spire.math.poly.Term.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package spire.math.poly
import scala.{specialized => spec}
import spire.algebra.{Eq, Field, Order, Rig, Ring, Rng, Semiring}
import spire.syntax.field._
import spire.syntax.eq._
// Univariate polynomial term
case class Term[@spec(Float, Double) C](coeff: C, exp: Int) { lhs =>
def unary_-(implicit r: Rng[C]): Term[C] = Term(-coeff, exp)
def +(rhs: Term[C])(implicit r: Semiring[C]): Term[C] = {
if (lhs.exp != rhs.exp)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"can't add terms of degree $exp and ${rhs.exp}")
Term(lhs.coeff + rhs.coeff, lhs.exp)
def *(rhs: Term[C])(implicit r: Semiring[C]): Term[C] =
Term(lhs.coeff * rhs.coeff, lhs.exp + rhs.exp)
def toTuple: (Int, C) = (exp, coeff)
def eval(x: C)(implicit r: Semiring[C]): C =
if (exp != 0) coeff * (x pow exp) else coeff
def isIndexZero: Boolean =
exp == 0
def isZero(implicit ring: Semiring[C], eq: Eq[C]): Boolean =
coeff === ring.zero
def divideBy(x: C)(implicit f: Field[C]): Term[C] =
Term(coeff / x, exp)
def der(implicit r: Ring[C]): Term[C] =
Term(coeff * r.fromInt(exp), exp - 1)
def int(implicit f: Field[C]): Term[C] =
Term(coeff / f.fromInt(exp + 1), exp + 1)
override def toString: String = {
import Term._
def expString = exp match {
case 0 => ""
case 1 => "x"
case _ => "x" + exp.toString.map(superscript)
def simpleCoeff: Option[String] = coeff match {
case 0 => Some("")
case 1 if exp == 0 => Some(s" + $coeff")
case 1 => Some(s" + $expString")
case -1 if exp != 0 => Some(s" - $expString")
case _ => None
def stringCoeff: Option[String] = coeff.toString match {
case IsZero() => Some("")
case IsNegative(posPart) if exp == 0 => Some(s" - $posPart")
case IsNegative(posPart) => Some(s" - $posPart$expString")
case _ => None
simpleCoeff orElse stringCoeff getOrElse s" + $coeff$expString"
object Term {
implicit def ordering[C]: Order[Term[C]] = new Order[Term[C]] {
def compare(x: Term[C], y: Term[C]): Int = x.exp compare y.exp
def fromTuple[@spec(Float, Double) C](tpl: (Int, C)): Term[C] =
Term(tpl._2, tpl._1)
def zero[@spec(Float, Double) C](implicit r: Semiring[C]): Term[C] =
Term(r.zero, 0)
def one[@spec(Float, Double) C](implicit r: Rig[C]): Term[C] =
Term(r.one, 0)
private val IsZero = "0".r
private val IsNegative = "-(.*)".r
private val digitToSuperscript = Array(
'0' -> '\u2070',
'1' -> '\u2071',
'2' -> '\u2072',
'3' -> '\u2073',
'4' -> '\u2074',
'5' -> '\u2075',
'6' -> '\u2076',
'7' -> '\u2077',
'8' -> '\u2078',
'9' -> '\u2079',
'-' -> '\u207B',
'1' -> '\u00B9',
'2' -> '\u00B2',
'3' -> '\u00B3'
// call Regex constructor directly to get rid of compiler warning
// replace with "".r once SI-6723 is fixed
private val superscriptRegex =
new scala.util.matching.Regex("[\\u2070\\u2071\\u2072\\u2073\\u2074\\u2075\\u2076\\u2077\\u2078\\u2079\\u207B\\u00B9\\u00B2\\u00B3]+")
private[spire] def removeSuperscript(text: String): String =
superscriptRegex.replaceAllIn(text, "^" + _.group(0).map(removeSuperscript))
private val superscript : (Char => Char) = Map(digitToSuperscript:_*)
private val removeSuperscript : (Char => Char) = Map(digitToSuperscript.map(_.swap):_*)
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