Interval[A] =
v1.a.compare(v2.a).signum match {
case -1 => // ?v1 < v2?
Interval.fromOrderedBounds(v1, v2)
case 1 => // ?v2 < v1?
Interval.fromOrderedBounds(v2, v1)
case 0 if v1.isClosed || v2.isClosed => // v1 ~ v2, including a closed bound
case 0 => // both bounds are Open(x)
/** Returns the interval which contains all the given bounds.
* Assumption: v1.a === v2.a < v3.a.
@inline def union3_1approx2_2less3[A: Order](v1: ValueBound[A],
v2: ValueBound[A], v3: ValueBound[A]): Interval[A] =
if (v1.isClosed) // [v1 ~ ?v2 < v3?
Interval.fromOrderedBounds(v1, v3)
else // (v1 ~ ?v2 < v3?
Interval.fromOrderedBounds(v2, v3)
/** Returns the interval which contains all the given bounds.
* Assumption: v1.a < v2.a === v3.a.
@inline def union3_1less2_2approx3[A: Order](v1: ValueBound[A],
v2: ValueBound[A], v3: ValueBound[A]): Interval[A] =
if (v2.isClosed) // ?v1 < v2] ~ v3?
Interval.fromOrderedBounds(v1, v2)
else // ?v1 < v2) ~ v3?
Interval.fromOrderedBounds(v1, v3)
/** Returns the interval which contains all the given bounds.
* Assumption: v1.a === v2.a === v3.a.
@inline def union3_1approx2_2approx3[A: Order](v1: ValueBound[A],
v2: ValueBound[A], v3: ValueBound[A]): Interval[A] =
if (v1.isClosed || v2.isClosed || v3.isClosed)
/** Returns the interval which contains all the given bounds.
* Assumption: v1.a === v2.a.
@inline def union3_1approx2[A: Order](v1: ValueBound[A],
v2: ValueBound[A], v3: ValueBound[A]): Interval[A] =
v2.a.compare(v3.a).signum match {
case -1 => // v1 ~ v2 < v3
union3_1approx2_2less3(v1, v2, v3)
case 0 => // v1 ~ v2 ~ v3
union3_1approx2_2approx3(v1, v2, v3)
case 1 => // v3 < v1 ~ v2
union3_1less2_2approx3(v3, v1, v2)
/** Returns the interval which contains all the given bounds.
* Assumption: v1.a < v2.a.
@inline def union3_1less2[A: Order](v1: ValueBound[A],
v2: ValueBound[A], v3: ValueBound[A]): Interval[A] =
v2.a.compare(v3.a).signum match {
case -1 => // v1 < v2 < v3
Interval.fromOrderedBounds(v1, v3)
case 1 => // v1 < v2 and v3 < v2
v1.a.compare(v3.a).signum match {
case -1 => // v1 < v3 < v2
Interval.fromOrderedBounds(v1, v2)
case 1 => // v3 < v1 < v2
Interval.fromOrderedBounds(v3, v2)
case 0 => // v1 ~ v3 < v2
union3_1approx2_2less3(v1, v3, v2)
case 0 => // v1 < v2 ~ v3
union3_1less2_2approx3(v1, v2, v3)
/** Returns the interval which contains all the given bounds. */
@inline def union3[A: Order](v1: ValueBound[A],
v2: ValueBound[A], v3: ValueBound[A]): Interval[A] =
v1.a.compare(v2.a).signum match {
case -1 => // v1 < v2
union3_1less2(v1, v2, v3)
case 1 => // v1 > v2
union3_1less2(v2, v1, v3)
case 0 => // v1 ~ v2
union3_1approx2(v1, v2, v3)
/** Returns the interval which contains all the given bounds.
* Assumption: v1.a === v2.a === v3.a < v4.a.
@inline def union4_1approx2_2approx3_3less4[A: Order](v1: ValueBound[A], v2: ValueBound[A],
v3: ValueBound[A], v4: ValueBound[A]): Interval[A] =
if (v1.isClosed) // [v1 ~ ?v2 ~ ?v3 < v4
Interval.fromOrderedBounds(v1, v4)
else if (v2.isClosed) // (v1 ~ [v2 ~ ?v3 < v4
Interval.fromOrderedBounds(v2, v4)
else // (v1 ~ (v2 ~ ?v3 < v4
Interval.fromOrderedBounds(v3, v4)
/** Returns the interval which contains all the given bounds.
* Assumption: v1.a === v2.a < v3.a === v4.a.
@inline def union4_1approx2_2less3_3approx4[A: Order](v1: ValueBound[A], v2: ValueBound[A],
v3: ValueBound[A], v4: ValueBound[A]): Interval[A] =
(v1.isClosed, v3.isClosed) match {
case (true, true) => // [v1 ~ ?v2 < v3] ~ v4?
Interval.fromOrderedBounds(v1, v3)
case (false, true) => // (v1 ~ ?v2 < v3] ~ v4?
Interval.fromOrderedBounds(v2, v3)
case (true, false) => // [v1 ~ ?v2 < v3) ~ v4?
Interval.fromOrderedBounds(v1, v4)
case (false, false) => // (v1 ~ ?v2 < v3) ~ v4?
Interval.fromOrderedBounds(v2, v4)
/** Returns the interval which contains all the given bounds.
* Assumption: v1.a < v2.a === v3.a === v4.a.
@inline def union4_1less2_2approx3_3approx4[A: Order](v1: ValueBound[A], v2: ValueBound[A],
v3: ValueBound[A], v4: ValueBound[A]): Interval[A] =
if (v2.isClosed) // ?v1 < v2] ~ v3? ~ v4?
Interval.fromOrderedBounds(v1, v2)
else if (v3.isClosed) // ?v1 < v2) ~ v3] ~ v4?
Interval.fromOrderedBounds(v1, v3)
else // ?v1 < v2) ~ v3) ~ v4?
Interval.fromOrderedBounds(v1, v4)
/** Returns the interval which contains all the given bounds.
* Assumption: v1.a < v3.a === v4.a and v2.a < v3.a === v4.a.
@inline def union4_1less3_2less3_3approx4[A: Order](v1: ValueBound[A], v2: ValueBound[A],
v3: ValueBound[A], v4: ValueBound[A]): Interval[A] =
v1.a.compare(v2.a).signum match {
case -1 => // v1 < v2 < v3 ~ v4
union3_1less2_2approx3(v1, v3, v4)
case 0 => // v1 ~ v2 < v3 ~ v4
union4_1approx2_2less3_3approx4(v1, v2, v3, v4)
case 1 => // v2 < v1 < v3 ~ v4
union3_1less2_2approx3(v2, v3, v4)
/** Returns the interval which contains all the given bounds.
* Assumption: v1.a < v2.a === v3.a.
@inline def union4_1less2_2approx3[A: Order](v1: ValueBound[A], v2: ValueBound[A],
v3: ValueBound[A], v4: ValueBound[A]): Interval[A] =
v3.a.compare(v4.a).signum match {
case -1 => // v1 < v2 ~ v3 < v4
Interval.fromOrderedBounds(v1, v4)
case 0 => // v1 < v2 ~ v3 ~ v4
union4_1less2_2approx3_3approx4(v1, v2, v3, v4)
case 1 => // v1 < v2 ~ v3 and v4 < v2 ~ v3
union4_1less3_2less3_3approx4(v1, v4, v2, v3)
/** Returns the interval which contains all the given bounds.
* Assumption: v1.a === v2.a < v3.a.
@inline def union4_1approx2_2less3[A: Order](v1: ValueBound[A], v2: ValueBound[A],
v3: ValueBound[A], v4: ValueBound[A]): Interval[A] =
v3.a.compare(v4.a).signum match {
case -1 => // v1 ~ v2 < v3 < v4
union3_1approx2_2less3(v1, v2, v4)
case 0 => // v1 ~ v2 < v3 ~ v4
union4_1approx2_2less3_3approx4(v1, v2, v3, v4)
case 1 => // v1 ~ v2 < v3 and v4 < v3
v1.a.compare(v4.a).signum match {
case -1 => // v1 ~ v2 < v4 < v3
union3_1approx2_2less3(v1, v2, v3)
case 0 => // v1 ~ v2 ~ v4 < v3
union4_1approx2_2approx3_3less4(v1, v2, v4, v3)
case 1 => // v4 < v1 ~ v2 < v3
Interval.fromOrderedBounds(v4, v3)
/** Returns the interval which contains all the given bounds.
* Assumption: v1.a === v2.a == v3.a.
@inline def union4_1approx2_2approx3[A: Order](v1: ValueBound[A], v2: ValueBound[A],
v3: ValueBound[A], v4: ValueBound[A]): Interval[A] =
if (v1.isClosed == v2.isClosed) // [v1] ~ [v2] ~ ?v3? or (v1) ~ (v2) ~ ?v3?
union3_1approx2(v2, v3, v4)
else // [v1] ~ (v2) ~ ?v3? or (v1) ~ [v2] ~ ?v3?
union3_1approx2(v1, v2, v4)
/** Returns the interval which contains all the given bounds.
* Assumption: v1.a === v2.a.
@inline def union4_1approx2[A: Order](v1: ValueBound[A], v2: ValueBound[A],
v3: ValueBound[A], v4: ValueBound[A]): Interval[A] =
v2.a.compare(v3.a).signum match {
case -1 => // v1 ~ v2 < v3
union4_1approx2_2less3(v1, v2, v3, v4)
case 0 => // v1 ~ v2 ~ v3
union4_1approx2_2approx3(v1, v2, v3, v4)
case 1 => // v3 < v1 ~ v2
union4_1less2_2approx3(v3, v1, v2, v4)
/** Returns the interval which contains all the given bounds.
* Assumption: v1.a < v2.a and v1.a < v3.a (i.e. v1 is the minimum of all).
@inline def union4_1less2_1less3[A: Order](v1: ValueBound[A], v2: ValueBound[A],
v3: ValueBound[A], v4: ValueBound[A]): Interval[A] =
v2.a.compare(v3.a).signum match {
case -1 => // v1 < v2 < v3
union3_1less2(v1, v3, v4)
case 0 => // v1 < v2 ~ v3
union4_1less2_2approx3(v1, v2, v3, v4)
case 1 => // v1 < v3 < v2
union3_1less2(v1, v2, v4)
/** Returns the interval which contains all the given bounds.
* Assumption: v1.a < v3.a and v2.a < v3.a (i.e. v3 is the maximum of all).
@inline def union4_1less3_2less3[A: Order](v1: ValueBound[A], v2: ValueBound[A],
v3: ValueBound[A], v4: ValueBound[A]): Interval[A] =
v1.a.compare(v2.a).signum match {
case -1 => // v1 < v2 < v3
union3_1less2(v1, v3, v4)
case 0 => // v1 ~ v2 < v3
union4_1approx2_2less3(v1, v2, v3, v4)
case 1 => // v2 < v1 < v3
union3_1less2(v2, v3, v4)
/** Returns the interval which contains all the given bounds.
* *
* Assumption: v1.a < v2.a.
@inline def union4_1less2[A: Order](v1: ValueBound[A], v2: ValueBound[A],
v3: ValueBound[A], v4: ValueBound[A]): Interval[A] =
v2.a.compare(v3.a).signum match {
case -1 => // v1 < v2 < v3
union3_1less2(v1, v3, v4)
case 0 => // v1 < v2 ~ v3
union4_1less2_2approx3(v1, v2, v3, v4)
case 1 => // v1 < v2 and v3 < v2
union4_1less3_2less3(v1, v3, v2, v4)
/** Returns the interval which contains all the given bounds. */
@inline def union4[A: Order](v1: ValueBound[A], v2: ValueBound[A],
v3: ValueBound[A], v4: ValueBound[A]): Interval[A] =
v1.a.compare(v2.a).signum match {
case -1 => // v1 < v2
union4_1less2(v1, v2, v3, v4)
case 1 => // v1 > v2
union4_1less2(v2, v1, v3, v4)
case 0 => // v1 ~ v2
union4_1approx2(v1, v2, v3, v4)
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